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Everything posted by Zoop

  1. Seems three of the regulars on my server got BattlEye banned in the last 12 hours and most of the South African servers seem hacker-free for now. Kinda sucks, I even trusted one of the guys enough to help admin the TS server. Guess that teaches me something about blind trust. Still, I'm glad BattlEye is doing its job now.
  2. Follow the server administration rules set forth by Rocket, or go host a private server where you can ban whoever you want. If you want to host an official server, then you can't ban people for simply carrying hacked weapons.
  3. Fuck it. Haven't played DayZ in almost two months. Downloading now to make sure I didn't get caught in this wave of bans. Sounds like a lot of legit players got banned.
  4. Don't mislead yourself into thinking people actually ascribe anything good to BattlEye. It's one of the worst cheat detection systems out there. Absolute piece of shit.
  5. Zoop

    The bans..

    Are you fucking kidding me? I hate hackers as much as the next guy, maybe even more seeing as they make running my server a nightmare, but if I was wrongfully banned from a game I paid $50 for I'd be flipping lids. Money doesn't grow on trees for all of us.
  6. Zoop

    i got a global bann

    Why do hackers always want to hack, and as soon as they get banned THEN they're suddenly 'sorry,' running to the forums to tell their sob stories. You got what's coming to you. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  7. This just in... even with the new bandit system in place, I'm still going to shoot everyone I see. Why? Because fuck you, that's why.
  8. Zoop

    Moral management and KOS

    So you wrote that entire post just for it all to come down to 'implement a group system and punish team kills.' What a waste of time.
  9. Sir, I do believe you've got my beans.
  10. Zoop

    Accused of "Combat Logging"?

    Wait, that last part, you disconnected to avoid the bandits?
  11. Nah, that's only the things we can do, not necessarily what we're allowed to do.
  12. Yeah, I dunno. The one guy was a really nice guy, I honestly didn't expect him to be the hacking type. Then again, the psychopaths who sticks you with a knife can also come across as a pretty nice guy beforehand. :P
  13. Zoop

    To all server admins

    I also have to agree with the previous poster. I never read a rule in the agreement that states we'll get blacklisted if the server is shut down for a few hours a day.
  14. Zoop

    about 1.7.3 patch

    Who said anything about beastiality? Dogs = lunch.
  15. Zoop

    This is kind of stupid.

    Say whaaat? That's admin abuse right there. Either that or a piano fell on the admin's head and his brain is now a bit muddled.
  16. >we deserve No you don't. Rather ask your GSP why they gave you a second-hand mission ID.
  17. Yes, but it requires a fair bit more skill than a sniper does. A player with an assault rifle 600m away is a lot less of a threat than a player with a sniper.
  18. And to me, that's false. Not having to worry about snipers makes the game easy mode, because then you can run anywhere and anyone who wants to shoot you will have to come close to you first. You can simply run across that nice wide open field instead of following the treeline along the clearing, because nobody from far away is going to shoot you. They have to come close to do that.
  19. Zoop

    Possible way to find BattlEye bypassers?

    Shouldn't he still show up in the server console log? That way you can grab his GUID from there and ban him.
  20. Zoop

    Should I?

    Technically, nothing that can get you banned. From a moral point, you are aware that it is hacked items, so you should ditch the stuff. Preferably somewhere where nobody else can come across it.
  21. And by banning a player for the simple act of carrying a hacked weapon you do not understand or want to administrate within the boundaries created by Rocket. Therefore, you can also 'fuck off', as you so nicely put it.
  22. Zoop

    Beta Patch 95777 is out

    Yep, server seems to be a lot more stable. No crashes yet.
  23. Zoop

    Beta Patch 95777 is out

    You have to shut the server down first.
  24. You do realise that the DayZ team is severely understaffed at the moment, right? Just make a thread for abusive servers and the devs should get around to it sometime. Right now my guess is that their biggest concern lies with solving the rampant hacking issues. They haven't even released the patch that was scheduled for release more than a week ago yet, so I think they've got their hands pretty full at the moment.