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Everything posted by Zoop

  1. Server has performance issues, then they get reflected clientside. My understanding is that the client's gameplay can only be as smooth as the server can provide.
  2. Can I be the sniper camping on the hill while both sides parade their new flags about? Also, imo, the Rocket Defense Force flag needs his avatar in it somewhere. I'm not even gay, but that is one attractive avatar.
  3. Oh really? So having a dedicated forum topic on our forums in which people can say 'the server doesn't work after the new patch' isn't good enough now? People aren't all greedy grubs like you just out to benefit themselves.
  4. This is ruining so many opportunities for bandit roleplaying. And people wonder why they get shot on sight? It's because if you don't shoot on sight, they're going to DC as soon as they notice you.
  5. The only thing that possibly lead to an increase in banditry is the increase in popularity. Bandit has little, if anything to do with it. Back when we had bandit skins, I got shot by more survivors than people that had bandit skins. If people got bandit skins, they'd just raid a hospital for some blood bags and continuously apply them to each other to get rid of the bandit skin, so the system didn't work anyway. And no, working together pretty much sucked right off the bat. Everything you could do in a group, you could probably do better alone. What people are continuously missing is that change is supposed to come from the players. Rocket isn't supposed to do something to make you survive longer and work with other people. That's your job. You claim everyone kills on sight? Well, maybe if everyone stopped being morons it wouldn't work that way. All these carebears going 'I shoot on sight because everyone else is likely doing the same, ' they're absolute idiots. They're likely the reason the game became KoS, because they lead to everyone starting to play that way. Stop killing on sight, and maybe things will go better for you.
  6. Out of the blue, nobody can connect to my server any longer and it gives the following error in the .rpt file; "NAT Negotiation failed - unable to communicate with the server" Anyone know what could be causing this, as I'm stumped? Nothing changed server-side, as far as I'm aware.
  7. I find it hilarious when people claim that everyone is shooting everyone because of the removal of the bandit skin. Everyone is shooting everyone because surviving is piss easy, and there's nothing really to do in this mod at the moment except shooting people. Hell, there's no reason to work together, because it's actually safer going solo. A partner might just attract zeds and get you killed.
  8. Zoop

    To Clan [OrK] on LU94

    I wish people would stop making pointless threads like these.
  9. Zoop


    Sounds like this particular hack has been happening fairly often lately.
  10. No, he didn't. KOS is entirely coming from the players, not the removal of bandit skins.
  11. Go look for other survivors to shoot. It's what everyone does once they realise that surviving is so easy that it's practically pointless playing as a survivor.
  12. So a penalty is not a form of punishment for playing a certain playstyle then?
  13. And you, sir, are either lying yourself or you're a moron. I haven't even played DayZ in 3 and a half weeks, and I don't intend to jump back in anytime soon. So really, am I hosting it for myself then?
  14. Rocket has said time and again, he's not going to punish certain playstyles. YOU should be the change in the mod. It shouldn't be something Rocket implements.
  15. So nobody knows how to fix it? Nobody has been able to play on my server since the restart. I don't even know where to start looking. It's a dedicated server being rented from an ISP, so I have no access to the hardware, and I highly doubt they'd change anything without informing us.
  16. Zoop

    To the admin of Atlanta 110

    Admins do not have the ability to teleport to people, or teleport people to them. The only inconsiderate and rude person I see here is the OP. What a condescending little prick.
  17. Server is ZA1. Been running fine for the last two months. No recent hardware or software changes.
  18. Zoop

    Armpits and ass

    Because if they put in cigarettes they would have to change the game so that smoking characters have coughing fits every few seconds and get tired and become unable to run after every 500 meters spent running. :P
  19. Or not? The first one sounds incidental to me, the second one not so much.
  20. Shutting my server down. I honestly can't work like this anymore. The communication between devs and server hosts is pathetic. I'm being forced to update to the latest beta, but there's not instructions to be found ANYWHERE. Have to spend hours searching the net for how the hell to get BattlEye working again, etc. I don't have time for this. Is it really that hard for the devs to just write a short post once in a while telling us about new things we need to do to keep our servers running? Honestly, I love DayZ, I really do, but running a DayZ server has been the worst experience of running a server I've ever had.
  21. You guys must be deaf if you don't hear the wind effects. Go stand still in middle of a forest and listen to the wind blow through the trees. Either way, I find it both calming and soothing. Not annoying at all.
  22. Wow bro, you're really hardcore. All of us can only aspire to be as cool as you one day. $50 says he's some skinny git somewhere with a girlfriend called Right Hand. Protip: Cool people don't have to tell other people that they're cool.
  23. I'm not quite sure how zed aggro works, but I think sense of smell should be able to be implemented easy enough. Say, a player gets hit by a bullet in the middle of town, and he starts bleeding, his blood should attract all zombies within a certain radius until he can bandage himself up. Having no idea how this works, I'd assume it should be easy enough to just attach 'noise' to the state of bleeding, meaning your noise meter will raise and therefore attract zombies until you bandage yourself. Might just be an easy way to implement smell for fresh blood. It will make bandaging as fast as possible an absolute must, together with trying to get to a safe place to bandage asap. On the plus side, it might even help with the Alt-F4 issue a bit. A lot of times when people get shot they log out so they can go bandage on another server or whatever. Having zombies attracted to a bleeding character might help a bit for this if they log out in the middle of a major town or something.
  24. Zoop

    Zombie sense of smell

    Yes, but you'd have to get somewhere where zombies can't get to you or will take a while to get to you first. :P
  25. Zoop

    Are you F~$king Serious?

    Indeed. Then they get angry when we point out that their thread is thread number 105687 on the topic.