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Everything posted by TeaLeaf

  1. This makes much more sense than using some ultra rare item that literally no one in the region would own.
  2. TeaLeaf

    New Zombies/ Small Bosses?

    I have to disagree. What I can't explain will always scare me more than what I can. That's just me though.
  3. TeaLeaf

    New zombie skin

    That... thing will be in my nightmares.
  4. TeaLeaf

    skills idea

    The OP's idea doesn't involve character progression at all. Personally' date=' I think character progression could work in one context in Day Z. It would make sense for your character to learn "survival skills" the longer they survive in the world. Just little things that give a sense of adaptation like gaining a little more blood from food or harvesting a little more meat from animals. Moving a little faster or more quietly over terrain. Even gaining the skill to start a fire every x hours with a "firewood" or "tinder" item you can pick up off the forest floor instead of matches. I think that would make you feel like your character is "growing" in a tangible but mostly non-impactful sense that adds only a trivial amount of convenience. This would also make dying suck even more because your character might have survived long enough to gain this bonus or that skill that helped every once in a while. That's beside the point, though. This sort of "skill system" as described just provides certain role-specific bonuses that personalize the character in a small way. No levelling up. No new skills that unbalance pvp. It's the equivalent of a small stat bonus. [/quote'] I was quoting someone else though, I did actually read the OP. I still don't like the idea of people performing certain tasks to get bonuses, not matter how trivial they are most people will centre their entire play style around acquiring them. Maybe the normals guys can just tell if the guy was bitten or shot recently? So if a guy got bit then shot to death, they wouldn't be able to tell which killed him.
  5. TeaLeaf

    skills idea

    Yup. /thread So leave it. Shoo. Just because you disagree with an idea doesn't mean the rest of us can talk about it. To stay on topic' date=' I kinda like the idea of having a certain skill to begin with would be pretty cool. Maybe we could have traits too, that start to appear after a certain number of deaths involving zed's. [/quote'] I really don't like the idea of actual character progression. It causes way too much unnatural behaviour.
  6. TeaLeaf

    Player Journals

    Awesome Idea! It'd be cool if the journals got uploaded to the website on player death too, so you can view them all and link people to them. Imagine finding a Journal on a body outside a small town. It reads: "Going to check the town for supplies, I saw some guys down there earlier. If you are reading this I'm probably dead and the town is hostile. Stay the fuck out!" As a possible extension... audio logs?
  7. TeaLeaf

    skills idea

  8. TeaLeaf

    skills idea

    Oh don't be so pedantic. We all know exactly what we mean and so do you.
  9. TeaLeaf

    Factions / Trading / Player Types

    I don't like these ideas. They add too much structure and order to the game world. I want it to stay brutal and inhospitable. This was exactly my problem with Fallout 3, the game claimed to be post-apocalyptic but everyone acted too damn civilised and civilisation was pretty much restored by the time you enter the world.
  10. TeaLeaf

    skills idea

    Read the actual OP. He never says anything about leveling up. In fact he explicitly states there wouldn't be any.
  11. TeaLeaf

    skills idea

    Well I reckon he should get a regular skill as well. Maybe better fitness? Also maybe change the rest from professions to more generic skills, like instead of Doctor have First Aid? It's mostly just a name thing but it's hard to believe 1 in 5 people are doctors. It also means there'd be no civilian class, just lots of civilians with different skills. What I think could work: -Soldier: Better Pistol and better stamina. -First Aid: Extra medical supplies and faster first aid. -Mechanic: Requires less parts to repair a vehicle. -Hunter: Can harvest more meat from animals and starts with a hunting knife. -Thief: Stealth bonuses like you said. Forensic Scientist's ability should be for everyone I think, it's not hard to determine whether someone was shot or eaten. I can't really think of one for "average dude with no useful zombie apocalypse skills". I don't believe the humanity bonus really works, especially as it has no effect now.
  12. TeaLeaf

    Allow stmovement!

    CoD is basically the first person shooter version of the Nazis and Hitler in Godwin's Law. Use a similarity to CoD as a negative when it has barely anything to do with the discussion and you look like a moron. I think a good compromise would be an auto-lower on every weapon, but if that isn't possible due to hard-coding etc then this is a must. I haven't tried it but does looking directly up or down while wielding the pistol allow you to rotate? Not being able to turn your character is not only unrealistic, it's also a bit retarded.
  13. TeaLeaf

    skills idea

    I quite like this idea, as long as there is no RPG style levelling up.
  14. TeaLeaf

    Keys, Transportation, and Vehicles

    1. I like this idea but with two changes. You should be able to hotwire the car anyway, it just takes longer. The keys should return to the car after the player logs out. 2. You can do this anyway. 3. Unnecessary, vehicles are rare and not a big part of the game. 4. I'm a bit iffy about this. I think there should be some kind of friend features but this seems a bit too easy and there's tons of potential for abuse. 5. No, this is the apocalypse people should be allowed to kill you and take your shit. 6. See 4. 7. Good idea.
  15. TeaLeaf

    Name indicator

    It's unrealistic that you can't recognize unique players, at least at close range. What you just said is like saying we should remove the inventory UI because people don't have that in real life either. Some unrealistic elements are put in to counter other unrealistic elements. This would be one of them.
  16. TeaLeaf

    New Zombies/ Small Bosses?

    Is that directed to me or what? :) Looks like it. You have to admit that entire premise of zombies is unrealistic anyway. I could believe that a virus could make humans super aggressive, but making them super aggressive only to non-infected humans is a little odd. Realistically rabies type zombies would just rip each other up.
  17. TeaLeaf

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    [2]. It really is annoying how people keep forgetting its alpha and they complain about everything.. Complaining is still useful feedback. Not pointing out flaws because "it's alpha" can only hurt the game long term.
  18. So since the announcement about bandit skins being removed everyone has been suggesting equally unrealistic system such as insanity or some kind of reputation thing. I think I have a more "natural" solution that doesn't directly force people to play nice, just makes it more beneficial. Currently it isn't too difficult to solo the game and avoid being killed by zombies. Teaming up helps a bit but it isn't a must. My suggestion is to add new zombie types or give the regular zombies new abilities to make teamwork exponentially easier than soloing and make zombies the main threat again. The idea is that having at least one teammate is more important to survival than having "phat lootz" so you will be less likely to just gun down someone. Now even if you are merciless bastard, having someone around is useful. So the sort of thing I'd like to see is effectively zombies that can "grab" you (and start eating your face). After being grabbed you can't get out of it by yourself, someone has to shoot the zombie off you or something. The regular zombies would have a certain percentage chance of performing this grab instead of a regular attack. Now going solo is very risky, as zombies can basically one shot kill a lone player. I think if even more lethal zombies where added further down the road we'd see much more teamwork. Even if it is just serve a mutual goal.
  19. Yeah but then unless you are actually near a military base, shoot on sight will still be in effect.
  20. I still don't see what that solves though. People will still put each other down if they think they can do it in one shot and if they are in the country side killing will occur as usual. I'm not saying it's a bad idea, just that it doesn't fix this particular issue.
  21. TeaLeaf

    Fast vs Slow Zombies

    Slow zombies aren't scary, threatening or realistic. How the hell did everyone get infected if they only move at walking pace? You can just walk away from them.
  22. Then the exact problems we have now will remain. People just shoot each other because they have no reason to risk trusting them. Making all other players a valuable survival asset gives a reason to take a chance on randoms.
  23. That doesn't really make grouping easier than soloing, it just makes the entire game harder.
  24. I think something like the hunter could probably work. Just a faster monkey zombie that can pounce short distances and pin you down.