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Posts posted by Mycaelis

  1. 3 hours ago, S3V3N said:

    That is weird. I am on an i7, too. Frames are good ~15-40. Perhaps you should reinstall. The game is not running that badly. I suppose your RAM is working and you have at least 8GB? The game should run better for you.   

    >>EDIT: Did you adjust the gfx settings at all? I have no clouds, no anti-aliasing, no AO, etc. and everything on low, pretty much. Doesn't look bad, plays good.

    Looking forward to the new renderer, so we can stop saying 15-40 FPS is considered good for the game.

    • Like 1

  2. Who here has been within inches of a player and they never see you? Well, that happened to me. I was laying in the middle of a field in the middle of the night with two guys walking towards me. They had their flashlights on, and I was just laying on the ground. They literally almost walked on top of me, and they never saw me. I'm not kidding, I was actually sweating throughout that entire sequence of events. Reply with your own crazy stories below.


    Hah, yeah, I've had some great moments like that.


    I was just happily looting a building, and heard footsteps, I literally just hid behind the door (as I always shut doors to buildings I enter) and waited, they opened the door, ran into the room and moved into the next room.


    Suffice to say I made a speedy exit when they couldn't see me..

    It's one of the things I love about DayZ, In no other game have I experienced this kind of tension and adrenaline.

  3. That is because the pu scope has no zoom. Put the big scope on then your hold down the right mouse button = win.


    tip - keeping it held down will exhaust you and make you constantly thirsty so use rt mouse button sparingly when scanning.


    Or re-map the right click "hold breath" key. I found it quite useful to have it on a separate key.

  4. I tried pressing page up/down but nothing happend. Made me believe that maybe those buttons didnt work in my keyboard so I assigned the zeeroing on different buttons but it still didnt work.

    Maybe I have just misread this item and zooming in is not possible on it.


    ACOG Optics test


    (Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight with 4x magnification level. Attachable to any weapon with a standardized rail system. Factory default zeroed to 100m and manually adjustable to 700m.)


    It's a known issue that the ACOG scope only provides around 1.9x (ish) zoom at the moment, you experience this zoom when you bring up the sights.

    As for zeroing, I can confirm that the ACOG scope zero's to 800m, but the zoom is still very limited.

  5. I've got the Standalone on Steam and I play with a lot of my friends (usually run around in a very large group of players).


    In the original Arma2 mod, I had two copies of Operation Arrow head, this allowed me to change CD'keys in the flash of the hat and swap characters. I usually did this to have two characters, one in which I played with my friends, moving with the group, the other for me to play on my own when the group wasn't playing.


    Is there currently a way to have two copies of DayZ Standalone via steam?

    If not, will it be something that can be looked into?

    I'd rather not go through the hassle of managing multiple steam accounts just for DayZ.


    Given the price, I probably won't, but hey, you never know, I might win the lottery and have some spare money to burn...






  6. Remove Barbed Wire - Yes (with an intention to return it later on?)

    Barbed Wire has a place in DayZ, however, I would like to see the following changes though:

    - Make barbed wire climbable, with a chance of causing bleeding.

    - You can only deploy barbed wire with a toolbox (this stops 90% of barbed wire in cherno / elektro being put up),

    - You cannot place barbed wire inside a building, the concept is a bit silly.

  7. Our fight on the DE398 with the Vulture clan.

    They thought we were just a bunch of ragged noobs, they soon found out that wasn't true.

    P.S, these vulture clan guys are asses, they own the DE398 server, and banned us for finding their camp at 004,000 on that server. Please everybody, go raid their camp, it had the chopper, 4 tents and a URAL with no wheels.

    • Like 2

  8. To be honest I hate complaining' date='heck I even made an account just to post this topic!

    Anoyance level must be at 100% at the moment,here's the story!

    So I heard of this game/mod totaly over hyped and the best game some people ever played.

    So I bought arma 2 just for Dayz,wel was I in for a treat,after 5 hours of waisting my time running around on a boring landscape all I could find where 2 stupid axes and no guns!

    Zombies somehow have telekinetic powers to duplicate or teleport inside house and aside from that in every freaking item spawn sot there is a fucking zombie so how am I suppose to get a gun or a stupid axe or whatever if I cant even kill the zombie protecting that junk?

    I waisted 30€ on this shit!


    Next time friend, do some research!

    DayZ is in an Alpha stage, meaning its still in its infancy of development, so if you expected a smooth, non-bugged game out of DayZ right now, then you sir made a huge mistake.

    So before complaining and ranting on the forums, do some research about DayZ, understand what an Alpha is and then make an informed decision..

  9. I've died from firing an enfield before' date=' i guess i was closer to a town then i thought, as was rusehd by 30 odd zombies. so staying clear of that gun.

    I'm going to have fun practicing zeriong on the CZ somwhere far away, if you shoot a tree does it leave a mark?


    You can see the bullet impact when it hits, but thats about it really.

