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Everything posted by saifallofjmr

  1. It shouldn't be the bugs as those will be fixed but you need to look further down the line from just NVG and a vehicle. After that point then what? Without true endgame content that can be delivered with a side/optional story line which can force player interactions then this game will run on fumes and the new comer desires until the game populations drops' like battlefield 3's population after January of 2012. A story and how would it work? Much as like Fallout/Skyrim's type where there is the main story line, side quests, and other stuff. I think that will be the most efficient way to force any time of story line onto a player. Along with that in the future should be specific skills (yes I know PLS DUN DO DIS IT SO BAD) I am talking about things you can select upon spawning (much as to a type of team fortress 2 type thing) which it can either change the starting gear (medic to start with 2 bandages painkillers morphine instead of just painkillers or engineer to spawn with wirecutters crowbar, or soldier to spawn with a shovel which can be used to kill or to bury [which was a mechanic Rocket >was< going to implement] etc) these classes also in their reguards increase their efficiency of doing the related skills to this job. Also in general: crafting, add so much seriously. More information allows people to be more attached to their character. Implement a medic system/wounding system much like metal gear solid 3's medic/health system of physical showing of the person doing it (leeches, fratures, splints, bandages, stopping bleeching using a cigar, etc) more information is helpful. Turn finding a gun into finding the parts to repair it this is much like a more minecraft idea where each item you have can only take x amount of usage before it breaks or to stop and repair with avaible parts. An engineer class can be implemented to increase the effectiveness of the spare parts in relations to the amount of repair done. These things need to be address as without complex engauging endgame material the gameplay will drop. The more complex things become it can either hurt or help. This was quickly typed without reguards to grammar or style so: dolan pls.
  2. saifallofjmr

    What you guys should really be concerned about

    As I predicted the game is starting to die (even with new maps). Welp.
  3. saifallofjmr

    Not all hackers are bad

  4. As I guess people just saying FUCK U SCRUB GO BAK 2 COD. Can't wait to see this game become a cult following. I fortold this a month ago.
  5. saifallofjmr

    What you guys should really be concerned about

    It takes me maybe 1 hour to get good weapons I am comfortable with. The good weapons dmr, m4a1 sd or m4a3 cco, cz 550, coyote backpack, g17.
  6. saifallofjmr

    What you guys should really be concerned about

    So in general could become like a STALKER mmo.... side story quests higher end gear bandits vehicles wildlife skills hmmm
  7. saifallofjmr

    What you guys should really be concerned about

    Okay so sand box eh? Let's take GTA for example, there is a mass amount of things about to do and it is still sandbox but there is still a main storyline. Or more in your sense: Garry's Mod There are use created tools and a mass amount of stuff to do. Without all the STOOLS and wiremod there would be no use to the game other than to use it as a basis for other game modes. This game is running on fumes, open your eyes guys and notice and be concered before it is too late.
  8. saifallofjmr

    What you guys should really be concerned about

    No the end is figuring out do you want to be a 1) Medic 2) Bandit 3) Group 4) Solo There has to be end game content or this game is to surely fail. But higher than that priority is defeating hackers as it will truly stop any growth and replay. "adding a story to a game doesn't have to add quests/missions to a game it could just be little thing that are found that can piece together a story." That would be fine to just something as for to take your "clan" or group and execute a whole game idea together to bond in more than just being part of the warrior group. Either vary the content or vary the game mechanics. I have a feeling this game will lose a lot of steam when it's high competition "War Z" comes out.
  9. saifallofjmr

    What you guys should really be concerned about

    So no real discussion aside from one person and the rest are hyper-conclusions that make no sense. Seems like a legit community. Can't wait to stand on the side lines and watch the world burn.
  10. saifallofjmr

    Pending Update: Build

    There is no word to work without pay unless you use hobby so I am using employ without the use of the awardment of "pay". But unless he EMPLOYS WITHOUT MONEY TO HIS TEAM. The progress will be worse off than having more than 4 people working on the core of the game. Out reach to the community for models (people have already redid cans and added makarov magazine models that are low polygon count but hey he didnt implement it when it was for the VR engine.)
  11. saifallofjmr

