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About Alternative_Alien

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    On the Coast
  1. Alternative_Alien

    Having to zero your weapon

    I think some people are a little confused between zeroing a weapon, and adjusting the sights for distance. They are totally different things. Saying "zero is zero" is not strictly true. A zero'd weapon out the factory or by use of a collimator, does align the center point of the sight with the impact point of the round at between 100 and 300 metres, depending on the weapon system. This zeroing technique (similar to bore sighting) will get you on the target at close range, but won't get you sniper levels of accuracy. For ultimate accuracy the weapon system will need to be individually zero'd to the individual firing it, and the only way to do that is tight and consistent grouping while firing on a range. You would need to put at least 20 rounds in 5 round groups into a target, then adjust the sights depending on the center of mass of you 5 round groups. This process can take a long time and application of the marksmanship principles, witch I'm sure no one in the game gives a rats ass about! So maybe a collimator might be a good idea (the special tool to help zero a weapon system). But to try and replicate true zeroing.... i'm not sure it will catch on.
  2. Alternative_Alien

    Killed a friend little guilt but funny

    These things are funny, my buddy shot me in the same building (high yield n/w airfield), thinking I was a zombie. My piece of shit Alienware then proceeded to over heat and crash. On re-logging (in probably the most dangerous building in Cherno) there was a guy 'all ghillied up' and stood in the doorway. I couldn't believe that he was there as the exact moment I logged in. Ghillie-man was very kind though, he gave me a free trip to the seaside :)
  3. Alternative_Alien

    I stole your Heli

    I think it might have been a hacked heli too, as it had full fuel and zero damage (up until I go my hands on it anyway). Surly an in game heli that's been cobbled together would have slight damage or low fuel?
  4. Alternative_Alien

    Random Encounters

    Like you I always play defensive and try to out manoeuvre, as I like to give others the benefit of the doubt. Unfortunately 9 times out of 10 (ok 10 times out of 10) the other person just wants to fill you with holes. It's a shame, because other than stealing a heli I've never intentionally targeted anyone :huh: Does't help you with your bullet magnet, but certainly reflects on the aggressive nature of almost all players in Rockets little social experiment B)
  5. Alternative_Alien

    I stole your Heli

    2 days ago I stole someone’s Heli from the NW airfield, and although at the time it was totally hilarious, as I got to cabbie around for about 10 minutes before breaking it. I actually feel quite bad. The reason being, there was a glitch in the game where the whole of the airfield appeared to be on fire so I could see everything when it was pitch black (cheating I know, but I had to take advantage as I’ll probably never get another go). The guy who’s Heli it was managed to get in the passenger seat, so we had a little chat, but based on the fact that he was a very well kitted out Bandit I decided to let him bail, then I promptly pissed off into the darkness with his shiny Whirly Bird. If it was you, then ‘sorry mate’! But it was bloody funny at the time :D
  6. Alternative_Alien

    Unbeliveable low FPS

    do you have the other ARMA II expansions, British Armed Forces, and Combined Operations, if so get rid of them if your having performance issues? I did as DayZ was unplayable! So, I uninstalled everything so I'm only running Arma II, Arrowhead, and DayZ, and it runs perfectly :) I'm using a really old Alienware M17, that over heats all the time, but DayZ is working fine with all the other stuff gone :)