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About aglax888@hotmail.com

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  1. aglax888@hotmail.com

    Has anyone found a use for the pens?

    You can find paper and use the pens to write on that.
  2. aglax888@hotmail.com

    Banned (wrongfully!) from US 1037

    cheers :)
  3. aglax888@hotmail.com

    Banned (wrongfully!) from US 1037

    guys can i ask why player "a chubby sayain" was banned last night??? he just popped on and was admin banned.
  4. aglax888@hotmail.com

    To the two guys on DK10 in Cherno...

    if you ever need any extra fire power just send me a message.
  5. aglax888@hotmail.com

    [TRADE] L85 AWS for offers.

    pm me if you want to trade
  6. aglax888@hotmail.com

    Trading NVG, Rangefinder, L85

    pm me if you want to trade
  7. aglax888@hotmail.com

    Trading NVG, Rangefinder, L85

    do you still need any of the items because im desperately looking for an l85
  8. aglax888@hotmail.com

    [TRADE] L85 AWS for offers.

    if you still have it i'll give you all 3 seeing as im desperate for an l85
  9. aglax888@hotmail.com

    looking for an l85

    thermal vision would be a good item to have only taking up the binocular space.
  10. aglax888@hotmail.com

    looking for an l85

    just found another crashed chopper, again no l85, is anyone willing to trade something?
  11. aglax888@hotmail.com

    looking for an l85

    yeah im just looking for it for the thermal, i mainly play at night so i can combine it with dmr and m9 sd.
  12. aglax888@hotmail.com

    looking for an l85

    i heard people have duped them like crazy but i have yet to see one, ive raided camps, crashed helis, i dont tend to kill players so i havent found one on a dead body although i have scavanged battle sites and got a few as50s and m24s but no l85.
  13. aglax888@hotmail.com

    looking for an l85

    found 5 crashed helis in the last day or two, all looted :P im still trying.
  14. aglax888@hotmail.com

    looking for an l85

    willing to trade anything for it i have ghillies, as50s, nvg, rangefinder,dmr,m107,m4a1 sd, m24, fal, and a good few mags for most guns.
  15. aglax888@hotmail.com

    looking to trade

    i'm looking to trade something for an l85a2 aws, ive got most items and weapons, every sniper rifle, ghillies, nvg, rangefinders, gps, m4a1 sd most assault rifles. pm if you want to start a trade and i can add you on steam.