    What you guys should really be concerned about

    That is why I am making this post, that game will take most if not 40% of this game's players. This game is turning into a Duke Nukem Forever type: the game play is already obsolete by the time of release.
  12. saifallofjmr

    What you guys should really be concerned about

    You are jumping to conclusions. I never said to allow trade via currency, nor arena, nor "special infected". I simply drew ideas and gave references to what you could expect the feature to be like. I used the TF2 reference as in to give you an idea of how different the classes would be against each other (compare the Spy to the Heavy, much larger HP, slower speed, heavier damage, etc) but you jumped to conclusion. I used the Bestheda series of games as an example of how to play out the story line not into the specific way you have to do it but how to possibly roll it out. Good job guy on jumping to all the wrong conclusions and showing you are incapable of critical thinking and other higher thinking skills. How about as another tool you get a radio which has random broadcasts (as playing on something PLAYER CREATED) based on number stations and having to decrypt it and via the game giving hints to how to do so would allow you to understand where the infection came from. Having the quest progress saved onto the hive along with it. Say as You figured out quest 1 of finding a journal (this can be linked online to your personal information) and within finding it you knew after reading it and or decrypting it figured you had to move to say green mountain. Once you got to GM you found a slip of paper in the pile of dead bodies and had a new place to walk to. On your way there you get killed. You now have to start back from reading your journal to green mountain. In that example I am trying to explain the checkpoint system that could possibly work. This can all be saved on the current hive by simply degsignation of one extra value which would reference to which quest they are on 01->1000 (or into hex such as 9AD87 IF needed). Which is a very simple addon to the database.
  13. saifallofjmr

    What you guys should really be concerned about

    That's fine but there is no end game content. This is a get the best guns and NVGS and PK. Oh look at suggestions: how to stop/punish bandits. Hmmm
  14. saifallofjmr

    What you guys should really be concerned about

    The thing is though there really isn't a 1000 things to be done within this game. What I mean is if you consider a different outcome is (in reference to cooking) if 1/8 teaspoon less salt is a COMPLETELY different experience for you then you are one of the new comers that after a while you won't enjoy it anymore (been playing the game since beginning of May). Even within multiple live streams and interviews he has stated to "be involved with the narative and understand why stuff the way it is" then you need to allow us to understand. Give us something early to explore content giving (like for example the current "end game" is getting all military gear, well get the radio implemented and use that to try that). TRY CONTENT ENGAUGEMENT that is the reason for alpha to try out and implement mechanics.
  15. saifallofjmr

    Pending Update: Build

    It is kinda their fault that they have not hired more people onto the team high QA or not there needs to be either more people or they need to have a specific person work only on BUGS ONLY while the other 3 are closely working on new content.
  16. saifallofjmr

    Pending Update: Build

    MFw it wasn't a suggestion this game is riding on new comers and when that steam is gone this won't be as popular. This is how I look at it ALPHA or not he needs to start making and testing a basis of other content. Not a suggestion.
  17. saifallofjmr

    Pending Update: Build

    Please only discuss pending update, suggestions should be placed in the suggestions forum -Griff
  18. http://cloud-2.steam...D10BA09500F04C/ Austin Benson was kicking me and other players just for joining as he and his other friend was together and I guess trying to loot for no reason. 6:28PM EST was when it was happening
  19. http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/938124819521864778/28D3BF037566AB3760D62E5743D10BA09500F04C/ Austin Benson was kicking me and other players just for joining as he and his other friend was together and I guess trying to loot for no reason. 6:28PM EST was when it was happening
  20. saifallofjmr

    What do you think about non-hive servers?

    Honestly I like it so I can play with my newb friends without risking my main gear.
  21. saifallofjmr

    Is this admin abuse?

    You know that was around a week ago, lrn2 count.
  22. saifallofjmr

    3D models to contribute

  23. http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/596974051315863061/641928F5BA97959287ED1694E49F73F8D73D1C42/ What are you guys going to do about that? Also there are food boxes too that have flashlights, matches, and knives in them and 6*4 cans of food. Hmmmm what is dat Bump, no page 2 for this.
  24. saifallofjmr

    Reporting this.....

    What TOS?
  25. saifallofjmr

    So do we ban these guys from our server or....

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=8302 Ban them, report them.