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Everything posted by dystopeon

  1. dystopeon

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    I play solo (because I'm not scared/don't care). having 2 characters (2 copies) is the only true meta-gaming 'counter' to the circle-jerk vent guys. I play this game like Hidden & Dangerous, because I am :) please don't remove/nerf this somehow.
  2. dystopeon

    Knifes & Nades

    please let me roll with nades (various type) & usable melee (one shot) knife. I'm sick of being a gun toting pussy...
  3. LoL, "anti-game" that's laughable, motherfucking game-devs thinking they Dada now :p. P.S. DADA SUCKED ASS / DESTROYED DECENT ART.
  4. yup, I just gank everyone on sight now, unless I've had some time to observe them unseen. interesting to see how this all plays out, however constantly scanning for everyone is becoming a chore :(
  5. dystopeon

    DayZ Memes

    Photoshop fail. The humanity isn't centered like' date=' you know, everything else. [/quote'] yeah, fail, I was originally going to write, "why did my skinz change?".
  6. dystopeon

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    keep the skins, this core concept keeps me playing. how about the bandits get a bright yellow big-bird skin with flashing red eyes? and survivors get a ghillie suit? sound fair? I think so.
  7. best idea I've seen all day :) - buddy
  8. dystopeon

    How to balance Bandits.

    no seriously its pretty good as is. I see a bandit I kill it, I roll. I decide to be a retard, I become a bandit. *sings while holding rabbit above head* " It's teh circle if liiiffeee!"
  9. dystopeon

    @ rocket: Humanity / Sanity issues

    it is a GAME, there are RULES. GAME = RULES, otherwise is pure simulation and NOT a GAME. What do you people want it to be? hmmm... a GAME that remains popular (maybe becomes the most popular), recieves updates, great servers etc...? or a wishy washy farmville / sniper fest that goes nowhere? Rocket you are a composer and as a musician I will tell you this, if you remove the bandit/survivor dyad, you will return to it again beacuse it is a BRILLIANT, savant like concept. Personally I loved it when I became a bandit, it totally sucked and I got ganked heaps but it was MY fault. when I was starting as a surivivor I got lured by others survivors for my AK, one shot me, the both laughed about it over the direct while I was bleeding. however they didn't finish me off properly and I filled both those punks with 2 nana clips before dying. I then spend the next few days as a bandit, getting ganked by survivors. It was fun in every respect. DON'T CHANGE THIS INTO A SIM. I don't wan't to join a clan and teamspeak (that is for noobs only). I want a geniune survivor experience with direct communication and the dyadic skin concept is paramount to that experience. It weeds out the morons, clans, teamspeakers and noobs into a convenient Bandit shaped target.
  10. Ah yes, I disagree with your ridiculous demands so clearly I am lying about owning rifles, lying about shooting them regularly, and lying about having spent time in the military. As opposed to you, who felt the need to justify their holier-than-thou arguments with "I'm an SSAA state champion, I have trophies to prove it". You are acting like a spoiled child and I would be surprised if you are older than your late teens, since no mature adult I know of feels the need to belittle anyone who disagrees with them and then claim to be the sole source of knowledge and experience in the matter. Here's a news flash for you: this is a game. If you want the shooting aspect to be 100% realistic, go outside and shoot, because as far as I am aware not a single game to date has portrayed shooting beyond 500m accurately enough to really mimic reality. I am not disputing that longer-range shooting in this game is unrealistically easy, which you would know if you had any reading comprehension whatsoever and could see past your own perceived superiority. I am saying that it is a non-issue, because vehicles in this game are not realistically hard to repair, helicopters are not realistically hard to fly, and you can reload a belt-fed LMG in the same amount of time it takes for someone to reload an M16. By your logic, we should remove vehicles, repairing, and machine guns. Your argument basically consists of "I am a champion shooter and none of you know what you're talking about, scoped rifles need to be removed because they are not 100% realistic, if you disagree you've clearly never shot". Great attitude, mate. i repeat, clearly you have never even shot even a pistol. moderate wind will push a .22 round half a foot off target @ 50M. My bro won a comp where the wind was high, based on grouping alone. I just want to see actual players in the game for a change, expecially in australia - camper noobs (like you) are a prob.
  11. dystopeon

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    no don't remove, also you could start survivors off with a gps & map (reason for good humanity?)
  12. Totally agree and also don't want "balance"' date=' this is not what the mod is about I believe. The issue usually was not open fields and the like, it was towns/villages where players need to sneak about carefully for zombies. That sneaking, even if you're careful, will leave you very vulnerable to a long distance shooter with zero risk for him while another player hunter but without a scoped rifle, will have to follow you up in town, creating risk, which I'm fine with. But that changed with 1.5.7 as I said. wow, I never compared the two, just stating the server option allowed turning off sniper rifle. I agree with nearly everything you state otherwise. calm down bro, just adding suggestions.
  13. comparing one fps against another - THAT'S INSANE! (*sarcasm if you can't tell) anyway I'm guessing mostly none of you shoot rifles IRL. there is no WIND = no challenge = remove snipers or scopes all together (or add wind) you can see through foliage more clearly than up close. I am a SSAA state competition winning marksman (I can send trophies for proof if you want).
  14. to those that snipe alone in a forest, hunting boar all day - go play farmville,my little pony or tamagoatse games. really, just make server options without the noobcannon/AWP/sniper, just like CS - solved. haters now go forth and hate :)