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Everything posted by TeaLeaf

  1. TeaLeaf

    The team work philosophy (Shoot on sight / group play)

    I agree that making teamwork more prevalent would resolve a lot of issues. Just make extra manpower more important than an extra can of beans and people will be less likely to shoot each other.
  2. TeaLeaf

    The Moral Effect Theory v2.0

    Yeah I get what you are saying. Whatever happens has to be a negative experience for someone like me that never player kills unless it's self defence, but a positive experience for someone that runs around murdering everyone?
  3. TeaLeaf

    The Moral Effect Theory v2.0

    Now that I've had a chance to think about it some more, I think I might have a way we can get around the issue of it feeling like the emotions are being "forced" on you: Make them appear as an "external" force. It's a bit hard to explain what I mean, but essentially don't simulate moral breakdown by forcing the player to vomit, feint or perform any kind of action themselves. Instead, make the manifestations seem like part of the actual world and make them fairly subtle. For example, there are a number of ambient sounds that put me on edge momentarily when I hear them such as the sound of something bumping a chainlink fence. Making sounds like that more common could actually make the player a little paranoid, rather than actually trying to directly simulate the effects of paranoia. The "music" could also get more oppressive when you are supposed to be depressed, but it should fade out entirely when you have a clean concious. If you go in the options and fiddle with the games music level, it feels much much scarier when it's on but fairy calm when it's off (assuming zombies are not chasing you). You could do more advanced stuff like occasionally duplicating the sound of the players footsteps if they have been running for a while so it sounds like someone is behind them, but make it stop as soon as they stop moving or at night simulate the sounds of someone sprinting past you panting. I think obvious hallucinations would be pushing it a bit too much and a seasoned player would ignore them, but stuff that is more about the "mood" of the game rather than the actual mechanics is fairly hard to ignore. I need to flesh this out a bit, but I'm kinda tired. Hope it makes sense. I'm still not 100% sold on the idea, but I'm coming around.
  4. TeaLeaf

    ACE-like inventory system

    I'd like an inventory system like this but I think the effects of weight should be less than real life. You have to account for it being a game and people needing to get where they need to go in a reasonable amount of time. I don't think there should be any fainting etc. just slow the player down and make them get exhausted faster. Near max weight I think the player should still be able to move at about light jogging speed, though this means they probably can't outrun zombies. Remember you can still drop your pack fairly quickly via the inventory (maybe this could be a scroll wheel action in the future) and come back to it later so I imagine players with ALICE packs full of stuff would leave it in a bush or something while they explore.
  5. TeaLeaf

    Shity Flashlight on Makarov

    Because it's a flashlight?
  6. I think the first idea is a little... dramatic for DayZ. I really like the idea of choosing your starting gear to at least some degree. I'd probably swap some stuff for a map because I don't know Chernarus off by heart yet.
  7. TeaLeaf

    Shity Flashlight on Makarov

    The dev(s) are already working on getting flashlights to work without them being a separate secondary weapon.
  8. TeaLeaf

    Backpack Space [Change & Suggestion]

    Yeah I agree with this. I should be able to carry a shotgun, assault rifle and sniper rifle if they would realistically fit on my body, but I should suffer heavy movement and stamina penalties for it.
  9. TeaLeaf

    carrying capacity etc.-

    I would also like to see a more realistic inventory system. +1
  10. TeaLeaf

    A more realistic approach to zombies

    I don't really think you understand the word "realism" but I do think zombies need to be harder.
  11. TeaLeaf


    There are already ArmA mods that do melee, so it's definitely possible. Also the zombie scripts are done client side, so it could simply be case of doing a very quick collision check.
  12. TeaLeaf


    I think it's just a case of if you are within X distance when they play the flappy arm animation you take damage.
  13. TeaLeaf

    PvP Bloodied Suggestion

    God no. Would people please stop suggesting "magic" mechanics that make no sense.
  14. TeaLeaf

    A reasonable approach to a new zombie type.

    I actually really like the idea of rare intelligent zombies. Preferably they'd stalk you for a bit instead of always attacking on sight.
  15. TeaLeaf

    I'm really sorry - The Debug Desert Bandit

    Which server was this? I have a feeling you killed me. If not, I died due to someone doing the same. Only lost a Winchester so I'm not too mad.
  16. I emptied half a makarov clip into those windows, how much damage do I need to break them?
  17. TeaLeaf

    Backpack Space [Change & Suggestion]

    Yeah the amount of space some items take is inconsistent. A bundle of road flares is roughly the size of a makarov, but the flares take up 1/4 the space. I'd like to see them use a more limited version of the stalker inventory system where weapons have a realistic "volume" and also have weight. You can't have too much of either.
  18. It's not safe to log out anywhere. I got erroneously spawned in the middle of the debug forest and was immediately mowed down by bandits in a similar glitchy state.
  19. Would you need to log on to TS outside of the game? Because I know from experience that 4/5 won't bother.