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Everything posted by Zoop

  1. Zoop

    About Alt+F4

    Maybe if people like you didn't get so angry others wouldn't shoot them so much?
  2. Zoop

    Respawn disabled? WHY???

    Lol, vekien's math fail gets pointed out, so he simply doesn't return to the thread.
  3. Zoop

    Respawn disabled? WHY???

    Respawn abusers lag up servers and cause desync issues.
  4. Zoop

    About Alt+F4

    That's a good idea. There should be a way to detect when a player leaves the game and when he mashes Alt-F4. Also, for the guy before me, please read up a bit. The logout timer was tried in an earlier patch, but it DOES NOT WORK with the ArmA 2 engine. Stop suggesting it already.
  5. As much as I hate hackers, you've gotta admit, that is pretty funny. Beartraps. lol.
  6. So basically you're saying hacking is understandable and okay because there's a lot of PvP in the game?
  7. I don't quite get how they knew it was you, though. I'm assuming this was on a regular server, but if so, does it show nameplates of people inside vehicles? Still, total dick move on the part of the admins.
  8. Zoop

    US 1: Biscuit.Gaming Admin Abuse

    Also, admins cannot roll back a server. At best they can restart it and maybe have a chance at recovering some gear taken from tents, but rollbacks? Not possible.
  9. If the response you came up with in the end was to insult me, then I don't think your 'long though out' response would have held much ground anyway. :)
  10. Either way, I'm out of this thread. Just place yourself in a legitimate admin's shoes for a bit, and think how utterly frustrating it has to be trying to keep a server well-maintained and running properly for a community who's just looking for a reason to get you blacklisted, then you'll know how a lot of us feel.
  11. Yes, actually. I don't have the time (or the inclination) to come here and spam this forum with threads every time I need to lock the server, like when my server's time was kept going out of sync a month back and required me to edit files and timezones and keep restarting the server to see if my latest try has fixed it or not. If someone wants to find out why my server is locked, they can send me a PM on the forum or go to our server's official forum and ask there. If things reach the point where maintenance actually requires us to lock a server, you can bet we've probably go our hands pretty full.
  12. You realise that maintenance can sometimes take up to a few hours, right? I once spent 7 hours fixing my server after a physical server crash pretty much broke everything it could break. At the end of it, you know what I got? A bunch of people bitching because they made a camp on my server and then couldn't access their equipment because the server was down. Not even a thank you for just spending 7 hours in which I could have done something for my own enjoyment, but instead spent trying to ensure their continued enjoyment. This whole middle-ages witch trials thing the DayZ community has got going needs to stop. Stop making admins' lives more difficult than it should be. I know there are admins out there who abuse their power and I think they're assholes, but jesus christ, move to another server. The amount of admins who get falsely accused of utter bullshit is staggering. Every second community member wants to see if he can get a server shut down. It's pretty much reached the point where admins are too scared to skip reading these forums for more than a few hours because they need to continuously check if people are accusing them of anything. I've received three emails accusing me of admin abuse in the last two weeks alone, and you know what the funniest part is? I haven't even played the game in a month because I'm at university with a shitty netbook. So rather than running here like a tattle-tale, make a note of a server you think is run by an abusive admin, and never play on it. If everyone does this and nobody ends up playing on the abusive admin's server, how long do you think is that admin going to continue paying for a server few/no people play on?
  13. So, basically, if something is wrong with your server and you need to test something out without players joining, you're going to get your server banned and lose all your money? Despite you maybe being a rather good admin just trying to figure out why your server is misbehaving so that your players don't have a bad experience on it? Or someone whose server is set to lock for 30 seconds after every five new joining players to avoid the server getting bottlenecked by too many people joining at once? So ultimately, locked server = abusive admin; no exceptions. That what you're saying? There are way too many variables at play.
  14. It didn't punish the real bandits because the real bandits didn't give a shit either way. They just shot everyone on sight. Only reason I kept killing people back then was to keep my amazing-looking bandit skin.
  15. Why is this even pinned? It's basically telling people to report servers without first finding out why it's locked in the first place. Jesus.
  16. Yes, let's make even more work for the devs. It's not as if they're not already working their asses off.
  17. Players constantly respawning to get a favorable spawn puts a major load on the server and cause not only lag, but also major desyncs. That's why it's being stopped.
  18. What I'm hearing is that you feel the community should be responsible for showing new players where the fun in the game is. No. You're responsible for your own fun.
  19. Okay, bought it on Gamefly. Now here's to hoping it's good. Got the night free so I'll probably end up playing it until the wee hours of the morning.
  20. And now I'm talking about the zombie aspect and saying it's too easy, hence why people shoot each other. Also, it's fun shooting each other.
  21. In all fairness ncoXX, I don't think anyone understands half of what you're typing.
  22. ...or it goes final! http://www.dramabutton.com/
  23. Maybe if the survival aspect wasn't so easy PvP wouldn't be so prominent? Who wants to team up to survive zombies when it can just as easily be done on your own? Actually, doing it on your own might actually be even easier.
  24. Eh, so me playing this game isn't going to happen tonight, as I'd hoped. Gamersgate password reset isn't working and I can't remember my password. I hate Gamersgate. They're constantly having such issues. :<
  25. Because it didn't work properly and ended up punishing players who defended themselves more often than it punished bandits. I got a bandit skin on numerous occasions after defending myself from survivors trying to kill me.