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About alternater7@hotmail.com

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  1. alternater7@hotmail.com

    Bird flocks

  2. alternater7@hotmail.com

    Radio Communication (Way to chat with other Players)

    Just wanted to say I made a very similar post yesterday with the exception that radios require batteries.
  3. alternater7@hotmail.com

    Side Chat + Radio + Batteries

    Ya I was looking for some kind of mention of Side chat before I posted
  4. alternater7@hotmail.com

    Safety toggle for weapons

    I simply agree a safety would help a lot.
  5. alternater7@hotmail.com

    Side Chat + Radio + Batteries

    Well the other day I ended up in a private hive server with Side Chat enabled. I played on it for several hours finding everyone to be rather friendly and not KOS.So I say bring it back, for those saying its not realistic how bout radios. Only with Radios can you use Side Chat. With the radios added perhaps batteries could be used to power the radios and flashlights. Let me know what you think.
  6. alternater7@hotmail.com

    Trading - M107 for Ghillie Suit

    Too bad I gave one away the other day to some random fresh spawn
  7. alternater7@hotmail.com

    I've got it! This is how item storage should work! I'm a genius!

    So I like to be the nice guy bloodbagging random strangers, and dropping food to fresh spawns. So your saying that all my stuff that I use to help people with will be abruptly taken away just because of some idiot bandit camping the tree line. No I disagree
  8. alternater7@hotmail.com

    Blood Regeneration

    Halve the blood return for food. Also people won't be able to completely AFK as they will need to consume food and water. Sitting there would also increase the chance for sickness, and if your sick your not regening anymore.
  9. alternater7@hotmail.com

    Reduce Blood Recovery of Cooked Meat

    I agree self bloodbag is a no. Although a regeneration system would be very helpful. Several times I've been badly damaged and unable to see clearly so I couldn't find food to heal myself enough to see. A regen system would allow a player to lay down in the forest in an attempt to gain enough blood to see again.
  10. alternater7@hotmail.com

    Reduce Blood Recovery of Cooked Meat

    I'd like to see regen slow regen
  11. alternater7@hotmail.com

    Easy Team Assembly.

    Perhaps you can spawn at your tent. This would only be possible if you weren't a bandit.
  12. alternater7@hotmail.com

    You know you've been playing too much DayZ when....

    You try running someone down in your vehicle because you think they have something good.
  13. alternater7@hotmail.com

    Mountain Dew?

    I just tossed a whole case of Dew. Out the window landed on me neighbors head. Like everyone says bad luck... To the neighbor
  14. alternater7@hotmail.com

    US DayZ Retina Clan Looking For Members

    I'm interested but ill have to set up a Skype
  15. alternater7@hotmail.com

    Got idea for next map

    Not maps just one really huge one perhaps a global map