    I suggest loading the CZ 550 into a custom Arma2 game (if its in Arma2 on its own) and testing there..

    My friend and I did that for practicing with the DMR.

  10. Within the last hour' date=' I have fallen over dead twice for no reason. No bullet impact sound, no bullet whizzing, no broken bones, completely closed off and safe from enemy fire. Just silence.

    It is especially frustrating because both times, I was fully geared out with my teammates and ready to go and it takes way more than fifteen minutes (the new bs player body disappear time) to get to camp.

    Is anyone else experiencing this? I would like to discuss it before I submit it to the bug forum.

    I'll compile bug reports into one post.

    *Where you were: School house in Elektro - secure position; Mil Tent in Stary - secure position

    *What you were doing: Chillin like Bob Dylan, discussing with clan-mates what our next move was.

    *Current installed version:

    *Server(s) you were on: SLC 1

    *Your system specs:

    16 GB DDR3

    AMD FX 4100 Quad 3.6 Ghz

    HIS Ice Q Radeon 6950 2Gb Turbo

    Asrock 970 Mobo

    *Timeline of events before/after error: Immeasurable rage, destruction and countless murdering of puppies.


    No offense intended, but you were probably shot..

    I have noticed friends who randomly died (or passed out) due to silly things like, doing a running > prone into a tree.. or awkwardly moving around a tree and passed out, with a broken bone... it was weird, but probably how the player is modelled to the terrain, more of an ArmA2 than anything.

    I can tell you though, I have also, randomly died... no bullet sounds, etc.

    I was shot, in the head, but a sniper.

    Obviously, there are a few things you've mentioned, you were with friends, and did they hear anything? how far away were they from you..

    I can assure you, that a militart tent in Starry Sobor is not a safe place, I've killed, seen my people killed, when they thought they were in a tent.

    But not to rule out what your saying, these are some of the reasons my friends and I have nearly died, or died from:

    - Going into prone whilst running hitting a tree (Insta-death).

    - Crawling near a tree (Knocked unconcious but could have died if I didnt heal / epi-pen.

    - Clicking respawn by accident, when actually wanting to click Options.


    (My friend who did this, was actually alive for 17 days in game, what a way to finally kick it).

    - Opening a door or gate, which hits you in the face.

    - Being shot in the head by a single sniper, from long range, my friends close by did not hear a shot.

    - Died instantly after logging back in, possibly due to being killed in the Debug forest.

    Any of these sound reasonable for what could have happened to you?

  11. I can't really disagree with you Mycaelis' date=' in fact many of the things you talk about I think are perfectly applicable and really drive the atmosphere in DayZ. But again, if we head back to Post #1, the original problem I have is that the game punishes group mentality and rewards lone wolf gameplay.

    Have you ever seen a zombie movie, game, tv show or otherwise that solely pits you against the rest of the world alone, by yourself? I can't think of one. In fact, the natural instinct it seems for [i']everyone in all these settings is group mentality. Look at Walking Dead, you have not individuals roaming around but groups that are roaming around. Sure, the groups feud over each other and there are people shooting at other people in other groups, but the fact remains that there really aren't even groups for bandits. Many people kill indiscriminately, that is not what would be happening. Look - even you are part of a group of a few friends who kill other people. You grouped up in response to the environment. But I can tell you, gathering those supplies and such was sure a hell of a lot more difficult as a group than you just getting exactly what you want when you found it.

    I think there might be a rather simplistic solution to the problem... put more gear further out, and higher volumes of it. The other option is spawn players closer together in relativity to the major cities. Not IN the cities, but closer to them. So dying isn't a 40 minute walk towards Churnogorsk or Elektro. Food for thought.

    I do agree that in some way. the game doesn't really help people playing on their own (i.e. without personal friends).

    Since it's so easy for someone just to kill youand take your stuff, and with the player killers on the coast, someone on their own will probably not enjoy the game as much, from constantly being killed or shot by someone who pretends to be a "friend".

    I can't say I've experienced, or want to experience that element of the game really, since I have always (and prefer to) played with my friends.

    I think one of the more interesting suggestions I've seen / heard is the concept of player run towns, or at least, maybe just one...

    No zombies, but an NPC guarded town, or possibly maybe just a town where PvP isn't allowed.. at least it gives you an area to meet up, trade gear, or group up with like minded people. It's not unreasonable, to have this situation if there were a zombie apocolypse, a certain group of people would no doubt setup their own territory and guard it themselves, allowing people to enter, but removing their weapons before they can enter (thus giving you the situation of PvP being disabled)..

    Only problem with this I suppose is outside of the town will probably be a kill zone of the same player killers which you're trying to avoid.

    It would at least give you the opportunity to find people who want to group, allowing that aspect to grow a little, rather than more "every man for himself".

    Even allows people who want to role play and provide services, like blood transfusions, they can simply stay in the safe area and trade their way into business without ever leaving the safe area...

