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Everything posted by Dayzo

  1. Because you're not focused on killing again and again and again, you just go back to looting and building a base for a couple of hours to recover from the fire fight. The survivors of the firefight that go straight into looking around for more PvP will be creeping further toward the demise of their character. Just going around a map excessively killing everyone you meet for no reason whatsoever is what needs to be controlled. So sure, be a 'bandit' (ie. a loot stealer), but moderate it and think twice about how many people you kill. For instance, it might not be worth the penalty to kill the newly spawned player, so you might decide to wait for someone who has more gear instead.
  2. Chill dude - it was a misunderstanding, because the guy used the word 'indicator' rather than skin, and I already apologised for it above. An exponential kill counter is still better than putting a fucking turban on players. BTW, do you know how 'bandit' is defined in the game? What turns you into a 'bandit' exactly?
  3. Dayzo

    Block Off Private Servers*

    Huh???? I thought passworded servers couldn't connect to 'the hive'??? If you can carry items from a passworded server to a public server, then that's the nail in the coffin for this game for me.
  4. I would think that keeping PvP levels lower is more authentic, because in real life people would have conscience, guilt and morals, which isn't modelled in the game. People who are mass murderers in the game would, in the main, NOT behave that way in real life. Anyway, why not let the server admins decide whether they want to keep PvP down to sensible levels, or whether they will let people shoot on sight? What's so stupid about choice? I know I have a definite preference.
  5. Apologies, it's not hovering - it's a change of head skin (a ghutrah head scarf) I'm not saying that you don't need to steal loot and kill people. But it does need to be brought down to sensible levels, and players need some reason to at least think twice about it before they attack others. Or at least allow a server distinction between those who prefer a PvP focus and those that prefer a survival/co-op focus. I think there is a fair consensus on the forums that 'Shoot On Sight' is a problem, and that it's spoiling the game in some respects.
  6. That's why the scale is exponential. It doesn't harm you if you are keeping your kills to reasonable levels. But it punishes those whose game-style is focused on PvP. And as I said, it could be a server config choice so you could have PvP servers and survival servers.
  7. It's better than what's being proposed by the mod creator, which is an indicator hovering above those with a high kill count. My suggested kill counter would be private - you'd still have no idea when you met someone if they intended to kill you or not. It would hopefully just make the person think twice about it, if they'd already made several kills in the last couple of hours. And hopefully it would take the enjoyment out of sniping respawns, if you got kicked from the server and had to start again quite frequently.