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Everything posted by castun66

  1. castun66

    About the Security Issues

    Hopefully auditing can be done at a moment's notice by the auditing team, mainly in order to prevent preemptive tampering by less-than-honest server admins trying to cover their tracks. If they had to actually request the temporary access from the server admins first, it may not do much good at catching bad server operators.
  2. castun66

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Glad to see info on updates coming again now that E3 is over. Here's hoping that the anti-disconnecting measures will also make it into this update.
  3. castun66

    About the Security Issues

    Been a while since I've used map markers in Arma but yes I beleive that's how it works. If you place a map marker while on side channel chat everyone else can basically see them. Servers that have those chat channels disabled will not show up on other people's maps AFAIK. Also some servers have the waypoint markers disabled as well (shift+left click on map.)
  4. castun66

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    You're right snipes in that a logout timer will only mitigate the issue somewhat because people could still disconnect after the timer runs out. Wouldn't really allow you to quit easily from zombies because once you stop running they're on you in a matter of seconds. I think your idea of needing to use a tent or sleeping bag in the woods would work well, maybe make it so it takes a minute to use and log you out. It could still be possible to logout without though, but the timer in that case could be several minutes. That would do a lot to stop people from just running into a building to quit IMHO.
  5. Doesn't always work. Just got off a server where it was about 10PM, there was no moon, but clear night with stars. Couldn't even see my own feet or hands even when fiddling with the gamma. I have a pistol with a flashlight on it, but the cone of light seems awefully narrow. Not a problem when outdoors, but trying to navigate a building is a nightmare because the light is so small. Doesn't help how you always hold your weapon at arms length.
  6. castun66

    You were kicked off the game!

    Netgear routers are crap IMHO. I hope you fix the issue, even if you have to replace it.
  7. castun66

    I found a G36C - is it legitimate.

    Camo SVD is legit, but don't think any of those others are.
  8. castun66

    About the Security Issues

    I'm glad to see that the issue was dealt with swiftly and the script kiddie banned. Anyone that is whining about non-related issues in this thread should be banned as well, but that's IMHO. :)
  9. castun66

    Loading Problem

    After having problems last night getting stuck at the loading screen, I verified my Steam cache, reinstalled BattleEye, reinstalled the beta patch and reinstalled DayZ. Using the beta.exe swap trick with steam and modifying the launch parameters is causing the game to crash now, even after running vanilla Arma2 and OA without the betas. Using the shortcut to launch the beta works fine, although I was still having issues joining certain servers. Was finally able to join US 39 7th Cav server in only 10 seconds. Seems to have been a server specific issue, maybe they were due for a restart or something.
  10. castun66

    Loading Problem

    I'm also experiencing this issue, when this morning and even yesterday everything was working fine.
  11. Seems some servers are suddenly causing me to get stuck when joining. It receives data just fine, but then the black loading screen comes up, and then a loading bar pops up in the middle under Loading and gets stuck at ~2/3 completed and doesn't ever finish.
  12. castun66

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Slightly off-topic, but I've seen people comment on certain YouTube videos of players being hunted and killed, about how they were going to 'report' the poster for griefing by PKing. I'm sorry, but LOLWUT? It seems like these same people are the ones that are likely to disconnect as soon as the proverbial $h|t hits the fan.
  13. castun66

    Partially Used Ammo Mag at 0 on login

    Seems like this feature has been disabled or tweaked in 1.7, don't think I have lost any partial mags yet, that I'm aware of.
  14. castun66

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Anyone who talks about a disconnect timer and says "Well OK, but what about when you have a legitimate reason to disconnect but are in danger?" The game isn't supposed to and won't differentiate between a legitimate reason for leaving. The thing about a rule or mechanic like this, is that once it's implemented, everyone has to follow it no matter what, no excuses, no appeals. It's a risk you have to take in any other MMO style game where if you enter a dangerous area, you run the risk of being killed whether you're at your computer or not. If there's the possibility you might be called away from your PC at a moment's notice, then it's probably a good idea not to put yourself in that position in the first place.
  15. castun66 Horrible frames per second

    Just like to report that I finally did experience this issue as well. Same as many people, it was typically 10-12 FPS (I use Dxtory to monitor my FPS) and crazy motion blur when turning. Restarting the game and rejoining the same server only partially fixed the problem, as after rejoining I was getting 20-35fps, but it didn't feel smooth even at the higher end of this. Normal FPS is 45-60, sometimes 40 or so in cities but always feels very smooth. System specs: Intel i5 760 O/Ced to 4.0Ghz 8GB DDR3 1600Mhz nVidia GTX 470 Win7 x64
  16. castun66

    1.6.0 Stuck as male

    I also did not get the option. First time I was even able to successfully log in was after the hotfix. When I spawned in, I was on the coast as a new char (I had died the night before, so was expected.) I fell unconscious immediately for several minutes when spawning.