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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. this game is not about "handy" things. never was. never will be (hopefully). PS: your avatar makes fun of handicapped ppl and you call me the "kid" and make fun of my spelling ?? ok.
  2. the debug monitor is a crutch that is completly against the idea/style of the game. and i´m not really raging, just tired of reading the same shit over and over and over again because ppl don´t read.
  3. i swear to god, most ppl here can´t read. THE DEGUB MONITOR WILL BE GONE FOR GOOD IN THE NEXT PATCHES / STANDALONE. IT WAS NEVER SUPPOSED TO BE THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE. ROCKET SAID SO IN DOZENS OF INTERVIEWS. you dont need the debug monitor anyways or do you constantly forget your playername ???? everything the monitor shows is redundant anyways. blood shows in the bloodrop / color fainting / heartbeat. Humaninty is the style you play. no need for a retarded number. knowing the number of zombies is completly irrelevant. holy shit ppl. READ before posting.
  4. Will the "hide body" option be removed in the final or will it be altered ? (like needing an entrenching tool and several minutes to complete)
  5. ^ a 1000 times this! it needs either to be removed completely OR (which i would prefer) it should take an entrenching tool and several minutes to complete. i really hope they change the hide body mechanic in the final.
  6. first time i heard a zombie speak i nearly got a heartattack cause i thought there was a player around the corner :) i hope this is a bug. imo Zombies shouldn´t say more than maybe "BRAÌIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINS!" :)
  7. WarZ is a reskinned War Inc. aka just a generic Zombie shooter like Dead Island. Apart from Zombies it has close to nothing in common with DayZ. It aims at a completetly different experience/playerbase.
  8. ROFL, "after or around". This means exactly nothing. You do realize that January 25th 2018 is also "after" Sep. 6. 2012 :) At this points i just wish for them to ditch the mod support completely and only focus on the standalone. The time of the mod is over imo. Every patch for the mod takes time/manpower away from the standalone even if it is not that hard to introduce stuff from the standalone into the mod.
  9. pillerking@yahoo.com


    well, except the AS50 TWS :(
  10. noob question: how do you deploy the parachute once you exited the vehicle ?
  11. - Game purchase only. (p2w and monthly fee are the devil :) ) - Studio developed (you can always add *good* community stuff / items / ideas / maps after you´ve finished the game) - Community Servers (don´t waste time and money on servers the community will happily provide) - I´d chip in on Kickstarter if you really need the money (but I think BI will earn enough anyways :) )
  12. "original poster" in this case. when talking about weapons/items OP means "overpowered"
  13. i use the latest (95819) and just connected succesfully to a server
  14. first undocumented change i found: humanity is back in the debug monitor :)
  15. - fishing - remove "hide body" or make it take a *long* time and an entrenching tool. - possibility to leave notes (after you´ve found pen and paper of course) - tracks on the ground when someone took your vehicle - tents change appearance (raped) when they where emptied by other players ..... and much more... :)
  16. that´s something that can be really annoying atm: you never know whether your tent has been robbed or you vehicle has been stolen or if the server has emptied/eaten it ;( would be awesome if the tent would look "raped" when someone emptied it or if there where tracks on the ground if someone took your vehicle. (and if it was possible to leave a note, (after you found pen and paper).that would be hilarious) perhaps these features get implemented. one can dream
  17. possible: yes (AS50 with nato ammunition does 174205 damage and you don´t hear the shot since you´re dead before the sound reaches you (afaik) ) but if it was was deep in the woods that´s rather unlikely. maybe a bug (you can die while walking over small obstacles) or a hacker (but then most often all ppl on the server die) tl;dr: might be legit, not likely.
  18. can we PLEASE stop the hacker/cheat/exploit threads and sticky this: Jump to 31:40. AND LISTEN !!!! "[These exploits] CAN´T be dealt with while this is a mod. But they CAN be dealt with as a standalone game." Rocket said it himself. What more do you want ????