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Regulators TripSe7en

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About Regulators TripSe7en

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Regulators TripSe7en

    The Regulators are looking for good people

    I'm in. I'm still a little green, but this is my play style. Is there a list of members? Also, is there a way in Dayz to add friends and to keep track of them across servers? I'm just getting back into PC gaming and a lot has changed since 1998 when I left! Also, any other USA regulators out there?
  2. Regulators TripSe7en

    Just discovered that you can use a Xbox 360 Controller.

    Man there are some douches in here, but I guess there always will be the "my way is the only way" class of douche. Seriously, who gives a shit if you hate controllers. When I'm in my office I play with KBM and love it. When I'm I front of my 65" on the couch, I use my 360 controller and love it. The rare instances that I need to fire a weapon, I have my sensitivity to my liking and it allows me to pull of headshots when needed. To the OP, enjoy whatever works for you, no matter what others say. But you really should look into xpadder. It works great for many different things. There is also a good xpadder post on here somewhere that has a very detailed profile you can use that gives you every keyboard function mapped on to your controller using different sets. Enjoy the game.
  3. Regulators TripSe7en

    Xbox 360 Xmapper Presets Created for Day-Z

    @ Mastaofdisasta You can lick my balls. I have rheumatoid arthritis that doesn't allow me to use a kbm setup. So why you think you are some king shit, you're actually just a piece of shit. There are gamers with disabilities that can't play the way normal people do, people like me and also people with Multiple Sclerosis are just a couple examples. Grow up.
  4. Regulators TripSe7en

    Xbox 360 Xmapper Presets Created for Day-Z

    Please Help. When I try to load this profile into xpadder 5.7 I get an error message "Range Check Error". I would love to use this profile but I cannot get it to work. Here's hoping the OP didn't abandon the thread because of all the trolls and flamers...