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About Brochacho

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Brochacho

    Apocalyptic Army wants you!

    Yes. We WANT YOU!
  2. Brochacho

    Wait for host and connection failed

    It seems the problem is only servers with the dayz.st hive that I have problems connecting to.
  3. Using DayZ Commander, I am unable to connect to the Coke Private hive nimalsk server or DayZCelle If it bleeds we can kill it server. Some times when trying to connect to those servers from within the game, it says cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.mbgcelle2, kpfs_vwolf, bw_cj187_bus, kpfs_lada. Now, I can join a regular hive server like US 1154 with no problem. Any suggestions on how to fix this problem?
  4. Brochacho

    Server US 1154

    Saw an ATV on the cost near Electro.
  5. Brochacho

    Server US 1154

    Yes, 1154 is tough to find vehicles. Lately, I have found bunch on the coastline.
  6. Actually, that radio came off your ex members body. We flew the chopper over your camp, saw your off road truck, and decided to land. Jimmy got out of the chopper as soon as we landed which is why you killed him and not me. I started the chopper and flew off before you could shoot me. We landed the chopper and decided to go on foot down to your camp. In the process you flew the chopper over our head and started to land. We shot you down. It was funny. Then we saw a guy by the off road truck refueling. He tried to get away, but not before we blew it up. It's weird that we flew the same chopper as you did, and you were banned shortly after by anti hax. What is also not matching is Jean-Denis was banned for the same thing a day earlier. Is it a coincidence? Probably. Maybe. Who knows. Let muppet go through the logs and see what happens.
  7. Brochacho

    Wrongful banning from US 1154.

    By the way, this is the Ban Appeals section of the forums right? This is where you post to appeal current bans on specific servers or general hive bans. If you wanted to post your complaint on how this server is run, then you should've posted it in the Server General section of the forums which can be found ----> http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/16-server-general/
  8. Brochacho

    Wrongful banning from US 1154.

    I completely understand the situation. You were banned for hacking. You came to these forums to cry about it and claim that you were wrongfully banned. I simply said that I am sure he had a valid reason. Which means I am assuming he made the right decision. If you wanted the admin to show you the proof, all you need to do is ask him. Which I have told you many times. You say you don't need him to show you the proof. All you have done thus far is show me that you know how to quote someone on these forums. Oh, and the massive amount of tears you have shed. You aren't doing me a favor by not responding. You're making me quite sad. :( xoxo
  9. Brochacho

    Wrongful banning from US 1154.

    You can obviously read. I'm sure he does have a valid reason. I assumed he does from the start. Both posts show that. If you want to see it, message him yourself. You're a big boy aren't you? Pull those huggies up and ask him for a copy of the logs as to why you were banned. Again, have nice day.
  10. Brochacho

    Wrongful banning from US 1154.

    By the way, t-shirts are at the door. Pick one up on your way out.
  11. Brochacho

    Wrongful banning from US 1154.

    As I said, he probably does. I don't know. I didn't see the logs and have not spoken to him. And I will say it again, ask him if it's that important to you. It obviously is that important to you. Have a nice night baby cakes.
  12. Brochacho

    Wrongful banning from US 1154.

    Just for you VGTG.
  13. Brochacho

    Wrongful banning from US 1154.

    Obviously I have gotten the rise. :thumbsup: To spell it out for you, they can and will. As I said from the start, I am sure he banned you for a valid reason and had proof. As I also said from the start, if you feel it was not fair or need proof then ask him yourself. This server is ran better than most, but nice try. The server has been populated and will continue to be populated during peak hours. No matter how hard you try to degrade it. Are we done here? :thumbsup:
  14. Brochacho

    Wrongful banning from US 1154.

    And to spell it out for you, the admins have the right to ban who they see fit when it comes to the hacking / scripting issue. It is quite alright. If you are caught in the middle, just like the op... oh well. There are ways to handle the issue. Man up baby cakes. As I said, I enjoy watching people like you get your panties in a twist.