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Everything posted by mansize_rooster

  1. mansize_rooster

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I stumbled upon he and his friend and they were definitely not backstabbing murderers. :D Backstory: I was playing on the Virginia server by myself when I stumbled upon the factory south east of Polana. In need of supplies I went inside the facility and explored a bit. As I was walking around the outside I heard several footsteps coming from inside the building.. and right as I was about to announce myself he or his friend popped out scaring the hell out of me. We both were just starring at each other and no one fired a shot. I bolted out of there and when I went for cover I announced that I'm friendly and didn't want any trouble - he and his friend did the same. I left them as they were -- seeing as they were there first -- and I set out on my own again.. when he and his friend asked in chat if I wanted any medical help. I told him I was low on health but would have to decline as I didn't want to risk the chance of them being bandits. But, he assured me and said he'll meet me without weapons and that his friend would stay back (I had binoculars so I knew where they were). So I accepted and met up with him and he gave me some blood. To add to this.. he went ahead and gave me a compass when we met again about 10 minutes later (as I was lost). So he had plenty of chances to kill me but they never did. Great guy (along with his friend)! In-game name is: Master Gracey
  2. mansize_rooster

    MERGED: Night time, darkness, gamma

    Just a heads up for people who didn't know: you can pick up flares by throwing them and selecting the "pick up flare" option. It makes you a moving target but at least now you can see a distance farther than your nose. I said it in a previous thread and I'm sure it's been dozens of times in this thread, I would love a server side option that allows them to change the day/night scaling. I do understand people want a ultra-survival realism game and that is okay by me. However, as someone who plays mostly during the afternoons (8pm+) I do not want to be forced to play only during the night. So allowing servers to choose themselves is a win/win. :cool:
  3. mansize_rooster

    [Suggestion] Night/Day Cycle

    I hate the day/night cycle. :( The people who are absolutely for this system probably don't experience night often. They're more than likely the people who work normal jobs and have an average lifestyle. That is to say they're awake from 7:00am to midnight - where they experience night time only for a period of a few hours - if at all. I, personally, live a different lifestyle than most and for the most part play in the after noon hours. Meaning when I get in-game the sun is going down or it's pitch black outside. Can I join a server overseas? Sure, but I will have to deal with a high ping. This means problems with hit reg, chances of getting kicked, language barriers, etc. The funny thing is if you were to swap the hours around (make it 6pm when it's 6am) I guarantee these same people are for the current day/night periods will outraged. It's realism when it's relative to them. Like you said - they probably have no problems eating every 30 minutes. :D [edit] Having said all that - I do not think lowering the day/night periods should be forced. There are a lot of people who prefer it this way and if that's the what how they enjoy playing then there's no reason to force them. Which is why I'd suggest it to be server-side where if admins want their server to have shorter periods.. that option should be there. It's a win/win.
  4. mansize_rooster

    The Buddy System [Friend spawning mechanism]

    I don't think players should be able to spawn on top of each other at any time. If you allow this a lot of people will take advantage of it and in doing so it will take the 'risk' out of the game. E.g. "Oh, I was attacked by bandits and I died? No worries! I'll just have my friend run away and I'll respawn on him." Having said that - I still do want there to be some kind of buddy spawning. My ideal implementation would be to allow friends to join a party and spawn within a few kilometers or something. However, I think this should only apply to characters who are made within a certain amount of time (aka newbs).