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Everything posted by Zoop

  1. Rocket should actually change snipers so that if they hit either your arms or legs, they destroy them. If it hits your arms, tough shit, you can't carry a gun. If it hits your leg, I hope you like crawling everywhere. Note that I say destroy, not break. As in, morphine doesn't help and you're not regaining use of those limbs until you die and respawn. Anything to make the whiners cry moar.
  2. If he is made aware of the fact that he is carrying a hacked weapon and he doesn't chuck it, then he's as bad as the hacker, otherwise I won't issue a ban because I can't simply assume he knows the weapon he is carrying is hacked.
  3. Zoop

    Beta Patch 95777 is out

    I just installed it on mine. It runs, but I'll have to wait and see how stable it is. Back when I was on 95417, I didn't experience any crashes at all, but the last two betas have had my server crashing more or less every 3-6 hours.
  4. Zoop

    new hacker trick

    That must have been quite a sight.
  5. The logs don't show normal players hacking either. An admin cannot claim innocence from hacking based solely on the fact that he's an admin, and I never said they should or could. Hacking is still against the rules, regardless of whether you're a server admin or not, so even if an admin hacks, chances are pretty big next time BattlEye rolls out a ban wave he's going to get his account banned, so he'll get what's coming to him. Claiming admin status to avoid being banned for hacking is pretty stupid and only a moron would believe someone a suspected hacker isn't hacking just because he's an admin. Once again; hacking <=> admin abuse. Two separate issues. I'll amend the OP and add that admins can still hack, but ultimately I think it's pointless because it's common sense and is still not a case of admin abuse.
  6. Anyway, this back and forth bickering is getting pretty tiresome. If anyone has any amendments, alterations or think they've got anything I've missed to add in the OP, post them here and I'll have a look at them, then change the OP as necessary. It's an informative post on what is and what isn't admin abuse, not some kind of post to hide a malicious agenda.
  7. Then it is still not a case of admin abuse, because the admin isn't abusing his admin powers, he's abusing hacks. If any admin uses hacks, or has any of his friends use hacks for him, he's a cheating piece of shit, but it's still not admin abuse. It's hacking. It might just as well be a non-admin player asking his hacking friend to teleport him around the map, and you wouldn't be able to convict him of hacking either.
  8. I've yet to see the post where I discriminated against someone based on their language, unless you want to count skipping a post because of a lack of punctuation as racist. And I still stand by what I said. Language has nothing to do with race. Some races might adopt certain languages as 'their' language, but might just as well grow up and learn another language as their primary language. I'm not disagreeing with you that discriminating based on language is wrong, I'm just saying it is not necessarily inherently racist. Either way, I'm out. Arguing semantics is not exactly my idea of fun.
  9. Was having a discussion about this with someone earlier, and the guy claims that private servers are illegal and have been outlawed by Rocket. My reasoning is that while Rocket may not condone them, he can't really do anything about them and they're not illegal because the DayZ mod is not technically owned by Rocket. All of the assets in the mod belongs to BIS, and not Rocker, so unless BIS takes up a stance against private servers, they're in the clear. Am I correct in my reasoning?
  10. I said players are ungrateful little shits, not ALL players are ungrateful little shits. :) Lrn2context. :) I've got a pretty wonderful group of regulars who play on my server. A bit demanding at times, but a good crowd, all in all. :) If it'll make you feel better I'll add the word *some* to that post. :)
  11. Because continuously complaining is pointless and accomplishes nothing?
  12. Wondering the same thing, as all tents/vehicles are saved on the Hive and inaccessible to server admins.
  13. Firstly, I don't run a private server, and secondly, I don't see anything in this thread that even remotely resembles advertising. Also, whoever is forcing Dallas to read these threads, please stop.
  14. Zoop

    Second hand server - No vehicles

    I think it's really shitty of game server providers to give people second-hand mission IDs.
  15. There's a difference between playing on numerous servers and hopping between servers to get loot.
  16. Is it illegal to edit a mod for Skyrim? Then why is it for DayZ?
  17. Zoop

    Server Blackout

    I was actually wondering the same thing. The blatant disrespect that some of the forum moderators here show to not only server hosts, but forum members in general is pretty shocking. I'm all for a forum moderator having a controversial opinion, but if they insult members and troll threads, then they shouldn't be moderators in the first place. Being a moderator is a responsibility, and part of that responsibility is keeping order on the forums, not making things worse.
  18. Zoop

    Server Blackout

    I'm in, but for this to be effective we'd have to get at least half the server hosts in on it.
  19. Zoop

    Need admin to slay me.

    On the one hand, it is kinda frustrating having such limited control over our servers, but on the other hand I can also kinda understand it from an anti-admin abuse point of view. Allowing admins to teleport and remotely kill players can lead to a lot of admin abuse.
  20. Zoop

    Need admin to slay me.

    Exactly. Admins cannot teleport or remotely kill players without using hacks.
  21. Likely not, because "even if it was within the scope of the project (and its not)."
  22. >Racism has to do with discrimination based on biological traits >Language is not a biological trait Understand now? Discrimination based on language is still discrimination, but not racism.
  23. As a server owner, I agree with the rule that you shouldn't be banned for using a hacked weapon. Many people are not aware which weapons are hacked and which are legit. If I catch someone spawning weapons, I'll ban him, but I'm not going to ban him for using a hacked weapon, because he might not even know the weapon is hacked.
  24. Zoop


    No message received is usually indicative of a server crash, not a manual shutdown. A manual shutdown normally just says Session Lost. It's suspicious that it stayed down so long, though. Especially seeing as you say the admins were online when the server went offline.
  25. I think it's quite clear that this admin is an abusive admin. He claims to have proof of them hacking, but we have yet to see this proof. Wanna know why? Because there isn't any.