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Everything posted by Zoop

  1. I found the Bliss server, which has a bit more clear instructions. Will try it out. Everyone's gotta learn these things someplace. ;)
  2. Well, I've looked all over and I'm still no closer to setting up a Lingor server than I was when I started. I tried the following guide; http://www.tunngle.net/community/topic/85461-dayz-1725-saintly-lingor-island-v034-server-files/ But it's confusing and there aren't any clear instructions anywhere.
  3. Could even be coincidental. Not nearly enough evidence to prove anything.
  4. Zoop

    who killed me

    Likely they ran right cross you while you were AFK. And no, there's no way to check who it was, fortunately and unfortunately.
  5. Zoop

    I think I just crapped.

    Ah, the good old zigzag tactic. It's always so much fun when an inexperienced sniper is unable to hit you because you're zigzagging.
  6. You're grasping at straws here to support a weak argument. Cheating in a singleplayer game affects only you. Cheating in a multiplayer game affects everybody else. Two entirely different scenarios. You're a cheating scumbag who breaks the rules in some games then wants to come cry because people break the rules in other games. Pot calling the kettle black. That's really all there is to it.
  7. So, a hacker, the owner of NO56 and a raging nerd walk into a bar. He orders a strawberry milkshake.
  8. The point is that you coming here to scream about people not following the rules of DayZ, but then openly admitting to not abiding the rules in other games is sadly ironic. You do NOT have the right to hack in games simply because it gives you enjoyment. You signed the EULA, you agreed to play by the rules EA/DICE/Activision set out, so you have no right to hack. Scream and swear as much as you like. There's nothing like a nerd-raging guy who's been backed into a corner.
  9. Wow. AndreasB. Really, And you want to talk about other people being stupid?
  10. Would you let someone who openly admits to thievery work in your jewellery store? Also, I'm still trying to figure out what type of hacks pass as 'non-disruptive' in games like BF3 and CoD. Aimbots? Radar trackers? Neither are detectable by other players and nobody is likely to call you out on hacking, but it still gives you an unfair advantage without actively disrupting the server.
  11. So, how do you go about hacking 'non-disruptively' in a game such as BF3 or CoD? Please, enlighten us. Also, for the record, I do follow the DayZ server hosting rules. I'm just calling you because you're going on about how you're unable to follow the rules in other games but want to crap your pants about it here. Pot. Kettle. Black. End of the discussion. Continue having a fit of nerd-rage about how you're justified in hacking other games or whatever if you like. I don't really have the time or the inclination to listen to script-kiddies raging on forums.
  12. Zoop

    I think I just crapped.

    It's strange what an adrenaline rush this game gives you. The last time I played me and a few friends were heading to Cherno from inland and stopped by one of the forts close to the coast (can't remember the name). It was dark and we were using a flashlight to see. Next moment I see a flashlight down in the treeline and tell everyone in my group to switch theirs off. They definitely saw us, because a few seconds later shots were fired in our direction, but wildly, meaning they didn't know where exactly we were. We headed into the fort and I proceeded to try and throw flares all around the fort from the top to light up the area while the two others stood guarding the door for anyone stupid enough to come in after us. Long story short, five players rushed the fort, and the two guys at the bottom managed to take out two before being killed themselves (we were carrying really crap guns and only of the two below had a primary weapon). The guys then proceeded to head up, not knowing I was sitting up there. As they came up the stairs I managed to off one with my Enfield and broke another's legs before they killed me. All through this I was actually physically shaking as if it was really happening. It sounds stupid to retell the tale, and it sounds a boring story, but when you're there, in that moment, WOW. No other game can compare to the exhilaration you feel in that moment.
  13. Precisely what the previous poster said. You want to come here and cry about people no following the rules and in the same breath admit to hacking in other games. If you don't see the irony in that, then you're in no position to be talking about thick skulls. As for your 'non-disruptive' hacking; what does this entail? I can't think of any hack that doesn't give you an unfair advantage over the other players in the server. If you think it's fine to get an unfair advantage over other players as long as it's not 'disruptive' and they don't even know about it, then it really says a lot about you. In fact, the fact that you're getting so angry and defensive about the whole thing is indicative of you knowing you're clearly in the wrong here. It doesn't matter if you only hack certain games, you've admitted to hacking in the gaming scene, so you shouldn't have a server.
  14. I still frequently play arcade shooters like BF3, and it's assholes like you who piss me off. Why do you have to ruin the game for everyone else? Saying "but I don't hack games like DayZ" doesn't excuse your hacking in other games. People pay good money to play games just so that assholes like you can ruin it. If I were the DayZ devs, I would blacklist your server. Even if you're not hacking this game, there's something wrong when a self-proclaimed hacker runs a server for any game.
  15. Zoop

    AU 1 Server Admin Abuse

    Why is this... thing, not banned yet? Threatening to DDoS the DayZ site and/or servers? I would think that's a bannable offence.
  16. Seeing as most hacks bypass BattlEye, I don't see how that would do any good.
  17. Also, please show me where it says we have to post all our bans here? Because I never got the memo. If we had to post every single ban we make here, the forums would be overflowing with ban threads.
  18. Hackers are better than admin abusers? Seriously? Look, I hate both, but really? You prefer one that can instakill you from halfway across the map and make you lose all your equipment over an admin abuser, who can at most kick or ban you from his/her server?
  19. What people who are say "it's in alpha" miss is that DayZ is in alpha, but ArmA2 isn't. There's a very good reason why the ArmA2 community thrived on passworded servers before DayZ came along.
  20. These have been up since the 6th of August.
  21. Zoop

    Community Banlist

    How do we submit bans to be added to the banlist? Like, right this morning I got solid proof of a combat logger in the form of video and have server logs to back it up? Or is this list strictly for hacking?
  22. Zoop

    Admins can´t read ?

    Oh, no, they have ways of combating hackers, they just don't want to take it because the admins who are already abusing their powers are supposedly going to abuse their powers if they do.
  23. Zoop

    Admins can´t read ?

    Exactly, and with a playerbase that is just out looking for reasons to get your server banned, I'm not surprised more and more people are moving to private Hives. Honestly, which other game out there has a section on their forums dedicated to reporting admins? If I play other online games and encounter a server with an abusive admin, I move on to another server. Granted, abusive admins can cause quite a bit more damage in this game, but it's still nothing that can't be recovered. It's like the Salem witch trials, just with less fire and more nerd rage.
  24. Zoop

    Admins can´t read ?

    So, everyone is on a witch-hunt to see how many servers they can get shut down? How about us server admins start going into the cheat reporting sections and posting the GUIDs of hackers, dupers, ghosters, combat loggers, etc? How many of you whining ninnies who keep crying admin abuse will then be left to play the game? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, after all.
  25. Zoop

    Map wipe

    WTF? It's ungrateful shits like you who make it shit to be a server host.