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vandal gab

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Everything posted by vandal gab

  1. vandal gab

    Can't play DayZ

    No worries, Last thing I can think of On Dayzcommander.exe - Properties - security - are the permissions all set to Allow for Administrators and Users?
  2. vandal gab

    Can't play DayZ

    Another thread on the same issue http://forums.dayzcommander.com/index.php?/topic/56-unable-to-get-version-from-server/
  3. vandal gab

    Can't play DayZ

    Found this if it helps.. http://forums.dayzcommander.com/index.php?/topic/419-unable-to-get-version-from-server/ I don't think you will need to delete any of the battleeye file's tho but it may work.
  4. vandal gab

    Can't play DayZ

    You could always try the Play withsix launcher http://play.withsix.com/ it another option =(
  5. vandal gab

    Can't play DayZ

    Try loading OA beta it's not gonna hurt trying. Silly Question, Have you tried restarting dayzcommander since you've installed the beta?
  6. vandal gab

    Can't play DayZ

    have you loaded up Arma 2 and OA (this is important both must be run before doing anything else)? Could you try re-installing Dayzcommander?
  7. vandal gab

    Can't play DayZ

    Works fine, try installing an older version of Dayz?
  8. vandal gab

    Can't play DayZ

    Not 100% sure but I have both installed and it's only 38MB.
  9. vandal gab

    Can't play DayZ

    Have you installed Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead Beta? And I take it you have ran both arma 2 and OA?
  10. vandal gab

    Can't play DayZ

    Have you tried adding your game directories in the Dayz commander settings? It's possible one of those is incorrect, Or try overriding the game directories with your current paths. other than that I have no idea =(
  11. vandal gab

    Can't play DayZ

    I can remember a while back a friend told me not to install Dayz via Steam as it messes Dayz commander up! Maybe that was your problem.
  12. vandal gab

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Captain Rocket
  13. vandal gab

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Another Rocket
  14. vandal gab

    Just saw Rocket again.

    My first attempt at a Gif.
  15. vandal gab


    Could most definitely see myself in one of these traditional Russian dresses
  16. vandal gab

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Damn it just deleted all my rocket images..
  17. vandal gab

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Download paint shop pro x5 30day trail, that's what I have been using even tho I've bought the full version just for this thread lol.. http://www.corel.com/corel/product/index.jsp?pid=prod4900067
  18. vandal gab

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Six more pages until I can make another video, Come on guys get your creative heads on =)
  19. vandal gab

    Just saw Rocket again.

    I Was in a little rush to get this video done before work and have been searching for music that is somewhat related for the last few days, glad you like it =)
  20. vandal gab

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Pages 41-60 Not too sure about my choice in music for this video, any suggestions welcome I will take it down and edit =).. edit... P.s Big thank you to the Dayz community who have posted these awesome works of art! Keep this thread alive
  21. vandal gab

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Sky Rim
  22. vandal gab

    High res texture difference

    Here are a few pic's of the High res skins. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197970399723/screenshots/
  23. vandal gab

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Made a little video for this thread =) Pages 21-40 Sorry If I missed any pictures and for not including any gifs..
  24. vandal gab

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Thanks fraggle glad people like it, thought of the idea a while back but only finally got round to doing it! I will do the next 20 pages in the coming week =)
  25. vandal gab

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Made a little video for this thread =) Sorry If I missed any pictures and for not including any gifs..