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turdferguson (DayZ)

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About turdferguson (DayZ)

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  1. turdferguson (DayZ) VS. Hotfix which is better? works better because you don't spontaneously lose your backpack.
  2. turdferguson (DayZ)

    I used scripts and now I am banned? UNFAIR!?!?!?!

    I, and the rest of the server I've been in, have been kicked (not banned) twice from certain servers from battleeye saying something about running a script. The second time a message popped up saying "everyone in the server will be banned from battleye in 20 seconds)." I left just in case, but all my friends in the server were kicked (not banned.) So basically, hackers have already found a way to abuse the new battleeye features to get normal players kicked. I don't think it's a stretch that normal players also might be getting banned.
  3. turdferguson (DayZ)

    Kill all bronies.

    Also, just a note: There isn't going to be a big fight between bronies and bandits. It is going to be a hacker either just nuking the server or sending everyone to THE THUNDERDOME. You all are either incredibly naive or just new if you don't foresee this being hacker dominated.
  4. turdferguson (DayZ)

    Kill all bronies.

    HAHAHA this flashframe guy is a construction worker and is trying to delve into the psychology behind why people want to kill each other in video games. First off, you're a construction worker, not Sigmund Freud. Second, psychology is mostly a bullshit pseudoscience with studies that have consistently altered data to conform to the "researcher's" idea. It's a fucking video game and people like you are why we can't have nice things.
  5. Bottlerocket = Confirmed for trolling/ultra-noob
  6. Wow, I think you are trolling. I just talked about how easy it is to kill snipers and you just talked about them taking pot shots from 800m away in safety (which is false.) You are either just trolling or one of those people who will never change their opinion no matter how wrong you are (like a politician.) If you want the "dark, brutal game" that is solely YOUR image of the game you want and not the community's or Rocket's, removing .50 cals won't stop anything. Removing duping and hackers will fix all. Stop trying to put the blame on the guns.
  7. turdferguson (DayZ)

    Bad losers and accusations of hackers.

    The very last two servers I joined... First one, a dude sneaks up on my buddy and I in a completely random spot and starts shooting an M4 SD at us. My friend hits him 3 times with the AS50, I hit him once. He still lives, kills my buddy, and I just DCed because I wasn't going to put up with that bullshit. Next server I joined, I get teleported to a campfire with a dude playing the song that is playing in "American Psycho" when he kills the dude with an axe (I wonder what the hackers intentions were...) I just ran to the UAZ that was conveniently right there and drove off yelling into the microphone and the dude kept teleporting on me trying to shoot at me (he was extremely bad) he then teleported every vehicle on the map to his location (including mine) and i somehow was able to drive away again. I just ended up disconnecting after he started shooting M203 rounds at me.
  8. I really would like that a lot, actually. Within 100m, everything but the pistols should be one shot to go to unconscious, two to kill. Within 100 meters, even M855 5.56 NATO has reliable fragmentation and will fuck you up.
  9. I can tell you're pretty new at this game, but that's okay.It is very easy to take out snipers on the hills of elektro. Just go on the hill by drakon, on the east side of it, then wait to hear sniper rifles go off. Carry a weapon you can kill quickly with, as snipers will disconnect unless you hit them fast enough (I like the enfield and AKM for this, both are very easy to find.) To avoid snipers when you aren't trying to kill them, NEVER stay still in the open. Don't try to avoid zombies, just lure them into buildings to kill them or try losing them. It is EXTREMELY difficult to hit a moving target unless they are going directly at you or away from you. As in, impossible, unless the sniper is very good at leading the target and accounting for the horrible lag. I am speaking all from experience. I go hunting snipers in the hills every day and by the end of the day my team of 2-3 always ends up with AS50s and M4 SDs when all we started with was Enfields. It is not hard to kill snipers or to just avoid them. It's noobs that can't figure out how to play this game correctly who keep complaing about how "overpowered" a gun is.
  10. You do raise valid points, however, I think the .50s should stay in the game as long as disconnecting is as big of a problem as it is now. I like hunting people sniping from the hills north of elektro but unless you kill them with the first shot, they just disconnect. I would prefer using the DMR but it's just unrealistic to count on that. Also, nothing beats the .50 for anti-vehicular operations. I took out a truck, black SUV (hacked in I think), and a helicopter who was stupidly hovering over the coast shooting at noobs in elektro yesterday.
  11. "It takes "no skill" to sit in one spot and snipe."
  12. But that's fucking wrong. He did address it. Are you people seriously this stupid or are you trolling?
  13. turdferguson (DayZ)

    ALT + F4'ing / DC'ing

    Alt + F4 is the only reason needed for the .50 sniper rifles NOT being taken out of the game. There are many other reasons for them not being taken out, but to me, with all the assholes I kill in the hills of elektro, I want an AS50 so they don't disconnect with all their gear they're using to kill noobs.
  14. BazBake, you obviously don't know anything about ballistics or terminal performance. Stop acting like an expert.