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Everything posted by Dayzo

  1. Dayzo

    NVG glasses in [warning: spoiler]

    Some private servers remove over-powered weapons. I'd love it if the server I played on removed NVGs and had a full-moon every night.
  2. It's been reported here twice or more, but it hasn't been added to the list: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/122774-dayz-1751-bug-list/ All the 175 beta versions had fix/refuel bugs, so I think it's quite a large issue to troubleshoot and fix.
  3. That's your mistake... there are no spoof videos of glitches; they ARE actual gameplay.
  4. Dayzo

    found my first heli - questions

    What solved your refuelling issue? A server restart? Basic flying is fairly easy, but you do need to practice offline for an hour in Arma.
  5. I like to have the Dayz wiki, Teamspeak and Dayz Commander open on my 2nd monitor while the game is on my laptop screen. Usually both monitors are set to 1920x1080, but to play the game I have to use 1280x720 on the laptop screen to get playable FPS. When I enter the game, all the open windows are 'moved', and are out of position on the 2nd monitor. TS disappears completely off the right side. I have to manually change my laptop resolution first before starting the game. Anyone else have this problem? Is it common? Is there a more automated solution? Thanks.
  6. Yes, extended desktop. The onboard chip is 'Intel HD Graphics 3000'.
  7. You mean, 'demoted to the forum no-one reads'.
  8. Four hours for a vital piece of starter kit is a bit extreme by anyone's standards (anyone who has a life outside of gaming, a job and a family, anyway). Granted I may have just been very unlucky that time. But the main point I was making is that for single players, eating meat is absolutely necessary, whereas teams can just forget about it completely. I wouldn't mind the difficulty so much if everyone had to go through the same thing, but teams have access to an overpowered mechanism that single players can't access. If bloodbags were taken out, and everyone had to think about finding matches, knives and an animal before their first serious injury, then there would be a hell of a lot of complaints about how difficult it can be, and what a waste of time it is before you can get started in earnest. You only get between 100-200 health points for raw meat. So to gain 4000 blood to get me just to half health it would take about 60 meats (about 15 animals). I'd be likely to get infection 6 times, so I would also need to try to find that many antibiotics without taking a zombie hit or encountering a player. And I'd STILL need to find matches before my next serious injury. So no, not really a good solution.
  9. Dayzo

    found my first heli - questions

    As far as I'm aware, from my experience playing the v175 betas: · Remember you need a toolkit now to do repairs to any vehicle. · If the chopper windows are all yellow/green, the fuel seems to leak slower. If even one red, it will leak out fast. · Wait until the animation is finished before applying each jerry can. If you overlap, the fuel sounds like it's going in, but it won't. · The windows leaking fuel is an Arma mechanic. The mod devs would prefer if the fuel tank leaked fuel, but they can't do anything about it. · All choppers seem to take 50 cans to fill them, even the Little Birds. · The Mi17 and Huey are very efficient with fuel, whilst the Little Birds seem to use it a little more quickly even though they go more slowly and are lighter. · Once the windows are fixed, each jerry seems to get you about one and a half minutes of flight (underestimated to be on the safe side). Three jerrys will get you half way across the map. There has been a vehicle bug right the way through the v175 betas that some players/jerrycans cannot add fuel to a vehicle, yet another player can try and it works. One time I couldn't fill an Mi17, even after logging out and back in, dropping the jerry and picking it up, etc. Then when a mate came along with more jerrys, it filled for him. I dumped my jerry and used one of his, and was able to fill it. However, on another occasion that didn't work either - it took a server restart to fix it. Also at times the menu itself has been bugged in that it doesn't show damage accurately, or shows different damage to one player than another. In addition to the refuel bug, there are also bugs which prevent you from repairing a vehicle. Again, sometimes a server restart will fix the vehicle so it can be repaired. Each time we were told it had been fixed in the next release, but it never was. So I can't believe it's been fixed for v1751. Two people have posted the refuelling/repair bug here: http://dayzmod.com/f...-1751-bug-list/ You might want to add any other repair bug variations you've experienced. Although, I notice that Razor hasn't added the vehicle bugs to the list in the first post - perhaps the problem is so complex it's being ignored for now.
  10. Dayzo