    Maybe only 1 safe zone in the entire map.. it certainly opens up a lot more possible ways to play the game, without being too unreasonable from a real life situation.

  12. Just wanted to point out I was given negative reputation for an opinion (a constructive opinion at that). Clearly' date=' I struck a nerve and pissed in someones pie. If anything, it is simply a reflection of this community - and it is the community (not the game) that is the real problem. It harkens back to the original post. There is nothing wrong with DayZ, there is a fundamental problem with the community itself. The players are the real downfall. It's a shame too, but great ideas have been squandered by ravenous fanatics who are convinced that nothing is wrong (APB anyone? Countless titles that had potential and were killed by heavy divides in the community.), "Keep Calm and Carry On." mentality. Despite the looming problems, with again, the community and not the game itself (Which I think most of you have missed the point entirely of my post.)

    If this is a community, then constructive feedback is necessary. Even if the idea isn't warranted at the time, feedback IS feedback. The problem is the majority (Omni, and a few select others excluded) don't understand that this is a [u']work in progress, and what you might be mocking me for, may very well be implemented at some uncertain point in the future.

    But the majority of you have shown your true colors, and it makes me wonder do I really want to play with a community like this. Perhaps I'll just throw up my own DayZ server on one of the many dedicated boxes I help run, and bring in 50-100 people who will want to be on that server. I never said get rid of PvP, I never criticized the actual gameplay mechanics. I criticized the majority of the people that this game has attracted. Who are for a lack of a better word, zombies themselves.


    I noticed earlier that I was criticized by someone who said the reason I died is I was being careless and out in the open. Actually, we were travelling at night, in pitch black darkness under cover of tree and hillside. Can't get much more covered.


    Although I can respect your position, I can't really agree with you.

    The whole Bandit issue makes the game amazing for me...

    This is my situation:

    - I play with up to 6-7 of my friends, usually in a group of 3-4 at a minimum.

    - I trust no-one else in the game.

    - Anyone coming close to my friends and me is a threat.

    - I will not announce that I see someone, or ask if they are friendly.

    This essentially loses my element of suprise, almost levelling the playing field as the person or persons we see, will know they are being watched.

    Sometimes, we die (Although mostly to silly things like laying down into trees, or accidently clicking respawn, instead of options).

    - We generally kill on sight, although we have helped people on the odd occasion.

    I can accept, that we may sound like a bunch of dicks, but the only thing I can say, is 90% of the enjoyment I have experienced in the game, has come down to combat with other players.

    I played last night, my friends and I cleared out Starry Sobor, went to Air Field, cleared the barracks there and went back to Starry Sobor.. In this whole time, we only saw 1 other player, who was running like a maniac way in the distance.. This was an extremely boring night.

    We're all pretty geared out, only lacking a few more NVG goggles, killing zombies is a chore, more than enjoyment, becuase we've become a quite powerful group, gear wise, killing 10-15 zombies in a single fight is not even a problem (except for me accidentally shooting a friend in the head.. he know's who he is..). We've explored almost the entire map, and the pretty much the only thing we really haven't done is fix up a chopper... so the main enjoyment comes from killing other people.

    Helping players is well and all, but without the almost constant fear of being shot in the back, or sniped by someone, this game would have no atmosphere to me...

    Although, to give ourselves a little bit of credit, we never go near the coast, and kill new players, we're generally in the middle of the map, moving between popular towns and landmarks, killing those in our way... people who should understand, if you're in Starry Sobor or NW Airfield, you are risking your life.. As we are.

    I always expect to be killed in this places, which I have been, it's a part of the game and sometimes you need to accept it.

    I seriously suggest you find friends, people you trust to play with, that security gives you so much, and with good, skilled players, you can rely on them to have your back, when you do something risky.

    Forgive me if I've read your opinion wrong, and please feel free to counter any of my points.

    But the whole tone of my message is, for me... without the constant fear of being shot by a random guy, this game just wouldn't have any atmosphere.. the adrenaline rush when you see 3 people in the distance running towards you, and your group of friends is something that I have not found again in over 10 years of FPS gaming... and it's what makes this game so appealing.

  13. Since when were military grade gear considered 'common' weapons. I'm assuming this thread is basically Winchester vs. Enfield vs. CZ550.

    My vote goes for winchester' date=' 15 shots, easy to find, ammo every where and one or two hit kills at very reasonable distances.


    Tbh, as someone who never spends any time at the coast and only really loots Military Camps / Barracks... AK's, AKM's, MP5's, M4's & M16's are really quite common weapons for me..

    It's understanding how people can get that mixed up, as there are probably thousands of players like me, who just dont go near the coast...

  14. I must say, I'm suprised that this Male / Female character choice has created such a flurry of opinion. I've selected to play as a female (even though I'm male) and it's not that bigger deal for me whether I play as either, or if I cannot change it again.. Only issue so far, is the fact that the female characters breathing is quite loud when she's tired...
