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Everything posted by Zoop

  1. There is no situation where the use of Alt-F4 is warranted or excusable.
  2. Zoop


    And running a non-PvP server isn't allowed either.
  3. When you get banned, the reason for being banned is shown to you in the 'You have been banned' message. However, I have to admit, the admin's story sounds a lot more legit. I haven't been able to check the video yet, but his story actually checks out. It doesn't make sense that you would log out right on top of Zub, knowing it is an established camp, with the knowledge that you might spawn in right next to a player when you get back. Hell, it doesn't make sense to log out on top of Zub at all.
  4. Zoop

    Note on Servers

    The minor performance hit from using Windows shouldn't make a difference if you've got a decent server, which most of us have.
  5. Your story is patchier than the hobo outside my apartment building's pants.
  6. But then it was hacks, not admin abuse.
  7. Heh, as I thought. No response from Goodyear. Probably because he has no way to back up his claims and this 'research' he did doesn't actually exist. Just another troll, I guess.
  8. Huh? I don't see anything in your story that can be attributed to hacks.
  9. Look, dude. If I was so fickle that I want to hear people thank me just so I can feel better about myself, I wouldn't spend hundreds of rands on a server. I'd buy bread and make sandwiches for the homeless. Now, unless you can actually bring something worth discussing to the table, stop accusing everyone of something you do. Thanks.
  10. Admins can't kill you like that unless they're hacking.
  11. Zoop

    Suspected Admin Abuse on US257(Seattle)

    Hacker, not admin.
  12. Zoop

    Bullets for currancy

    Ammo is so easy to come by it doesn't matter anyway. Besides. This is the apocalypse. Why would we need currency?
  13. Also, if the server died a millisecond after you killed him, as you claim, then I highly doubt it was an admin that did it on purpose. The admin would have to alt-tab out and then access his controls to kill the server, which would take a bit longer than a millisecond.
  14. If a server is killed by an admin it says 'Session Lost'. If it crashes, it says 'No connection for <however long>.
  15. You're talking to someone who has been administrating a server (ZA1) for two and a half months now. If I tell you we don't have any tools to teleport players around, why won't you believe me? Here, read this. http://dayzmod.com/f...u-need-to-know/ As for server security being the admin's concern, have you ever run an ArmA 2 server? If you had, you'd realise just how shitty the tools provided to admins are. Do you think we let hackers roam free because we want to? No. It's because detecting hackers using the limited tools we have at our disposal is often not only incredibly difficult, but usually just about impossible.
  16. Zoop

    US 506 - Admin abuse

    Maybe stop your ad hominem attacks and realise that this isn't a case of admin abuse, but a case of hacking then. All it takes is a little brainpower. :)
  17. Admins do not have the tools to teleport. At all.
  18. Not admin abuse. It pains me that admins always get blamed for what hackers do.
  19. Zoop

    Player as a Dog???

    Does it matter if the guy is clearly a hacker?
  20. Zoop

    Kicks by ping, and why its annoying

    Well then, ask your friends to host a server for you so you can play without being kicked. You really can't blame people for wanting to provide their local players with a good experience by keeping out internationals. Line speed has just about nothing to do with latency. Latency is entirely dependent on the route your data packets have to travel to get from your PC to the server. A server being halfway across the globe from you is obviously going to give you poor latencies. You having a high latency degrades the experience for everyone else on the server. Now how fair is that? tl;dr, stop complaining that you should be allowed to be selfish by degrading the experience for others just because you want to play with friends or don't want to play on your own servers.
  21. Yes, loyalty is one thing, but what is the point of standing by a mod that is basically rendered unplayable due to hackers? I really appreciate what Rocket is doing for us, free of charge, but the point is that their hands are tied and it sucks playing for hours just to have your progress ruined by a hacker.
  22. Well, one thing is certain, the hackers are slowly killing off the fanbase. We've lost countless people who said they won't be coming back to the mod unless something is done about hacking. There's really no point to playing if after hours of playing, you and the rest of the server get teleported to one location on the map and end up dying. Even worse when it happens three times in one day.
  23. Zoop

    Kicks by ping, and why its annoying

    Someone with a high ping degrades the experience for everyone else, so, uhm, no. Play on something closer to you. You can't expect all the other players to put up with lag and desyncs all because you want to play on low-pop international servers. That's highly inconsiderate.
  24. Uhm...wat? Firstly, it is explained, in the OP, that those things listed are what admins are able to do, not necessarily allowed to do. Secondly, I haven't played in over three weeks so if I magically have a well-equipped toon, yai(?), I think? I'm at university, with nothing but a crappy netbook, so, yeah. Thirdly, where was I banned for admin abuse? What admin abuse? Or are you totally pulling that out of thin air? You've clearly got the wrong person here or you're trolling. I'm all for ignoring internet ragebois like yourself, but I'm really curious why you have decided to aim all your hate at me for some reason. Just to back myself up a bit here, here's the thread for our server on the official forums. http://www.nag.co.za...-Thread/page167 As you can see, it's still running, so I don't really see where you get that I've been banned for admin abuse? So really, did you pull this entire thing right out of thin air and actually believe yourself, or are you just out to troll and sling baseless accusations my way for no apparent reason?
  25. Zoop

    US 506 - Admin abuse

    Admins can't drop bombs on players. That's the work of hackers...