    15 FPS on dayz, 50 fps on arma 2?

    I think the server can force 'minimum settings'. So you can change your landscape and objects to 'low', but actually the server keeps them at a minimum of 'normal' so that everyone sees more-or-less the same thing.
  11. As of v1751, helicopter crash sites do not all spawn on server restart any more; that's old v1744 behaviour: · They now spawn in gradually. I'm not sure of the exact mechanics, but it is something like every 15 mins there is a 25% chance of one spawning. · In the betas, some players thought they heard loud 'booms' from a kilometre away when they spawned in. This was not confirmed though. · There are now two or three different models. I'm not sure if they have separate loot tables, but the mi17 seems to spawn meds more than weapons/ammo. · The loot spawns with the heli crash - it is not dependant on a player entering the area. Heli crash zombies are triggered by players @ 300m. And about loot in general: · Loot and zombies are spawned by players whether you're on foot or in a vehicle/helicopter, as long as you're within 300m. · In v1744 loot spawned after zombies, and so you had to approach slowly (you had to stay outside a 30m radius until it had spawned). Loot in v1751 should now appear in the same instant as the zombies spawn.
  12. · NVGs are way over-powered when only some players have them and most don't. · Everyone likes seeing torches, chemlights and car lights; no-one likes using them though - you're as good as dead if someone spots you. · Personally I wouldn't mind the NVGs being taken out completely, as long as it was full moon every night.
  13. Since the server is back to 'normal nights', have you also increased NVG spawns this time around?
  14. Dayzo

    DayZ Mod Update

    I have the same problem. With v1744 and the v175 betas, my framerate was 14FPS in the countryside and 9 FPS in cities. Only just playable. Now I'm getting 10 FPS in the countryside and 5 FPS in the cities, and I'm thinking that it's time to move on.
  15. Dayzo

    blood bags

    I completely agree with this complaint. If you're in a fire fight with two guys, they already have an number advantage. But then if you wound one of them, he can get back to full strength immediately using a bloodbag from his mate. Then they injure you and you're as good as dead unless you are carrying 8 cooked beef around all the time. Let's say you're trying to refuel your chopper by running back and forth 25-50 times. You're already at a disadvantage because you have no-one to keep lookout and you're slower too. You take a few zombie swipes whilst refuelling even though you're careful, and now have to hide the chopper and leave it for an hour while you try to catch enough animals to get your health back. Whereas the pair of players, after refuelling their chopper and not caring too much about the zombie hits, will just bloodbag each other and fly off with full health. Say you've just spawned. As a single player the very first thing you need to do is find matches, knife and hatchet, otherwise you'll never be able to recover from any injury. Occasionally it can take over two hours to find the last item in the trio (in my first game of v1751, it took four hours to get matches). If you keep getting injured by zombies during that time, you're better to just suicide and run back to your body. Not so for the pair of players, who just grab some bloodbags and head off to find guns and vehicles. In fact I know pairs and teams who make no effort at all to find knife/matches - they don't need them. In summary: · eating and drinking should be a separate mechanism from blood health. · Everyone should have access to the same blood mechanism, whether single or paired. As long as teams have access to a mechanism that single players can't access, then as far as I'm concerned the game is broken. However, the main dev has said on Github that he thinks animals are easier to use than bloodbags 'because animals spawn in everywhere', and has also said that self-blooding will never happen (even though it's easily possible). So basically this will never get fixed in the mod. I just hope the standalone is not prejudiced against single players.
  16. My opinion: Yes, the game is just annoying now. As single player, in order to get blood after zombie hits, I need matches, a knife and hatchet to eat myself back to health. There is no other way of doing it. I just spent four very boring hours looking for matches. I'm now at 2000 blood due to zombie attacks whilst scavenging, and I have no way to proceed except to commit suicide and run back to my body. In v174 and the v175 betas, I could nearly always find matches, knife and hatchet within a couple of hours, and THAT'S when I can start to play the game in earnest; knowing I can repair my character when he gets hurt. If it's going to take several hours just to get a basic starter kit, then unfortunately I have to make the decision that I've got better things to do with my time. That's not realism, it's just a broken game. I've said this before and I'll say it again - single players need to be able to blood themselves more easily. I really resent that paired players can simply go to several places on the map which are guaranteed to have blood bags, and return to full health immediately. Single players are already at a huge disadvantage as it is, and not being able to get yourself healthy as easily as teams is just a kick in the teeth. I'll suicide now, and give v1751 another few hours with a new character. If I die again before I can get basic gear, I'm going to retire from the game and do something less boring than running from place to place looking through garbage, which is all this patch has offered so far.
  17. Dayzo

    Inconsistent patch problems

    Some more people with the same problem, so you don't feel too lonely ;) One of the guys suggested copying the dayz.bikey file from the patch archive into your installation /keys folders.
  18. The OP is referring to this GitHub wiki page. As stated, no-one seems to know what the 'weapons' column means. From experience of playing the v175 beta, it looks like the Alice pack simply lost 4 slots. I'd also like to know if the loot table has been changed to make Czech packs more rare, and whether they still spawn in supermarkets?
  19. Dayzo

    Why do you use 3rd person?

