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Everything posted by rogue246

  1. I once spent several hours following a noob around providing overwatch for him unseen clearing zeds out so he could collect gear. He knew someone was there but never saw me and didn't seem to mind once he realized I wasn't trying to kill him.. That was a triple challenge for me since I had to stay hidden from him, clear out the zeds that got too close and make sure other players weren't hanging around. It was a good time, I wasted a crap load of ammo but oh well. I suppose that was a "hero" thing to do but I wouldn't consider myself as such. I didn't really care of that particular person lived or died, I was simply entertaining myself which last time I checked "GAMES" are meant for.
  2. rogue246

    If you could have any gear setup in DayZ, what would it be?

    My current loadout acquired over the course of 3 weeks. I wouldn't change anything except switching out the AS50 for my M4 CCO for city use. 1 Coyote Pack 1 AS 50 9 10rd M107 3 Morphine 3 Bandaids 4 Cooked Meat 2 Cokes 2 Water bottle 1 G17 6 G17 Mags 1 Ghillie suit NVG, Map, Compass, Rangefinder, watch Knife, Hatchet, Matches, toolbox And my trusty Bicycle for going distances under the radar. I don't drive, It attracts too much attention.
  3. rogue246

    Shoot on sight!

    I see it a bit differently. If there was nothing to be afraid of from other players it would become a game about collecting items and killing a zed here and there. Sounds boring to me. The player element is what makes the game edgy since you don't know what the other one will do at any given time.
  4. rogue246

    Shoot on sight!

    What's with the racist comments towards Americans?
  5. rogue246

    Alpha testing is over for mod

    I don't think this mod was ever designed for coop play which is probably why side chat was removed.
  6. You have a pretty good point stunod. Once your geared up to the max what's left to do? I think most simply get bored of killing zombies and need more competition so they end up being bandits. After all you don't need a sniper rifle with nato rounds to kill zeds That's the real end game.
  7. rogue246

    Best place to find Camps?

    I found a tent last night on the runway at NW airfield. Kinda freaked me out. Weird place to put tent stakes down but play as you wish..
  8. rogue246

    [POLL] Standalone and instances

    Anyone care to translate that? Wow...
  9. rogue246

    The Sad Realization.

    True but this mod is alpha which is exactly what people are referring to with the bugs. Hackers can exploit any game whether it's been around for 10 yrs or 10 days That's a fact of life. This game seems to attract them more then others..
  10. Need to put your DB on another machine. All the queries are killing the load times!
  11. rogue246

    GPS proper use

    I noticed it says Coor. and Map. Can I tab back and forth between them or is it the same thing?
  12. rogue246

    GPS proper use

    Thanks bud!
  13. rogue246

    That will teach me.

    I had the same thing happen with a ATV. Sucks!
  14. rogue246

    A new level of hack.

    Sounds like a sales pitch like you said. Trust me friend there's a reason why the thousands of games produced ALL rely on a handful of cheat engines. Designing a cheat engine is very complicated and is a full time job keeping it updated. I would be utterly shocked if the standalone employed something like that.
  15. rogue246

    How did your most recent character die?

    Running through the woods on the edge of a field outside nw airfield I almost stepped on another player which scared the hell out of me. He got up and pointed his gun at me so I killed him. Didn't realize his friend(s) were scoping me and took a round from what sounded like a .50. Died pretty quick on that one. Sucks because I'm usually pretty cautious and had 21 days solo on the character and lost my m24 and full alice pack of good high end gear!
  16. rogue246

    Server population really dropping off

    Have you ever played arma2? The game is designed as a FPS. The goal is to kill the other team, The only thing you can do in arma is kill other players since there's nothing else to kill.
  17. rogue246

    The Sad Realization.

    Yes, Certain games don't lend themselves to good hacking or hacks. There is simply nothing of real value to get in most games where you would resort to hacks. Dayz is very unique in that respect and is a very attractive target for hackers being it's wide open for many different ways to "control the game". Other games have map hacks and things like that but with dayz a hacker can control everything which is why I think it will never be eliminated. When the standalone comes it will slow it down for a minute but I forsee it growing even more. I really hope I'm wrong since i enjoy this game but I don't think that will be the case.
  18. Hero? I always laugh hearing that expression. Are there players running around doing good deeds for everyone? I've personally never met a player in dayz who's ambition was to only provide care to other players. We all know what bandits do so by definition a survivor would be the opposite, (Someone who doesn't kill others and at times provides care for fellow players). Sooooo... A survivor is a hero. If you wish to provide me with the criteria of a "hero" I will defer to you. I'd say I'm a survivor/bandit. I mostly stay to myself and only shoot other players if they don't stay away from me. That means if you walk up to me or surprise me there's a good chance you will be shot. I don't go around looking for trouble but I also have a low tolerance for chit-chat. I simply want to play the game my own way. Everyone else can fight each other and label each other. Just stay out of my face and you'll be just fine. :)
  19. rogue246

    A new level of hack.

    You said your host tells you more proof is needed? I've been renting servers for years for arma and now dayz and never been told what I can and cannot do on my own server from my host. Even the one I'm currently renting dayz from.. ? I'd tell the host to piss up a rope! Server hosts aren't the dayz police force. I'd go find another one pronto!
  20. rogue246

    The Sad Realization.

    I love the guys who say "When the standalone game comes there won't be any hackers". Are you guys living on the moon? Theres' hacks for every single game ever made so what makes you think dayz standalone won't be touched? I'll give the hackers 48 hours to break that game too. Sucks but it's sadly the truth.
  21. rogue246

    bandit with hero skin??

    I love it. Almost ever "unexplained" answer is "Must be a hacker". It's like mass hysteria.
  22. rogue246

    M24 or DMR?

    Didn't know that! Sweet!
  23. I'm on day 21 (I think) and play every day usually 2-4 hours. I spend most of my time up north killing bandits. I stick to low pop servers to avoid the random hacker and so far haven't really had any problems with them. I've been spawned on the beach a few times but nothing serious. Pro tip: Pick your fights wisely.. And don't engage in one unless you intend to see it through. ALT+F4 is for rookies. Edit: Jinxxed myself. Got hit by a sniper last night.. Arrghhh!
  24. rogue246

    Any tips for new p;ayer getting into PvP

    Most players you find on the coast are fresh spawns or just trying to gear up. I'd leave them alone and head north for more big game hunting. The guys sniping over elektro/cherno are just to chicken shit to face a real challange. Up north most if not all the players you come across are kitted out as good in not better then you so it takes much more skill staying alive.
  25. rogue246

    Being a hero versus being a bandit

    Why's that? Bandits don't carry bandage or morphine? Trust me I've run into just as many "heros" who don't offer help as much as bandits but at least with the bandits you know where they stand. I think the term HERO is stupid BTW, Do you guys go out "saving the day" with your cape and good deeds? Your a survivor, period. Which means you scavenge food and avoid confrontation. You should call yourselves "Pansies" instead ;) I've yet to be "healed" by another player and have been killed by just as many "heros" as "bandits". I have no problem with either and don't consider myself a bandit nor am I a "hero". I play by myself and don't intend to put myself in harms way just because you thought it would be "fun" going to NW airport with nothing but an axe.. Why should I be the hero and lose the 45 days worth of loot I worked hard to get because you haven't figured out how to outrun a Zed?.. Screw that! You be the HERO! :) PS. It's just a video game guys not real life. I'm not concerned with how YOU wish to play your game, That's what makes this one pretty cool since you can play any style you want. The hackers are the ones everybody should be pissed at. They ruin the game not the bandits or "heros"