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Everything posted by grylsyjaeger

  1. Even as a deceitful sniper wielding an M107, I have trouble with people combat logging. AS50 and M107 should be one hit kills but I can't count the number of times I've shot and hit a player only for them to disappear. All I say is I hope they log in to a low pop server and it fucking restarts when they are running for their gear again. I tend to leave descriptive markers when I encounter these fiends;
  2. grylsyjaeger

    DayZ in 45 seconds

    Surprising how people's morals change when they are the ones with the power...
  3. grylsyjaeger

    My failed dayz day

    Kolla bakom dig!! I love it when I learn something new.
  4. grylsyjaeger

    what do you like busy or none?

    I prefer 50% populated servers for general playing. High chance of players at popular locations such as Cherno, Elecktro, Starry and NWAF but also the surprise of encounters in other locations. But if you're a new spawn I advise against high pop as most often the deer stands and good loot along the coast will have already been used by other players forcing you further inland with inadequate supplies.
  5. grylsyjaeger

    Who wants to set up the Chernarus Marathon?

    If you had snipers, give them each an AS50 with only one round so they had to make it count.
  6. grylsyjaeger

    I actually did it

    Hmm so AS50/M107 rounds actually penetrate cover? Damn so many wasted opportunities.
  7. Experienced it plenty of times myself. Instigated it even more times.
  8. grylsyjaeger

    Using Hacked Weapons?

    I killed a hacker the night before last - appeared right next to another survivor I was trying to snipe and well... things happened. So now I'm rolling about with a G36 Camo SD and a AS50 TWS... Do I feel bad about using these weapons? Probably. We'll see how good the TWS really is at the airfield tonight.
  9. I've played ArmA on and off since well, the OFP days really and if anything, playing DayZ made me better at Arma. I've been playing the Czech Armed Forces DLC and I am now a lot more patient at waiting and searching for movement and quickly acquiring targets as well as ranging targets simply with my scope.
  10. grylsyjaeger

    Thug life in this bitch

    I already murder people to the theme of Gangster's Paradise.
  11. grylsyjaeger

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Sniping noobs at NWAF like a real top bloke when I hear a strange noise... Then it stops. Then I hear the noise again... But it stops. What the hell is that? I can see a touch of movement off to my right. I pop up to a knee and notice another seaweed monster lying in the undergrowth near me. Not today! Then proceeded to call in some players after I killed the sniper at NWAF.
  12. grylsyjaeger

    To the hero in ANZ 5

    Only thing better would have been a hatchet in the back. Ah memories.
  13. grylsyjaeger

    To the chumps who Alt F4 and abort.

    I was sniping Starry last night and I got eight kills... Only three were confirmed. The rest I'd shoot and see blood as they'd fold but then the bodies would disappear. Worst thing is groups that Combat Log at once. A group with a bus came in from the southern road - right past me - and stopped near the large shed/hanger and got out. Three went to the tents, one stayed at the vehicle and two ran through the town probably to the super market. Spying the bloke at the bus an easy mark I mil-ranged him to be 450m away, dialed for 400m and held high on his chest. One quick scan told me the others were still looting as there were zombies everywhere. *BOOM* Kill. Murder Count +1. I quickly snap to the tents to see if... and every zombie in Starry disappears like that. Server player count drops by at least six. So I put a marker on the dead bloke, two markers over the town for "battle logging pussies" and emptied my magazine into the bus for a sizable fire ball. And I got killed about half an hour later on the other side of the town. I was in my usual overwatch from a nice bush when I hear the tell tale cracks of a fifty cal shooting at me. Do Alt-F4? NO. I roll, roll, roll, away from the gunfire, get behind some trees for cover and get up to sprint away to reposition... Right into the path of another bloke creeping up on me from behind. Well played, sirs, well played. However if they didn't have a thermal gun (confirmed by my friend who shot the one who must have been shooting at me to begin with and swapped to an AS50) I doubt they would have seen through my camo.
  14. grylsyjaeger

    Your Final Words Before Death

    New best friend.
  15. grylsyjaeger

    How do you DEW!

    I drank a mountain dew once. And after tonight I can tell you it takes sixteen days for the poison to run it's course. Farewell my beloved M107, you shall be avenged.
  16. grylsyjaeger

    Restart while driving

    If you are DC'd whilst driving the car will be near where you disconnected. If the server restarts whilst you are driving, the car will be where you get in it last.
  17. grylsyjaeger


    It's the apocalypse. Sportsmanship got old a few dozen murders ago.
  18. grylsyjaeger

    Bandit Forum

    Let them come.
  19. grylsyjaeger

    Ammo troubles.

    Depends what rifle you use. I sport a M107 for my anti-player duties and I can find ammo pretty regularly off dead zombies at deer stands (soldier heavy class). It probably won't show up just wheeling over them but if you access their gear you might be surprised.
  20. grylsyjaeger

    Finding a tent/vehicle to store excess items

    Supermarkets. To get a vehicle, a good hang out is the Factory to the east of Polana. I've scored half a dozen vehicles there by just waiting for players to stop for either parts of fuel for their vehicles. Ah fond times.
  21. grylsyjaeger

    Last Resistance - Join the humanity's last

    Ho ho, the Resistance is forming? Well my second shot won't be a warning, fellas. XD
  22. grylsyjaeger

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Sniper Mission in Starry last night. Killed one bloke and the second in the town upon hearing the shot immediately battle logged... Disappointed!
  23. grylsyjaeger

    I'm done.

    Boo-fucking-hoo, mate. We've all got problems. Yet we aren't all posting them on a video game website looking for sympathy. Go jerk off to some porn or something and chill out. It's just a game. AND I FOR ONE LOVE THE STRESS.
  24. grylsyjaeger

    If your camp was raided, what would you do?

    We'd fire up the Huey and go hunting.
  25. grylsyjaeger

    Your Final Words Before Death

    I regret nothing. I lived as few men dare to dream.