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About toxicsludge

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    Kean Bing

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  1. I thank you for not taking my comment as a complaint against all the hard work you have obviously put in, and responding with civility. I do find bliss in ignorance, that's also why I ignore loot maps and such. Yes, it probably puts me at a huge disadvantage, but it enhances my experience in these types of games. I guess I play to play, not play to win.
  2. Whilst this is a great post, am I the only one who fears that when you tear down the game mechanics into a simple numbers game, the game itself becomes no longer fun?
  3. toxicsludge

    Hackers in SA

    no, swoosh definitely = hack.
  4. sorry, but haven't the Devs had like 2 years to learn some lessons? Everything I am reading is that it's following the exact same path as the mod did.And no, I have neither bought nor played SA, coz NOTHING is selling it to me. (Yes, it's Alpha blah blah, so was the mod when it first started, and I couldn't get enough of that...well until it filled with dickwads.)
  5. toxicsludge

    Wild Wasteland (Photo Gallery)

    Love the first one!
  6. toxicsludge

    M4 Scope Comparison and Sweet Gear! (Lots of Pics!)

    End game already? Time to kill all noobs!
  7. toxicsludge

    Post Your Gear So Far

    So it seems that finding loot is all to easy? And server hopping is still a thing? Hmm, I think I'll wait a bit longer...
  8. toxicsludge

    In-Game Recording Device?

    Or just use Fraps ;)
  9. toxicsludge

    Could I put a Notebook GPU in my Laptop?

    The GPU in most notebooks is part of the mainboard, so no, you can't upgrade it.
  10. toxicsludge

    Dayz Data Usage

    It must be all that porn you're watching
  11. toxicsludge

    Can someone please tell me how to pitch a tent?

    Wake up...that's the easiest way I've found to pitch a tent. Well I guess it's more like a swag...I meant you ain't fitting a family in there, that's for sure.
  12. toxicsludge

    Hetstaine in Standalone confirmed

    Wait...I've been playing this mods for 3 days, I deserve to be in pre-alpha!!
  13. Chernarus is already available in arma 3 with all in arma. Chernarus plus will be a different story
  14. toxicsludge

    Yeah, I seriously just did this...

    I shot my neighbour when I saw him... Hey if I didn't shoot first, I'm sure he would've...
  15. toxicsludge

    Quick Tips For Starter (Submit a tip if you have one)

    Kill on sight before the other guy does!