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Geth Legion

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About Geth Legion

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  1. Ok, So it was about an hour ago when I was on a DayZ panthera server with my friends and a few randomers, then a hackers started teleporting us and so we left the server before we died. We went back on it and it kept on saying That we were banned by battleye! Not just the hacker but us also! Its not right, i can't play ArmA or DayZ anymore, is there anywere that i can submit a ban appeal or.. something? *EDIT* Alright so it looks like its starting to work again, but im not sure if it'll be back. I'll give them an E-mail anyways for safe keeping.
  2. To add along with the fortifications I had a query that certain ammo's are very hard to come across, so you could make/ find shells/casings powder and such needed for making ammo, then you could build a bullet station or bench to combine these. Just a thought.
  3. Ive been playing dayz well over 3 months now and i've been really lonely :'( I don't want to be a bandit cause that is just a dick move, but a lone surviver is always unpredictable, so if you have a group i could settle in that'd be great! ------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some specs of me: How long i've had DayZ: Well over 3 months. How mature I am: I know where to draw the line. Age: 14 Do i have Skype/teamspeak: Yes for both. Current state on DayZ: Probably Dead or in Eectro. What use will I be to the group: I like the m4A1-3 series and Im more of a defensive/scavenger type. ------------------------------------------------------------- Please reply, if you have any more questions about me just ask here. - G. Legion
  4. Geth Legion

    DayZ Stand alone ideas / suggestions

    I me gusta this.
  5. Geth Legion

    Bows and other ideas!

    Well bows can have attachable sights!
  6. Geth Legion

    Bows and other ideas!

    I know they are, im talking about bow and arrows.
  7. Geth Legion

    Bows and other ideas!

    A good idea I thought of for DayZ is to add bows to the game, and have different types of bows with their own benefits based on real life statistics, such as Compound bows doesnt require a pull-back to fire, or a recurve bow will go further. Even in the standalone game of DayZ will be great as the ArmA2 engine might not be able to use bows and their animations. Another idea which will definatly not be in our current DayZ is to climb trees, as it would be awesome to kill an elk or something up high. that being said, you could skin animals for their leather and make some armour to protect yourself agenst bleeding, or breaking your legs! --Edited on 27/08/12-- You could also find quivers to hold your arrows instead of putting them in your inventroy (like a mini-backpack but on your toolbelt, doesn't replace your backpack and shows on your character)
  8. Geth Legion

    Bows and other ideas!

    A good idea I thought of for DayZ is to add bows to the game, and have different types of bows with their own benefits based on real life statistics, such as Compound bows doesnt require a pull-back to fire, or a recurve bow will go further. Even in the standalone game of DayZ will be great as the ArmA2 engine might not be able to use bows and their animations. Another idea which will definatly not be in our current DayZ is to climb trees, as it would be awesome to kill an elk or something up high. that being said, you could skin animals for their leather and make some armour to protect yourself agenst bleeding, or breaking your legs!
  9. Maybe something like 0.5 per 6 seconds or something.
  10. Geth Legion

    Team of 9 looking for more

    1) 14 2) Central (Uk but usually up late) 3) Defender (can you explain Defender a bit more?) 4) Any of the M4A1/3 series. 5) Just died. ¬_¬ 6) 3-6 weeks and Highest days surviving was 13. 7) Im very mature for my age and I tend to take to think through things before act, and I love my beans! :') Skype: Geth Legion