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About RobCoxxy

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Location
    London, England
  • Interests
    Hoarding beans

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  1. RobCoxxy

    Status Report - July 2019

    Yep. What's being cut? With a majority of key figures leaving, and this years' focus not involving content outside of a DLC (Free? Or paid?) It sounds like progress is just stopping. This status report isn't exactly filling me with any confidence, especially after the massive hiatus and info drought. And please tell me helicopters/small prop plane aren't cancelled, too. :(
  2. RobCoxxy

    The Killing Fields - 0.63 EXP

    Hi guys! My buddy joined me for an adventure in Chernarus on the experimental branch, and we managed to get plenty of looting and sightseeing in, along with our fair share of action. Loving the way combat feels now! If you fancy an alternate look at the final fight, there's a dual perspective version available here, following both our perspectives simultaneously. Let me know what you think! If you enjoyed the video, blah blah blah, you know what I'm asking. Feel free to add me on Steam if you fancy grouping up! :) - Rob
  3. RobCoxxy

    Item/weapon suggestions

    Oh yes
  4. RobCoxxy

    Item/weapon suggestions

    Oh, man, I'm with you on food variety - and absolutely on the cooking. We can heat water, but we eat rice dry? Yikes. Would love to see the adding meat, rice, etc into a pot creating a more substantial "meal" - filling you better, and for longer. And I'll throw in the L85/L86 from British Armed Forces on top of those weapons you suggested. Chances are if the US had a presence in Chernarus, the Brits would have been dragged along there too, in some capacity. Fits all the usual M4 additions, bar its unique RIS Rail.
  5. RobCoxxy

    Item/weapon suggestions

    Hi guys, been playing a few other games and just had a few suggestions for improvised/crafted tools and weapons that could appear in DayZ. MOLOTOVS Obviously a gaming staple - can definitely have it's uses for PVE or PVP. Glass Bottle (Vodka, Devs? Da!) + Gas + Rag. Needs matches, or lighter in inventory to use. DYNAMITE With the mines and quarries around the northern end of the map, surely some old blasting dynamite remain in those locations, as a non-military alternative to blowing shit up. With the addition of the cabling system for hooking up power, surely something similar could work for detonators if you want an old-timey, plunger-based explosive trap. DYNAMITE BUNDLES Is one explosive not enough for you, you madman? Attach three or five sticks together with Duct Tape for extra kabooms or the biggest kabooms. Does anyone else have any suggestions, especially going off locations in the game that could have more reason to visit? Let me know below! Personally, I still miss the remote explosives from the Mod Days. Those were dirty.
  6. RobCoxxy

    Meeting the Land Pirates

    Ah, thank you! I really appreciate that, mate :) Aw yeah
  7. RobCoxxy

    Meeting the Land Pirates

    After a PUBG-induced Squadmate Drought on DayZ, I've finally decided to jump back in on Barely Infected's The Village server, on Andy's recommendation. No sooner had I spawned in and started walking, I heard gunshots in Elektro, and got a bit curious. I met my first faction, the neutral Land Pirates - a rag-tag band of absolutely great personalities to tag along with. Here's how things went when worlds collided. As always, if you enjoyed the content, don't forget to leave a like and a comment, and click subscribe if you want to see more videos like this! There'll be plenty more DayZ 0.62 PVP and Funny Moments in DayZ to come, so stick around Constructive criticism is always appreciated.
  8. RobCoxxy

    CR 550: Discussion

    Hey @Hicks_206 (DayZ), Looking forward to getting my hands on an old favourite again. Quick question regarding attachments for rifles: are there going to be different types of telescopic sights for rifles like the Winchester/CR 550? I know we have the Hunting Scope currently, but are there any plans for different types, with different reticles (Mod's CZ550, or glow sights for example) and levels of zoom?
  9. RobCoxxy

    I Can't Have Nice Things [0.61]

    Breaking the tradition of most DayZ videos being the creator's moments of badassery and sheer unadulterated skill, or in someone's case, running health scripts or playing entirely staged scenarios to make your E-Peen look nice and girthy; I've thrown together my saltiest, shittiest experiences in 0.61 Experimental Branch so far. After a decent length run with Clarkey that ended in a server-restart shootout that ruined about seven different people's days, my lives in Exp have been hopeful and cruelly shortened, or drawn out, loot-scarce and swiftly ended by an absolute parade of fluttering cunts. Here's a handful of my lives from my four hour play session with Andy on Saturday. While Andy was strolling around the map making friends, I had, from the get-go, a constant stream of wall-to-wall arseholes ending my lives before they even began. Laugh at my misery. And bring chips for the salt. If you enjoy the schadenfreude of watching me get my arse handed to me on a platter, leave a comment! As always, if you enjoyed the content, don't forget to leave a like and a comment, and click subscribe if you want to see more videos like this! There'll be plenty more DayZ 0.60/61 PVP and Funny Moments in DayZ to come, so stick around :D Constructive criticism is always appreciated.
  10. RobCoxxy

    0.60 - Hunting Campers

    Rob gets killed by coast campers, and the gang has a change of pace - from Kamyshovo to Cherno, hunting the absolute worst of the DayZ Playerbase.
  11. RobCoxxy

    Coast Cannibals

    Hahaha, maybe in 0.61...
  12. RobCoxxy

    Revenge at NWAF

    If you're anything like me, you're looking forward to the RPG/LAW and potentially Improvised explosives then? Satchel charges for me were some of the most fun I had in DayZ Mod, I need my perfectly timed detonations again!
  13. RobCoxxy

    Coast Cannibals

    So, our squad gets somewhat pathetically wiped at NWAF. A lot of gear lost, and the salt is real. If you find yourself in this position, what do you do? Ragequit? Lump up to NWAF and try again? NAH. Lighten the mood by trying a challenge life. Ours is to spawn, and survive only with loot in coastal locations. Very few guns available (unless we kill armed players camping coast spawns) and with little food, our first trial quickly devolved into a bunch of melee-happy, bloodthirsty cannibals, killing purely to eat, and avoid starvation. Enjoy.
  14. RobCoxxy

    Revenge at NWAF

    You're one of the cheeky buggers that does this? :P Fair play man, definitely livened up our evening haha.
  15. RobCoxxy

    Revenge at NWAF

    Rob slips back into a sniper role, and the group is called to action at NWAF when PJ and Liam are killed in the blink of an eye.