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Everything posted by Zoop

  1. Zoop

    No activity in Hive

    Ah, got it! Thanks! If the forums still had the rep feature I'd be repping you endlessly today. :P Hmm, everyone is still hanging at Loading now. No idea what's up. Is Hive_ext 1.4.1 outdated already? I'm still pending my membership to the google group for DayZ server hosts. :(
  2. Zoop

    No activity in Hive

    Oh, I've got Hive_Ext 1.4.1 downloaded, I just don't know how to install it or get it working. :P
  3. Ah, thanks. That worked. Is there anything I need to add to the command line to have it run the beta?
  4. How do I install Hive_ext? I think it's the reason my server isn't working properly.
  5. I'm just confused. I tried that, but it's not working. People just get stuck on 'Loading' on my server. The hiveAuth and Hive also doesn't show any activity at all after initialization. I have no idea what's going on or how the hell to get my server working today. :(
  6. Stuck. As is most of my server's regulars.
  7. Zoop

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    And where do I go to get server.pbo? I'm lost, once again, with no information on where to get some of the files needed for my server.
  8. Zoop

    Trying to update server

    Yeah, I'm always left in the dark the moment I have to update server side. Where do I go to get all this information? The same thing happened with the Hive 1.9.3. Couldn't find it anywhere.
  9. Could we perhaps have a single dedicated list of GUIDs from known hackers, so we can add them all to our ban.txt files? That way, people would be able to stop hackers just jumping servers as soon as they get banned somewhere, and it would reduce the frustration these guys sow whenever they enter servers. I would offer to run a thread myself (if the devs would permit it), but I'm being kept a bit busy by my mid-year exams at the moment.
  10. Just played again. Was night time on my server. Gave up after 10 minutes of blundering around in the dark. Look, I'm all for having the game be unforgiving, but this is honestly quite literally unplayable without night vision goggles. I understand it adds an element of danger to the game, but playing at night without NVG is basically a death sentence. The bandit groups on my server have actually come south and now camp the coast again, waiting for new players to throw their flares. And it's not like the new players have a choice either. It's either you throw a flare, or you can't see 10cm in front of you. As it stands now, night time is broken and it needs to be fixed ASAP. As in, priority number 1. It's not even a question of being difficult playing at night, it's basically just that you simply can't.
  11. Indeed. Yesterday night my server had a full 5 people on at 10PM. On a Friday night. Two weeks ago, people were fighting for spots on the server over weekends.
  12. Zoop

    Gamma and brightness

    Yeah, the game is more or less un playable right now unless you've got NVG. You can't use flares, as you attract zombies and any players for miles around, and you can't play without flares because you literally don't see shit. I've more or less stopped playing the game whenever it turns night. Only play during the day, whereas I used to prefer playing at night.
  13. Lol, and he edited his post shortly after you told him this. XD
  14. It seems that at times certain items simply do not drop. For about two weeks, I could not find any equipable skins anywhere. Then, on Monday, out of the blue, they start spawning for me again. But now I'm having the same issues with maps. Been trying to find one since Monday, but no luck. Is there something wrong with loot spawns, because they used to be really abundant and in the past we've also had issues with nobody finding toolboxes on our server.
  15. Zoop

    Item duping/hacking

    I somehow duped a water canteen by accident the other day, and I have no idea how it happened. I was filling the canteen at a dam slight north of Stary Sobor, and next moment I've got two canteens in my inventory. I simply dropped both the original and the dupe somewhere safe where nobody else was bound to . I would have been rather miffed had my account been banned for it, because it was honestly an accident and I don't even know how I did it in the first place. Makes you wonder, if it happens unintentionally like that, how many people have been banned for having duped items by accident?
  16. No. It's an artificial mechanic that favours certain playstyles over others.
  17. So basically a smaller bandit 'skin'? Neeext.
  18. Zoop

    That Hearbeat Kind of music

    If you hear gunshots and you're still alive, he's not doing a good job of it. :P
  19. Zoop

    Please make a retard button.

    I did the same thing the other night. Clicked Respawn by accident and lost all my gear. Would be nice to rather have a confirmation dialog pop up first.
  20. Zoop

    Where to find new handguns?

    I usually stick with the Makarov, even when carrying a military grade primary. It's a lot less noisy than many of the other handguns, and ammo is incredibly common.
  21. Made worse by the fact that the forum lost two weeks of content, which people are now repeating because they think it hasn't been beaten enough.