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Everything posted by worst2first

  1. There are some good lot spots in the west that few people visit. You still have to be careful though because if you do run into someone out there, they're probably a well-equipped, experienced player. I finally found an ACOG in a barracks yesterday. I'm normally a Mosin guy but I now have an M4 with bipod, ACOG, and RIS handguard (all pristine). It's probably taken about a week (I don't play every day) to assemble it. I have yet to see a long range scope other than the badly damaged one a friend gave me.
  2. I hope helicopters do not make a return. If they do, there should be a large chance they will randomly explode or crash when you use them. It is extremely unlikely that any group of survivors would have the skills and equipment to restore a chopper to flying condition, much less maintain one. The ones that were in good condition would have already been flown out of the country. I never played the mod when the ability to build bases was added but tents are high on my list of things I'd like to see implemented soon. (I realize this will require the implementation of the loot spawn systems so I suppose that's the very first thing I'd like to see.)
  3. worst2first

    Why do we KoS?

    You have no way of knowing what anyone would do or wouldn't do in that situation. In fact no one does. You might go around killing people or you might piss and shit yourself while hiding in a corner. Any speculation about what you would do or not do is just empty talk.
  4. worst2first

    Problem with ze mosin

    It's a known bug that will be addressed in the next patch.
  5. worst2first

    Will Preventing Server-Hopping Increase Kos?

    Cowardice and laziness aren't the only reasons to server hop. I play with a group of people from all over and it sometimes requires us to hop to five or six different servers to find one we can all play on.
  6. worst2first

    Will Preventing Server-Hopping Increase Kos?

    A five minute penalty won't stop serving hopping. If that's what I intend to do, I'll just go grab another beer, check some forums, etc. while I wait. It will help with ghosting though. I could also stand up, stretch and walk around a bit to get some relief from the hours stuck in my chair. Maybe Rocket is concerned about us sitting for too long?
  7. There is one rule to survive: see without being seen.
  8. worst2first

    Not all murder is what it seem's.....

    I would take your beans away if I could simply for using YOLO.
  9. They also need to address the fact that zombie bites and scratches destroy metal items. A friend was bringing me a long range scope and was swiped once by a zombie. The scope went from pristine to badly damaged.
  10. worst2first

    How Many People Were Killed By You?

    I can relate. My wife and kids always seem to want my attention at the worst possible moments in DayZ. I've played about 50 hours and killed one player. She shot my friend with a Mosin, looted his gear including his Magnum and chased me up the stairs in a building in Berezino. When she got to the top of the stairs I axed her for my friend's gear as well as hers.
  11. worst2first

    Why I Am Friendly

    Most (not all) KOS players lack imagination. To them this is a game like a football (or soccer as we call it) match. Shooting people means they win and getting shot means they lose. That's why they keep score and brag about how many players they've killed. Other players really immerse themselves in the setting and play more thoughtfully. While there has never been anything nearly as catastrophic as the events depicted in this game, there have been major disasters and people did not start assassinating their neighbors to steal their supplies. Claiming that you are just doing what anyone would do in this situation is a false argument. I play RPGs with a small group of friends because I like the collaborative storytelling aspects of it. (You might be surprised by our group by the way. Far from being "basement dwelling neckbeards" it is composed of a Federal Patent Judge, Archaeologist, Graphic Artist, Psychologist, Speech Pathologist, among others. We all have careers and families.) We have a player or two that only seems interested in killing everything they can and looting everything they can carry. They have little to no imagination and really don't understand what the rest of us are trying to do. I am not advocating that DayZ become a RPG, but if KOS players really put some thought in to the setting and were honest with themselves, I think less of them would KOS. I am always suspicious of those that make bold claims about what they would or wouldn't do in dangerous situations. The fact is that you don't know what you would do until you are in that situation. If you're being shot at, you might seek cover and return fire or you might piss and shit yourself or hide or run away. I am not against all KOS players and I think it must remain a part of the game. I just don't like the arrogant KOS players that make broad, sweeping assumptions about what they would do in a situation similar to the one depicted in this game.
  12. worst2first

