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Everything posted by Valyne

  1. Valyne

    Survivor Base (In Development)

    Age -21 How long have you been playing? -1 week What is your reaction when you see other survivors, not knowing if they are friendly or bandits? -Watch them and study them and make a tactical assesment if they are friend or foe. What is your first instinct when you see another survivor? Watch them cautiously and avoid violence if possible. Situation 1: You and a fellow survivor you have just met are searching a barn, you find the only can of food in the building and your fellow survivor is down the red on on his meter. You are at orange and the next local town is a few km's away. What do you do? -Give the survivor the food since they need it more than i do. Situation 2: You are down to two clips of your 1911, your fellow survivor has a revolver and is currently out of ammo. Knowing you can convert the ammo of your 1911 to a revolver .45 clip, do you give that survivor your last mag or do you keep it for yourself? -give the other survivor the other clip two people with guns is better than one person with 2 clips.
  2. Valyne

    Project Freedom: Recruiting

    Age (Be Honest):21 In Game Name:Valyne Country/Timezone:USA PST Are You Active?:Yes friday through sunday Experience In Dayz: about a week Have You Worked In A Team Before? In game with about 4 others and i am ex military.
  3. I will trade you a dmr with 5 mags for some stan am mags
  4. Valyne

    Tired of Playing by myself

    skype:thevalyne i am always looking for people to team up with.
  5. I could use a hand i am almost dead in the Chernarus hotel i have 2 blood bags i just need a transfusion pm me on here or add me on skype it is thevalyne
  6. I am somewhat of a new player i have been playing for about 2 days and i have the basics down. I am looking for a couple people to join up with and work as a team. I live on the west coast so if you are intersted my steam id is :eric1029 and my skype is thevalyne. I am 21 and ex military so i would prefer to find people that are mature and have a team oriented attitude.
  7. 1. Age:21 2. Experience Level : Noob i have 2 days in so far 3. Preferred role Assault since i am ex military 4. IRL Location: NA 5. Steam id: eric1029