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Everything posted by iwekzy

  1. I really want to thank you for taking yout time to help others. Credit to u sir, u fixed it ;D
  2. didnt work D-: my prob is not only the mic but also shen i just type in chat. noone can see what i chat or type but i can see them and hear them :(
  3. hi my problem is that i can see when other players write to me and talk to me but they cant see when i write or talk. i tried it with a friend right in the front of him and he cant see or hear it eighter :( im not a noob. i have set my recording device to standard and all that stuff and tryed to run a admin and so on.... plz help me, this ruins the game eksperience. sry for bad english D:
  4. yea u know D: its funny cus i have seen some other forums with this but no one never came to an solution. please developers fix this shit :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((