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Everything posted by Zoop

  1. Zoop

    Ban in US153 today

    Look at that last sentence of yours. You're not really in any position to comment on grammar.
  2. Then it's not a case of admin abuse, but a case of hacking. I never said admins can't hack. This thread, however, is here for admin abuse, not hacking. :) Also, I'm glad to hear that my thread clarifying what is and what isn't admin abuse is now somehow a high pedestal for me. :) There's a difference between saying all admins break the rules and saying players have attitude problems. :)
  3. You can tailor the server to your preferences. You can run a regular server and just switch off those things you don't like, like crosshairs or nameplates, etc. Also, in general, I find restarting a server twice a day is often best. I would honestly be surprised if a server can run for a month without crashing or encountering other issues. :P
  4. Well, if this translation is true it's clearly a case of severe admin abuse. I agree, blacklist this server. Language has nothing to do with racism, so please stop this ridiculous argument already.
  5. I ignored the other post because I don't deem it worth a response. I don't see what the ban appeals forum has to do with knowing when you've been wrongfully banned, tbh. If you weren't doing anything wrong, and you get banned, then you were wrongfully banned. It's pretty much common sense, imo.
  6. Innocent players' don't need a sticky, they have an entire forum in which they can post about wrongful bans. This sticky is only here so players can read up on what admins can and cannot do. It doesn't exactly take a genius to work out whether he/she has been wrongfully banned.
  7. Because many of us have automatic reset counters, and not all of us have the technical know-how to set up automated messages. I've tried, and I still can't get automated messages to work.
  8. Miss the point much? The thread was created for the vast amount of innocent admins being accused of admin abuse when the incidents clearly are not. Like the numerous threads in which players go 'admin remote killed me, blacklist plz.' This thread is stickied because it sets out exactly what admins can and cannot do. It's here in an attempt to curb the rampant hysterics of uninformed players who want to scream admin abuse at everything and nothing.
  9. Zoop

    ALT f4 Suggestion.

    Oh look, it's this thread again.
  10. >doesn't read post because no punctuation >get called racist lol?
  11. Most of us have nameplates removed for a reason. It breaks immersion and all it does is cause senseless vendettas.
  12. I would take this even further and say primary weapons are not used against zombies. I barely ever use anything other than my secondaries to dispatch zombies, because ammo for primaries is just too valuable.
  13. Zoop

    Spawn Killers

    It's fun to troll?
  14. I commend Badjr for being able to read it at all. I just looked at it, saw that he never learned the importance of punctuation, and then skipped the rest of his post.
  15. Seriously? The mod and environment has changed drastically since launch, yet the ruleset is still the same? We have hackers running amok on our server, and I can't do ANYTHING to stop them? The easiest solution would be for me to password the server and set up a whitelist that is open to anyone, yet I can't because I'm not allowed to password the server. Instead, I have to see the server go down the drain while hackers render the game unplayable? Seriously? Revise your server rules, because things can't keep going on like they are now. It's simply not working.
  16. I'm honestly not sure. The only thing I can find in my logs pertaining to vehicles is the things like the following; _id = player spawn spawn 01.08.2012 01:52:28: Not Stoupie (ip address ommited) - #36 icopter" || _v iskindof "plane") then { _v setVehicleInit "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"; I'm not really sure what I'm looking at, so I don't know if they can be used to track vehicles, but I think not. All of them seem to be recorded when players interact with vehicles.
  17. Finding it funny how after the respawn was removed the life expectancy started climbing again. Now those assholes who exploited by respawning ten times in a row for a desirable spawn location can't bring the life expectancy down any more.
  18. Hmm, didn't know it doesn't get taken into account until 2 minutes later. Just noticed that the life expectancy is now sitting at almost 50 minutes. It was between 20 and 30 for quite a while a while back, so I assumed it had climbed after the respawn function was removed.
  19. I'm too lazy, so no. I won't. Why should I read up when I've got nice chaps like you who can explain it to me?
  20. Zoop


  21. We've had a discussion thread on this the past week. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/52515-attention-rocket-please-review-the-dayz-server-host-rules/ Devs don't seem to give a shit, despite the thread getting enormous support from other admins and even numerous regular players. Basically, passwording a server is the easiest way of keeping hackers out, because you've got full control over who can and cannot access your server. Then you've got some assholes who say the only reason people would want to password a server is because they want to farm loot safely.
  22. And we're right back to swearing like a 15 year old, eh Valec? We've refuted your points numerous times, and you just press your fingers in your ears and ignore everything everyone says. If I wanted to be an abusive admin, I would be a goddamned abusive admin. I wouldn't be asking permission on these forums. Your argument on that front gets weaker with every post. So I say again, Valec, bring a worthwhile argument to the discussion, or gtfo. Your only counter-argument to all our arguments in this thread so far is lame accusations of admin abuse with nothing to back them up. You don't bring a single valid argument to the table for why server owners shouldn't have control over their servers. PM me once you get a bit of intelligence and I'll take you off my ignore list, because I don't have the time, nor will, to argue with a child who can't defend his argument without ad hominem attacks and baseless accusations. Troll until proven otherwise. Also, give me your mommy or daddy's home number, and I'll give them a call and see if I can't recommend them a good psychiatrist they can take you to go see for those anger management issues.
  23. You know the zombie is probably raking your flesh open with his nails, right? The human hands can be pretty dangerous stuff for someone/something who doesn't care for injuring himself.
  24. Valec, either bring something new to the table, or gtfo. You're like a record-player stuck on repeat, and the argument you're continuously repeating isn't even a very valid one. I'm not going to write out the exact same counter-arguments I've given you twice or thrice before, all because you can't seem to come up with something new. Reading the same shit over and over is only fun for so long. Stop whining because the change wouldn't allow you to server-flank and server-hop to farm loot.