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Everything posted by burritoman259

  1. burritoman259

    Infected Clothing (suit) aids stealth against Zeds

    this actually is a good idea, If they added this concept in I think this could almost make players oblivious to pkers that only shoot players, I mean this in the way that you don't waste precious as50 NATO ammo on zombies, now if they added in a zombie walk things would get interesting in cherno...
  2. what would you give me for a as50 just out of curiosity?
  3. burritoman259

    Camping towns/airfields

    yeah bro i found most of my gear up there didn't even have to look to hard there is a little platform like thing about 300m up always barb wire in your camps guys
  4. the only benefit of a hero skin is you run faster than a bandito
  5. burritoman259

    19 murders 6 bandit kills

    ah your doing well my highest is 13 bandito kills and 5 murders, cherno is a death trap but also to the trained player an opportunity to get geared up quick here is a good one when you see a motorcade passing form cherno to elektro set up a barricade on the prigorsky bridge most people who get caught by it try and remove it, bad idea when someone has an as50 on the mountain.
  6. burritoman259

    Camping towns/airfields

    now this is why I have an as50 I wait for the fully kitted up people to come past the mountain in between cherno and elektro and POW now i just give out the location on teamspeak, plus i've got a tent just filled with crappy weapons, server gets wiped at 12pm tonight anyways so im gonna have to hunt for as50 mags for a bit
  7. burritoman259

    you sir, are an ahole

    this is pretty easy if you chuck down a tank trap and 3 barbed wire fences and bam now all you have to worry about is people climbing the ladder out back, still how long have you held it for as for my personal best is about 3 hours before being taken down by a guy with a 50.cal i only had an m4a1 cco sd and an m24
  8. burritoman259

    Camping towns/airfields

    man if you want to hide in a high traffic area try zelenogorsk, i see people come through in cars very often even saw a helicopter make a fueling run which is pretty risky in that area in general
  9. burritoman259

    My afternoon In Elecktro.

    amazing i never see people in elektro at any time on populated servers luckily you got some banditios down for the count, good job
  10. burritoman259

    Random Wilderness Item Spawns

    we also need bear traps to spawn give over powered players something to cautious i mean who goes through a forest looking for bear traps... no one meaning just about everyone can fall victim to the traps new players to veterans there is no escape from the bear TRAP!
  11. just a warning if you play on this server avoid the road between cherno and elektro there is a group of three in a v3s patrolling that area they've killed most of the server at least twice, just a warning there is also a sniper sitting somewhere in elektro
  12. burritoman259

    5th element server warning

    Lol were just having fun on nz 22 got a sedan and taco got an as50 from a dead ghillie on the runway at nwaf
  13. burritoman259


    i saw a radio in the lada
  14. burritoman259

    has the as50 tws been added back in?

    Mr. cronic was the tent outside berenzino this is where my friend lost his as50 tws, no so sure about the solider uniform
  15. burritoman259

    5th element server warning

    yer he'll play he changed his name to tacomonkey the other night, he isn't mad or anything he was just having a bit of fun i decided to try and help him i put up a barricade at the bridge near prigorski
  16. burritoman259

    The Bicycle.

    lol I'm useless at driving allot better now that I started using the driving sims on arma2
  17. burritoman259

    The Bicycle.

    no I was to concerned about the zombies eating me and at the time we thought the bikes didn't repair themselves, we were real retards ingame at the time
  18. burritoman259

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    their main camp in pustahka looks like a trap my advice i'd avoid at all cost also found a little camp with a bike just past the end of the runway at nwaf only had a cz 550 an m9 and some food and drinks i needed plus it had a gps gonna head towards next base soon...ps, bike is gonna make shit easier on me :)
  19. burritoman259

    5th element server warning

    I am going to take you up on that offer Mr fishies just applied on the forums might pop into teamspeak in a while
  20. burritoman259

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    true enough Mr, angel just asking sarafan do you know the locations of any hidden tents like around cherno or elektro, ps, i kinda wanted ask why the clan says come and get our gear new survivors? kinda grills me
  21. burritoman259

    The Bicycle.

    *clears throat* tractors are weak sorcery, i began flying down a hill at 7 miles per hour and was brutally, i did a front flip and was crushed, ended by a tree stump these, four wheels wind bison's are not to be trusted, they know they are demons meaning they must be exterminated from the world and replaced with a segway! these metallic two wheeled sticks are amazing!
  22. burritoman259

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    up in the post they said join a bandit clan.... see this is the problem telling someone to join a bandito clan is a shit storm waiting to happen
  23. burritoman259

    Grass causing lag?

    @Bobcomss my friend has a gigabyte 560ti he runs everything on maxxed out freaking amazing, he said he's planning on run sli in a few weeks,
  24. burritoman259

    5th element server warning

    oh hey raviel i think I've seen you in game, was it Menphis and you who shot that guy on the bike outside elektro i was watching, i was on the hill :)
  25. burritoman259

    The Bicycle.

    how to brake your legs riding a bicycle, step one, remove all morphine from your inventory, step two, go into shock and shake like crazy, step three, fly into a destroyed car outside electro and then proceed to snap both legs while your friend is following, step four, SEND him to go get morphine, step five, watch as he then proceeds to get ride straight into the wall outside the power plant wall snapping his legs and instantly him, step six, *clears throat* "​WHAT SORCERY WAS THAT SHIT! YOU HIT THE FUCKING WALL AND DIED, THE HOSPITAL IS MILES AWAY!.