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About fullmetalmonkey

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  1. fullmetalmonkey

    I already love the hatchet

    Does the same thing happen if you use it on human players? That'd be interesting to see.
  2. fullmetalmonkey

    ForumZ has pcp and perma death too

    Despite the statistics on the front page, 90% all forum posts are bandit-worthy.
  3. fullmetalmonkey

    DayZ needs objective other than survival

    I feel the same way as Pogoman, as much as I am enjoying myself whilst playing the mod in its current state, I can imagine the whole survival aspects of the game starting to dull after periods of time. I do really like the idea of 'base building' ala CTI (Conquer The Island for all those new to ARMA) although not to the extent of being able to build A10 Warthogs or Challenger MBTs but things a lot more rudimentary such as a small 'medical tent' (or some sort of shack) where meatball surgery can be performed for severely injured players, another form of shack where repairs can be made to weapons and be cleaned etc. Everything from the sandbag walls, razor wire fencing, barricades, buildings/shacks etc must all be found within the game and require multiple players to build and put together. These sorts of outposts/camps/bases, call them what you like, would be persistent to the server they are built on. This would should lead to emergent gameplay of bandits wanting to raid such places to get access to the goods stored inside and the survivors trying to create this form of safe zone would have to defend if they want to protect all of the hardwork they have put into creating it. As I mentioned earlier about some form of weapon shack to repair and clean guns, a system could be implemented where guns have, durability comes to mind but I hate that term, but are liable to getting jammed and stop working altogether. This would then encourage players to go out and explore Chernarus for repair and cleaning kits for weapons. At the end of the day, we are finding these guns on the floor and in not entirely clean condition (plus they must have been used by their previous owners who left them there in these spawn points) and so in my opinion shouldnt work as good as new. Plus having weapons jam on you and ultimately break can lead to some interesting situations during a bandit raid or zombie attack and in my opinion increase the already high tension within the game. There was another thread I read a couple of days ago about a suggestion for introduction skill books. This system would work excellent with what I have mentioned as some players may specialise in surgery or camp building or weapon restoration and so therefore have a form of 'importance' within this small Freeport built by fellow survivors and if attacked by either zombie hordes or bandits would also encourage players to try and protect them to not lose a vital function within their camp. Another thing which could be added is portable petrol generators which could be used to power spotlights, such as the ones which would be used to light up camps but again, zombies would be attracted to the noise and light but it would also be very noticeable at night to unsavoury types. This again would encourage players to actively go exploring for jerry cans to power them.
  4. fullmetalmonkey

    Build Hotfix

    I pretty sure I had but I done it again (before reading your reply) and am just logging into a server now to see if it fixed it. Yup it works. /facepalm. It's 01:32 here. Must have missed the zip file when I copied them over. Cheers though.
  5. fullmetalmonkey

    Build Hotfix

    That's what I mean though. I knew that had happened but I still cannot right click on food or bandages in my inventory to use them.
  6. fullmetalmonkey

    Build Hotfix

    Try the bandages. Only them and the water bottles worked for me. (out of the starting gear that is) None of it works, I can pick up and drop items fine. But I can't bring up the context menu to eat or drink (and whatever else might come up).
  7. fullmetalmonkey

    Build Hotfix

    Any info on not being able to bring up the context menu when you right click items in your inventory? Is it a problem with DayZ or an issue my end?
  8. Edit: Fixed. Despite knowing that this was going to be added into the mod and also playing other ARMA 2 mods which have a right click system, I cannot for love nor money get the context menu to work. I'm currently on the UK4 server which has been updated to 1.5.8. I also know of a couple of others on the server with the same issue.
  9. fullmetalmonkey

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    The right click menu doesn't seem to want to work for me. Looks like I'm going hungry tonight.
  10. fullmetalmonkey

    Things could be worse

    Whilst being chased by a rather large horde of Zombies and making my last stand on top of the Bank in Elektrozavodsk, i came across something which i thought was a sign from god. Shortly after i was eaten alive by a ravenous horde of Zombies. I've been playing ARMA 2 (and all of the previous games by Bohemia Interactive) for a very long time but i did not know this was in the game
  11. fullmetalmonkey

    Me being an idiot xD

    I'm not using the free version of ARMA 2. I've been playing ARMA for years. :) Your also launching it as Combined Operations, correct? As i sometimes launch it as just Operation Arrowhead and it won't work. Also, try installing the mod with the update from www.worrom.com its what i used.
  12. fullmetalmonkey

    Me being an idiot xD

    Tegla, add this command line in steam exactly as it is. -mod=@dayz -nosplash
  13. fullmetalmonkey

    Safe Zone (No shooting/No Zombies)

    The only way there will be a 'safe' zone in the game is if players band together and make one themselves out of items they find in-game on a specific server. For example, players could barricade one of the hangers at an Airfield and try and setup a trading post of sorts. The reason why people don't? Paranoia is rife with Day Z. It only takes a crazy fool with a hand grenade, hell, it only takes a crazy fool with a makarov to ruin it. If people want to make player made 'safe' zones, then fine but do it at your own risk. I, personally, think it would be cool if that were to happen but like i have mentioned its too easy for it to all go to shit. I would love to see a player made trading post be ruined in-game. Would make for an awesome youtube video.