    I don't think anyone has talked about this yet - third person is only just playable on my laptop (max 14 FPS | min 7 FPS). It is unplayable in first person. If 3rd person was removed, I couldn't play the game; it's as simple as that. Apart from that, first person view is not well done in the game. It's very difficult to have any sort of spacial awareness, and feels claustrophobic most of the time. Running through a forest seems like your head is two feet off the ground. If that was fixed, then more people might play 1st person servers more. Which comes to the last point - even if it was fixed, it should be left as a server-side setting so people have a choice. You've got no good reason to try to remove 3rd person entirely, except that you're butt-hurt that the 1st person servers are empty and boring.
  20. Dayzo

    DayZ at "149 FPS"

    I'll brag... 14 FPS in the country, 9 FPS or less in the city, and I can still manage to kill players more frequently than being killed. :P
  21. Dayzo

    BE Problems

    The way Windows 7 security works, you do not make an exception for the BEClient.dll in your Arma installation. Windows 7 makes a copy, and that is the dll you have to make the exception for: C:\Users\[your windows name]\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\BattlEye\BEClient.dll You can double check which file is causing the problem: Straight after getting kicked from the game, open Avira and click 'real time protection' in the left menu. At the top it will say 'last file found' and give you a path that you can copy/paste into the exception dialogue. Also ensure you are adding the exception to the correct section in Avira. It is the Real Time Protection which is giving this false positive, so it is that section which needs the path added to it: configuration -> expert mode -> Real-Time Protection -> scan -> exceptions -> 'file objects to be excluded...' Note that this false positive has been reported to Avira. If I was the only one, then they've only known about it for 24 hours. I've no idea how long it will take them to look at it, since they must get dozens of false positive reports per day.
  22. Dayzo

    So any word on the patch?

    The best place to go for info about the v175 patch is github: https://github.com/R4Z0R49/DayZMod The issues page is probably the most useful: open issues | closed issues to get an idea of what's been happening. For the latest beta changelog, look for the latest issue with a title in the format: 1.7.5.M1D[number] Dev Build This week it is '1.7.5.M1D15 Dev Build'. The milestones page says v175 is 95% finished, and again you can look at open | closed milestones for some history. I don't know how many closed servers are testing v175 beta, but I can only see one open server listed in DayZ Commander. If you want to play/test the betas, then you can get whitelisted on the Wireworld server and feedback any issues to the admin. Be warned though, some of the builds contain bugs and issues which may impact on your enjoyment. Note that you won't be able to get whitelisted for another week because Mac is on holiday.
  23. 40 day character - pitches tent deep into in tree, lies down and circles the tree to try to access the tent. Tree kills character. 18 day character - falls off the dam accidentally, and is amazed to survive. Swims out as mate arrives. 'Check this out'. Splash. Dead. 24 day character - Past dusk at Olsha, with ghillie + Mk48 + DMR + NVG + rangefinder + coyote. I was just about to log-off and camp the spawned chopper in the morning, when a player crouches three feet to my right, unaware of my presence. She starts looking around and must surely see my silhouette in the next second or two, giving me no option than to shoot her in the head. Unfortunately her six newly-spawned squad mates were right behind us, all totally unaware that I was there until I fired. I, fully geared, got hatcheted to death by an angry mob ten seconds before I was due to log-off anyway.
  24. That's a very romantic view of the game. In reality, you get stuff, then lose stuff, and get more stuff, and lose stuff again. Then you stop caring about stuff and just run around with a MK48 mod trying to shoot people, and you don't even take their stuff.
  25. Dayzo

    6 months and a glock icon later...

    The differences between v1744 and v175 are numerous from a scripting perspective (I'm guessing, since it has taken months). But to the uninitiated, there's nothing in there that doesn't seem like a five-minute tweak. If you understand how difficult scripting/modding is, then you may be impressed with the changes and be able to appreciate them more. However, for the average Joe Blow who is probably expecting the mod to emerge gloriously from its cocoon in the next patch, you may be disappointed. One thing I've learned from playing/testing the betas is that 'different' does not necessarily mean 'better' or 'more interesting'. In my opinion v175 is not going to radically change a player's feelings about the game if they're already bored with it.