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Everything posted by rogue246

  1. rogue246


    Did I hit a nerve? Your mot used to talking to someone who can call you on your excuses are you? Is that the best you can do is lash out at my host? Christ your pathetic. Do you really think I give 2 shits? To answer your 4x edited questions, You would need to speak with Kevin with any questions concerning employment with tcadmin, You can ask Luis but you probably wouldn't get any answers since he doesn't speak english very well but I'm sure you knew that... Any other questions you would need to forward to the appropriate parties, I can not answer what I don't know.
  2. rogue246


    Really? Why is it I just received this email from you 8.5 hours after the update was announced? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sent Thu 9/6/2012 11:49 PM DayZ have released this contain numerous updates please go into your ACP Layer and perform the update as soon as possible. The update has been released within our panel for a few hours however we wanted to perform tests before informing customers to update. Best Regards, Vilayer LTD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I canceled my account with you last month but I guess your CP still sends emails to me for some reason?
  3. rogue246


    Package roll out? Listen friend, Your not talking to some kid here, My last gig was with tcadmin (the control panel you use) so I'm pretty sure I know how that works. In case you forgot I will refresh your memory. Step 1. Download patch files. (2 minutes) Step 2. Package files into correct folders (2 minutes) Step 3. Zip files up ( 2.5 minutes) Step 4. Upload files to file server, place in dayz/tca.patches/ (3.5 minutes) Step 5. Configure new patch in control panel (1.5 minutes) This entire process with a 100mb package should take less then 15 minutes. If you have multiple file servers you only need to upload the package to 1 server then move it across to each master server. I'm guessing you have at least a 100mbps pipe to each master so that shouldn't take more then a few seconds to have the file on every master you own. So again please explain to me why it takes 7 1/2 hours to do something that every other host takes less then 1 hour using the exact same control panel? I'm not hear to be a pain in the ass, I already sent the correct updates to several of your users here that pm'ed me, I just hate it when hosters try to give BS excuses on the hopes the common user wouldn't understand or comprehend what they are saying, Well sorry sir but Im not one of those users so please refrain from blowing smoke up my ass and your customers asses because it's not cute or funny. Tell the truth next time, It would get you further instead of making you look like an ass.
  4. rogue246


    Took me about 30 seconds to verify the update was working fine. Mind if I ask what exactly your were testing for 7 1/2 hours? I don't even sleep that long..
  5. Here's a review http://www.gadgetrev...top-review.html Model is Asus G75VW I have the 8GB Ram 1TB HDD model. Price was $1299 at bestbuy. The one thing I really like about it is the fans are on the back of the notebook so your lap doesn't get hot. Also has a subwoofer located on the bottom which sounds awesome.
  6. rogue246


    Only took 7 1/2 hours to upload 100mb's? God help you guys!
  7. rogue246 Removed my Debug Monitor

    Noticed that myself, Kinda sucks when you cannot tell how much blood you have left. Which setting do you have to edit to turn it on?
  8. rogue246


    Not sure with your host, I'm not with vilayer, Just trying to help.
  9. rogue246


    Are they retarded? I had my server updated within 30 minutes of putting in a ticket with my host. AFAIK It's just a matter of zipping the files up and adding them to the control panel, It's not like they have to manually patch every server.. Isn't there a way to upload zip files to the server and unzip them to make it work without relying on them to do it for you? If you can do that just grab the updated files from your install and upload it, Done, and done.
  10. There is hope yet! Honestly I would do the same, If a player is good enough to help me out I wouldn't take advantage of that.
  11. rogue246

    AS50thermal or GS36 SD ?

    Lately the only thing I found is the AS50, Seems like every other tent has a stockpile..
  12. rogue246

    How to stay in a "surrender" position?

    I never surrender so wouldn't know :P
  13. rogue246

    Rarest weapon you've found?

    Found 3-4 AS 50 TWS's, 2 G36's and ammo for a KVSK so far. All in tents, Left them were they were, No joy for me!
  14. rogue246

    Viylair... Worst server provider ever!

    My host and others added the patch a few hours ago in the control panel. I don't understand your argument?
  15. rogue246

    Which Dupping has been fixed?

    At least with duping they are only duplicating the gear they have not creating gear out of thin air so I don't have a huge problem with it. I don't dupe myself, Just try to play the game correctly and have some laughs along the way.
  16. rogue246

    Viylair... Worst server provider ever!

    I'm very happy with defconservers, Don't think they have a UK location though.
  17. Funny thing going on here. I replied to a topic titled "HFB Issues anyone?" yesterday and checked my email this morning to see 6-8 new replies so I click the link in my email to check and get a error "this topic does not exist". Ok, Maybe something with my email, I come here and it's gone. poof, vanished! What gives?
  18. rogue246

    HFB Bad Posts being deleted?

    Title was: HFB issues? Anyone else? No big deal, Just thought it was weird.
  19. rogue246

    Connection Issues with Dayz

    Lucky you, I cannot even get that far.. All day today I go to join a server and stuck on loading. It happens on every server just about. If I try a few times eventually I get in. Anyone else having this happen today?
  20. Just picked up a G75VW today and wow! It runs games amazing! Ultra high settings on every game I have installed. Screen is just gorgeous. I am very happy with the purchase. Ive had alienware machines in the past and agree 100%, They look pretty but performance should be much better for the money.
  21. rogue246


    If I'm not mistaken vilayer has a feature in they're control panel to change time zones. Might want to check with them.
  22. rogue246

    Tired/Bored Of DayZ?

    I've been playing since the start solo, Mostly because I don't trust anyone but yea it's starting to get stale..
  23. That was stupid. You should go through the arma gun range a few times. Your aim sucks.
  24. Reading the OP's story sounds like my own. I couldn't have said it better myself :)
  25. I had a experience something like yours. Was running back from wilderness headed to NWAF. I ran up to a bush in the middle of this field with the intention of sitting for a few to check the map. As I came around the bush I was face to face with a Ghillie guy just standing there looking at me, No weapon or anything, Just looking at me. Creeped my out big time! My instincts took over and I fired a clip into it. The thing went down but I got zero kill for it.. No idea what it was or why it was there. Scared the piss out of me though!