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About synddd

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  1. synddd

    DayZ is a joke in its current form

    you sir, are a dick. I concur with the OP and think that there isn't enough reason for the good guy to succeed in this game. I see no reason myself to side with any survivors I come across and today, I came across a guy that was sitting in the top of med value residential, when I told I him I only had an axe and show no threat and want to look for food and nothing else, he told me to go away anyway, and then proceeded to kill me as I moved out the door. There is as always a lot of excuses for the way people play the game they way they do, but in the end, people play the way they do because it works within the confines of the game and gives them rewards. If more reward was given for being the good guy, then there would be more good guys.
  2. synddd

    Server restart advantage

    and did i mention that its fast, reliable, doesn't use as much food as sprinting everywhere and when you get off, your aim is just as if you didn't just pedal your way 20-odd-km across the map. GOLD!
  3. synddd

    Server restart advantage

    Bicycle is the best vehicle in game by far, doesn't need fuel, doesn't flip like a quad but just as prolific, and hell, if you damage is just get off and back on and its fixed, voila! ;-)
  4. synddd

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Guess you didn't play Battlefield 3 beta, woeful game that continued to have problems after launch. I think DayZ is a fresh idea that is being played by the likes of WarZ (the name? really?). The only criticism I have of DayZ is the lack of endgame, but I'm a EvE Online player from way back which also has no endgame and had me captivated for years. It all about the friends you make and the memories your create. And yeah, no artifacts found here, sure today I got agroed by a Zed from about 50m away while I was inside a grocery store after taking one single step sideways, but I can live with that.
  5. Hey mate, I think you find this useful. http://www.tunngle.net/community/topic/85461-dayz-1726-saintly-lingor-island-v034-server-files/
  6. I didn't know this. I thank you OP for your wisdom, but disagree with all the rest of the shit that just fell out of your mouth/keyboard. And I quite (see what i did there AzVirus?) enjoy this game despite the hackers. This game is all about dieing, running in from the beach and finding new shit again.
  7. synddd

    Wipe the hive please.

    This thread is ridiculous, just like all the others with the same name. I found all my gear legit, Ive been alive for over 30 days now and you want to punish me for playing legit? This is not a solution to anything, you said that a few people stopped playing because they found it no challenge because of duping, imagine how many people like me would rage quit if you took all my gear for the sake of what? so hackers can just script all their shit back? I play on a server that kicks people who have as50-tws's, or any other hacked weapon for that matter. that is the single best idea I have seen yet! Your 'solutuion' is a bandaid fix that will be nullified as soon as the hackers log back in and script it all back. Let me then be the first to say that I am completely, entirely, dumbfoundedly against this idea and all the others like it.
  8. synddd

    Can't update ARMA 2's beta version

    Im having the same
  9. synddd

    Item-Sinks : we need one

    Yeah, thats what I meant. @Zeppa Guess I missed that post somewhere, but that is exactly what I was proposing, so I will go back in my little hole now and wait for my next good idea that has already been mentioned ;-)
  10. synddd

    Item-Sinks : we need one

    Like^^ What about weapons taking damage on use? A-la the Jagged Alliance series, but will need to be repaired with parts... Come to think of it, make weapons take damage just like vehicles running out of fuel. The weapon can be repairable with parts but if the damage gets to 100% it is deemed unrepairable and may as well be thrown away. Also, when weapons are below 50% status then they have a chance of malfunctioning when you fire it. Just some more ideas to throw into the discussion.
  11. synddd

    Possible tent fix need help testing

    I can't c/d any of the other parts of your post, but for the above quote, I have gathered a push-bike, two motorbikes, four quads and a ural since and they are staying put once saved. I do notice that they tend to 'bounce' their way downhill once I get out/off the vehicle but stabilise after server restart, back in the location where they were saved.
  12. mountain dew at green mountain? I would go there to bask in its goodness, if it weren't for the creepy noises from the afterlife.
  13. synddd

    Average life time increases

    ^ this. People cant hit the respawn button now if they don't like where they have spawned. Has gone a lone way to increased life expectancy.
  14. Congrats on a very amicable response to this turd. I know if it were me, I would have lost my shit at him. I have read rockets post about hosting servers, how hosting one brings no benefit to the hoster and with it comes a lot of time spent removing hackers and dealing with whingers but I didn't expect that. I'm sure for every person that complains, there is hundreds more that appreciate the time and money you throw at the community to make it what it is, its just the nature of it where the thankful people never let you know and the ungrateful are sure to tell you about it.