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Everything posted by adrianscholl

  1. adrianscholl

    Whats your Reason?

    My group and I only trust players who know each other from out of game. Almost everyone else is kill on sight. The goal is not griefing. If something like this scenario happened in real life, there would be a sizeable amount of people that would kill you on sight for your food and equipment. We are talking about the possible extinction of the human race, and everyone would be doing everything they could to survive, including killing each other. Right now the voice chat is unreliable enough (i.e. not working, requires switching channels, and/or low quality) that players cannot connect when they stumble upon one another. Trying to type out "friendly" is about the stupidest thing you could do when someone has a gun pointed at you. If Rocket works out the voice chat so it becomes more reliable, I can honestly seeing the PKing go down a bit as players are able to reliably, quickly, and clearly say "friendly" as they hide behind something near another player.
  2. adrianscholl

    IF this was an actual game...

    - Game purchase only (Later major expansions for long-term revenue) - Studio development (Day Z Expansions for Arma series if able to sign with Bohemia, or stand-alone core game built from ground up if unable to sign) - Community servers (In addition, sell licenses for "ranked" servers, which pays for cross-server character storage servers much like we have now, except only for "ranked") - Kickstarter (If you plan on building from ground up and not signing with a major developer)
  3. adrianscholl

    Anti-AFK Zombie?

    You are an asshole.
  4. Date/Time: 04/29/12 @ around 6pm What happened: Killed while not fully loaded, in spawning zone Where you were: Loading screen What you were doing: Loading to character Description: It has been relatively well documented that there is an empty terrain location west of the map in which players will enter when their character is loading. This will either happen if the player is loading into the game, or while the character is turning into or out of a bandit. Sometimes the character is even left there upon full load, because the game is unsure of where the character should be actually spawned. [1] [2] [3]. In addition to the aforementioned problem of being "stuck" in this zone upon improper location load (which can be fixed by running along the ocean with the coast to your right), there is an exploit of this character spawn system. If someone actually travels west of the map (or improper loads into it) they can KILL players in the split second in which they are loading. I have not tried to personally replicated these conditions, but in the instance which it happened to me, I was killed instantly as I finished loading. I aborted, reconnected to the server, and found out that I was alive with ALL my gear. But there was an EXACT COPY of my gear in a corpse of myself on the ground. This corpse was lootable, and therefore should be considering to be a duping exploiting. I am unsure if, in addition to the body that spawns on the map, there is another body in the spawning zone. I would count this as a distinct possibility since at least one player is consistently doing this. The player KENYA EAST has killed many players in the spawning zone in this manner; in addition to being killed by him, he was griefing the entire server I was on and has been doing it to others days ago [1]. Killing players inside the spawning zone should not only warrant an auto-ban, but this duping exploit and spawn death exploit should be immediately addressed.
  5. adrianscholl

    Please Delete

    Accidental repost. Please delete.
  6. adrianscholl

    stuck in nowhere, every time i reconnect

    FIX: That zone is slightly off the map but an actual location. Run along the coast with it to your right until you hit the populated map. See this post for more details.
  7. Every time I join any server, I see empty terrain without characters, trees, grass, bushes, or buildings. I have previously been able to play the game without this problem. I started encountering the problem after my Arma II game crashed while I tried to connect to a new server. I have tried several things to no avail. I have cleared all my Day Z game files and reinstalled the mod. I have tried to join multiple servers. I have verified my Arma II game cache (even though Arma terrain loads fine). I have restarted Arma/Steam several times and even my computer. Does anyone have any ideas as to how to fix this problem? EDIT: This player is having the exact same issue.
  8. adrianscholl

    Nothing Loading, Empty Terrain

    FIX: That zone is slightly off the map but an actual location. Run along the coast with it to your right until you hit the populated map. See this post for more details.
  9. adrianscholl

    stuck in nowhere, every time i reconnect

    I am having this same exact problem. I posted about it here. Did you find out a fix? Does anyone else have any ideas? I also had just killed a player and had about -1600 humanity. Since that matches your description, I would presume this is a glitch with the humanity system.