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About Jon3sy

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    On the Coast

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  1. Cherno TAXI Service is RECRUITING!!!! Thats right, we're looking for people that are experienced and like minded to our cause. Helping other survivors out in our time of need during this zombie apocolypse! We're a small group that don't follow the KOS (Kill On Sight) creed that most do, although we do shoot back when we have to. If you are looking for a group of friendlies that help each other out and help others out then just PM me on here with the following questions answered and we'll have an afternoon on DayZ with myself and [TAXI] Lordskitzleton to see how things go. So heres the questions! 1) Would you be willing to use steam voice chat to talk to the team? 2) How long have you been playing DayZ? 3) What is your preffered method of approach to a city raid/search? 4) What is your preffered weapon? 5) Tell us a bit about yourself. Your experiences in the game, how you'd define friendly/non-friendly, etc etc. See, 5 simple questions and a small play through with us and you'll be a part of the one, the only, Cherno TAXI Service!!
  2. Jon3sy

    Cherno Taxi Service

    Why yes that did happen, but as scouts help, he died very quickly. :D
  3. Jon3sy

    Cherno Taxi Service

    Hello one and all. If anyone hasn't see my status update, NZ 18 is where its at :D TAXI!!!!
  4. Jon3sy

    Cherno Taxi Service

    Not on at the moment because of real world situations but I will let everyone know when its up and running. Even if the buses and cars aren't available, we will try help out other friendly survivors in what ever way we can.
  5. Jon3sy

    Cherno Taxi Service

    Our taxi service will mainly be on AU 21 NZ 18 and ANZ 1. But each time either of us go on I'll be sure to post the server on my profile status as often as possible. :) And thanks for the support everyone :)
  6. Jon3sy

    Introduce yourselves

    Hello there! (TAXI) Jonesy here. [TAXI] Jonesy ingame, yeah, the only difference is the brackets :P haha Friendly survivor here, and if anyone has seen my thread they'll know I'm trying to get the buses running in Cherno :D Mainly playing on the AU, NZ, and ANZ servers. :)
  7. Jon3sy

    Cherno Taxi Service

    Hey FrankFisher, we do head up that way. :) We usually stop just outside of the towns and cities to drop off passengers as we drive thorugh the town to attract zombies away from other survivers too. P.s. if anyone would like to coordinate better with myself and (TAXI) Lordskitzleton, my steam username is jon3sy.
  8. Hello there one and all, though, mainly friendlys ;P Myself, (TAXI) Jonesy and a friend, (TAXI) Lordskitzleton, have recently been searching for vehicles. Namely the bus' and vans of our fine zombie infested country. We have taken it upon ourselves to start the public transport system again. Our first few runs of this went well, helping others get to places, linking them up with allies and the likes. I would like to announce that on the AU, NZ, and the ANZ servers we will try to do this as much as possible and help out players that need it. We will almost never ask for supplies off our passengers as this will only happen in dire needs.Such times would be few and far between. Keep an eye out, if you see a bus, car or van driving along. Call out "Friendly TAXI" and we'll be sure to stop so long as the area isn't too risky. So in keeping with our motto, Stay Friendly!