    Demographic Profile Of Dayz Community

    Age: 38 Gender: Male Country: the United States Played mod: Yes
  13. worst2first

    The Coast Road

    This is an excellent idea. I would love to see a kilometer long traffic jam of ruined and abandoned vehicles. I would also like to see more houses and towns in the far north. They've added a train station and some industrial buildings which is a step in the right direction but we need more.
  14. worst2first

    Teamspeak 3 Coms

    Is there anything like this for Mumble?
  15. worst2first

    Upcoming Combat Log Fix!

    It won't stop ghosting unfortunately. I don't think you should be able to log in or out within a few hundred meters of a building or structure. It might take a few more minutes to run into the woods to log out but the ability to log in inside buildings destroys any strategy players and teams use to secure an area. There's nothing like playing smart and covering all the approaches to an area, scouting carefully and then having some scumbag log in behind you in a barracks.
  16. worst2first

    No Spawning M4S?

    They're still spawning. I've found them in office buildings (third floor center room with shelves) and in military barracks. I've also found several Magnums in military buildings. I haven't seen the FNX .45 or long-range scope though.
  17. worst2first

    Is The Ship Still A Glitchy Death Trap?

    That's another good reason I've avoided it lately. You could always have a friend cover you from the hill overlooking the wreck but that won't save you from the hoppers. I really wish you couldn't log out and in inside structures.
  18. How about an infected person biting or clawing a scope or other metal piece of equipment and ruining it? Were their teeth and fingernails replaced with titanium?
  19. worst2first

    Play Style

    I stick to the woods for the most part and avoid the coast. I have a few friends I play with but there are too many idiots in the cities and airfields. There are other places to loot that don't attract nearly as much attention and are almost as good, especially if you are patient. Once I leave the coast I rarely see other players. If I were to start seeing other players where I am then it's time for me to find a new territory to patrol.
  20. I'm curious about this issue as well. Thanks for starting this thread Klip. Surely someone out there has the requisite items to test the impact condition has on weapon parts.
  21. worst2first

    Is The Ship Still A Glitchy Death Trap?

    I died there when I glitched through the floor on the second level of the forward cargo hold and I haven't been back since. It's too bad because I enjoyed exploring it but it's not worth it unless you are a new spawn.
  22. The infected (or zombies if you must) have a lot of potential but need some tweaking. They should not be able to run through walls and should struggle to open doors if they can do so at all (they are gravely ill - coordination should not be their strong suit.) The reloading / change weapons animations need to work better when the player is moving. Obviously, there also need to be more of them. I don't have a problem with some of the infected standing still or being in a catatonic state until roused. Remember, they are infected and no one except for Dean knows the precise details of the disease other than players are immune to it. The difference between an infected that is not moving and one that is could be that they are in different stages of the disease.
  23. worst2first

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    It's ridiculous to claim that everyone in full military gear is a bandit. At the moment (never get attached to anything in DayZ) I'm in military clothing and gear and I never kill anyone unless it's self defense. The ability to customize clothing would help. Bandits could still duplicate the appearance of the item but if a player wants to be a dedicated medic they should be able to paint some kind of symbol (like a red cross or crescent) on gear or make armbands. I vehemently oppose any system where your appearance is changed solely based on your behavior. This is not Fable.
  24. worst2first

    Blood Type & Testing

    Stock up on Saline IV bags.
  25. worst2first

    Long Range Scope?

    Thank you to those of you who answered my question about the impact of a long range scope's condition on accuracy. I haven't tried any really long range shots with it. I guess I'll have to wait until I find a pristine one and compare the two. It also seems like these scopes are damaged far too easily. While I understand that taking a rifle or pistol shot or being hit with a melee weapon would damage it a zombie bite or scratch that does the same seems overpowered.