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vandal gab

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Everything posted by vandal gab

  1. vandal gab

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Holy Baked BeanZ Batman!!
  2. vandal gab

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Last of the day! Milky BarZ are on me..
  3. vandal gab

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Ever wondered what rocket gets up to with all our beans?
  4. Is there gonna be any gameplay footage?
  5. vandal gab

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Last one from me Matt Lightfoot spotted doing the Truffle Shuffle..
  6. vandal gab

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Rocket just spotted in the local chocolate factory!
  7. Amazing, thanks for the update =) keep up the good work..
  8. vandal gab

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Dean Solo and Mattbacca spotted in Tatooine..
  9. vandal gab

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Rocket Rider
  10. vandal gab

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Thank you =)
  11. vandal gab

    Just saw Rocket again.

    When Rocket takes off his Shades his secret identity is revealed.
  12. vandal gab

    Is there any way to overclock the map ?

    Scroll out Right click on the map and drag!
  13. vandal gab

    DayZ not registering new RAM

    Arma 2 wll only use up to 2047 of Ram no more.. http://community.bis...rtup_Parameters
  14. vandal gab

    Public or Private Hive?

    I play on a non edited, standard load out Chernarus whitlisted private hive and it's awesome. Great group of people and some amazing battles with awesome banter and no hacking.
  15. vandal gab

    PC Problem

    How is the 560ti connected to the monitor/TV? Also doe's the mother board have a hdmi/dvi output if so have you tried swapping the cables over, the motherboard may be set to boot from the on board output. Edit. Sorry I didn't do my research that chip doesn't have a inbuilt gpu ignore my post =) power leads as above is your best bet..
  16. vandal gab

    Worth waiting?

    Dayz mod is amazing, If you have the spare cash then buy Arma 2 CO, it's a great game in it's own write and the free Dayz mod makes it even better. There could still be a long wait for the standalone at present no one knows.
  17. vandal gab

    Can you do this?

    You may find this link useful - http://kodabar.blogs...rma-2-free.html
  18. vandal gab

    Can you do this?

    yes, yes you can!
  19. vandal gab

    Gtx 260

    Why not just get another GTX 560ti and sli. That would give you a good boost in performance.
  20. vandal gab

    Happy New Year

    yappy hew near every one p.s so not wasted.
  21. Lots of info on the Dayz Standalone. Goto 55:10 for a question on the standalone optimization.
  22. vandal gab

    Driver Crashing

    You could try rolling back the driver try 310.64 beta or previous. All I can find on the matter is overheating issues. shift + - flush was a fix for artifacts that are no longer a problem in the mod. Edit - Have you changed any of the settings in the Nvidia control panel? + have you Overclocked you gtx?
  23. vandal gab


    It's fine they have to say that because it's unofficial software. It's safe to use and in my opinion it's better than the official Six Launcher. Manually installing Dayz can be difficult, with Dayz commander it's all in one place and very simple to use.
  24. vandal gab


    I play on a server called UK ENOCH (Private hive) and UK 417 (Main hive). Won't be on for a few days got Christmas stuff to do! =( P.s recommend downloading Dayz commander it is great for updating the game searching for servers + players. http://www.dayzcommander.com/
  25. vandal gab


    Try the server section - http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/16-server-general/ Merry Christmas enjoy Dayz it's awesome =)