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About cozzan

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  1. cozzan

    Traders and Traitors

    Completed a trade with noobsmcgee We meet up on a server and did the trade he's a really pleasant guy to trade with. We did the trade and my m8 found a heli crash soo we meet up with him @The heli and ended up giving Noobsmcgee an m249 and picked a DMR for ourself's had some turky style shooting with some zombies, Whacked a guy creeping around our trade site and had a generally good time. Would recommend him to trade with anytime. +1 to him
  2. Tasty Stuff = Gun Guns and more Guns, Like a camo svd or maybe a cco sd etc, Whatever floats your goat! The rangefinder would be greatly appreciated, What do you want for it? :)
  3. cozzan

    LF ghillie/l85

    Iam adding you to talk! :)
  4. Seriusly!? Where the fuck did you find that Enfield!? i've been looking for it for month.... Wait a minut i bet you'r just giving me this sweet deal to lure me in and take my stuff and keep urz enfield? :(
  5. Just added you on skype, Accept and lets talk some more and then make the trade, :)
  6. I Have Pm'ed you my skype detail's feel free to add me. And if you dont got skype msg me on steam. Cozzan92
  7. Hello as the topic says, Me and my friends are currently looking for: Coyote Backpacks x2 Rangefinder x1 Tasty Stuff x∞ What we have to trade: GPSx2 M249x1, 1mag (Might be able to get some more for you if its a must) NVGx2 M16a2x1 8mag (Same here) *Gone* M9SDx1 1mag All toolbelt items exept radio FN FAL With NVG Scope (2mags) A New addition of the M4 CCO in camo pattern, [http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/M4A1_CCO] I got the hero skin and will not be offended if you bring sniper support. For myself i will probably have some barrel's pointed at your way just in case but only for protection. We will find a good spot for the trade and an empty server. Cheers!
  8. the operator: This started before 2.5 and were talking about the same computer. its not my friends computer counter my its the same just different internet connections
  9. I cant find any servers but as soon as iam on my friends wireless internet @His house everything works, Finds all the servers in all possible ways in an instant. Come home... cant find a single one, and if i mess with the system to leave servers in the list as i travel from his house to mine and try to join i get stuck on Waiting for host. :/
  10. Dosen't work, Still cant find any server even if i use remote with Ip/port
  11. Hello i got a problem i cant find a soloution to. I've been searching the web for hours without any luck soo now iam here. My problem is that i cannot connect or find any servers in MP, Iam currently playing alot of DayZ and i use DayZ Commander. Keep in mind that the problem is not in the Mod DayZ's its the complete game. Iam only bringing it up for "Hopefully" Easier troubleshooting. When playing the original ARMA II and OA i find NO servers whatsoever. With DayZ Commander the program finds the servers but wont show them to me (My filter is set to show ALL servers) When iam on the same computer at a friends house theres no problem whatsoever, Its when i come home and try to play here the problem occurs and thats why i think its maybe a port problem with my router. Information follow's. (If i keep DayZ Commander with the server list open when i leave my friends house and come home i can see all the servers but if i try to join them it change's the Ping to 10.000 And i get stuck on Waiting for host) Iam on a Wireless connection. ZyNEX P-2601HN-F1 I have no idea on how to open ports on this router and if anyone of you guys/girls would like to help me it would mean alot to me.