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Jay Shack

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About Jay Shack

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  1. Jay Shack

    Playing in a clan SUCKS!

    sounds like you were in a shit clan my friend
  2. Maybe the ability to make like jailhouse shivs out of stuff you find ;)
  3. Jay Shack

    Mountain Dew!!!

    We dont go to green mountain anymore...
  4. Jay Shack

    Guns for sale

    Beans because i nearly spat my drink everywhere when i read that hahahaha
  5. Jay Shack

    Only FN FAL's past 3 helicopter crashes?

    that shits not funny man.. i heard they've got zombie dogs there now too
  6. Jay Shack

    Only FN FAL's past 3 helicopter crashes?

    i found 5 helis in the last 2 days... the total loot included: NVG 2 Fals Bizon empty tin cans and ak mags thats it.
  7. Jay Shack

    Ride up north

    i could help, what server and whats at ne which is so important?
  8. not really helpful.. all i can say is try keep away from highly populated servers, works for me..
  9. Jay Shack

    Be wary of helicopter crash sites

    protip: dont get hit by zombies
  10. Jay Shack

    The radio

    We dont talk about it any more either... it can hear us.
  11. Jay Shack

    He shot at us, We found him and shot back. *Bonus ATV*

    youre either very gutsy or very stupid climbing on top of the school rooftop (0:20) you're just asking to get shot,..