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About Megasdta

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Maybe crash sites should show on Recruit setting servers and not show on Regular and above. A good idea would be to bring back the radio tool and when a new heli crash site spawns, a SOS message plays over the radio with the coords or location its close too.
  2. Megasdta

    Heli Crash Sites help

    Thanks for the replies guys. Ive read in the path notes that the crash sites will be shown on the map in 1.7.5 which i dislike but atleast it will confirm crashes spawning on the server. Myself and another team mate did jump between a few multiplay servers but very few had side chat enabled and when they did it went ignored, we found 1 on a Vilayer server within 20 minutes of logging on between stary and the NW airfield but we didnt take the loot as we considered it server hopping and undeserved. I guess we have been very unlucky and we will continue to search, even if its already been looted i'd just like to see one to be sure they spawn. Multiplay have offered to contact the dev team to reset the instance but it means loosing everything we have worked for and also the players who use the server, i think that would be last resort if crash sites do not show in 1.7.5
  3. Hey guys I have a question regarding Heli Crash sites recently, 3 months ago me and a few friends had a server with Vilayer and heli crash sites were common, it was a great server but we decided to take a break from dayz. 10 days ago we got another server but this time from Multiplay again we cannot complain about the server itself great speed and battle eye has been improved alot, but we have yet to see 1 crash site within the 10 days of running the server, we are also quite chatting with some of the more regular players on our server and they too have not seen any crash sites. While playing tonight we were using the Ural/UAZ and 2 ATV's scouring the map for any site, while close to stary sober the we saw 2 other players close by and used direct chat to have a chat with them, they came on our ts3 and turns out they had the helicopter repaired in the north they let one of us jump on board while they scanned the map while 3 of us used the cars to do what we could, after 3 hours of searching the most common spots and pretty much every open field we found nothing, it also turned out that the 2 players who had repaired the heli had been using it at least 2 days and found nothing, so we came to the conclusion there not spawning on our server. We opened a ticket with Multiplay and they said if a can of beans spawn the heli crash sites should spawn, and there’s nothing they can do. I was wondering has anyone else had an experience like this or possibly offer any advice on this issue. Any information would be great.