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Everything posted by rogue246

  1. rogue246

    The Decline of DayZ

    There isn't a game ever made that wasn't hacked. Do you really think this one will be special? I'll give them 48 hours and it will be back to the way it is now. If you think that's untrue you need your head looked at.
  2. If you come near my I will kill you. I don't care what skin your wearing.
  3. rogue246

    Server hopping.

    That is a good point. If your locked to a specific server and it's shut down (maybe for good) your stuck so that idea wouldn't work.
  4. rogue246

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    BTW your not a hacker. You downloaded a script a hacker made. Just because I own a guitar I'm not Eddie Van Halen. Get your facts straight dip shit.
  5. rogue246

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    Sounds like a COD kid trying to play a tactical game and cannot figure out why they cannot gear up in 10 minutes so they can "have fun". Dumbass.. Tactical games are much different then run and gun. 90% of the "fun" in this game is finding good gear. Your missing the entire point of the game. Go back to COD!
  6. The biggest assumption by everyone is Bandits simply hide in a bush and snipe. Of course some do this but for most being a bandit is playing the game more or less the same as survivors do with the exception of killing another player if you run across them. I don't go around looking to kill other players personally but in the course of my travels if I run across one I have no qualms about shooting them. I deem everyone and everything in the game hostile. I don't want to start a camp with you nor do I need you following me around. My game name is Rogue for a reason. :)
  7. rogue246

    People who murder bandits =/= heroes

    Most games server admins can turn "friendly fire" on and off. If Rocket wanted to leave that portion of the game out he would have made it that way. Bandits are a necessary part of the game otherwise it would became very boring just gearing up and avoiding zombies. Humans are built to be bandits. Any higher civilization strives to be on top of the food chain and in this game bandits are the top. The rest of you guys are crying little defenseless bitches. If you want to be the top dog you have to fight for it. The only thing "heros" want to do is come here crying when killed by another player.. Buck up and go kill them back. It's a damn game for gods sake! If I wanted to be a responsible citizen I would just go about my daily life as I do now. In a video game I want to be the opposite so stop all your fucking crying and play the game as it was intended.
  8. rogue246

    Creating under game state?

    That error generally means somethings up with the instance ID. Check your server config at the bottom where your mission id is to make sure it's right.
  9. There's not a game ever made free of hackers and this standalone won't be any different. This game is very attractive to hackers as it offers more chances for hackers to create havoc. I'd dare say this game is a hackers paradise so I think you are all living in dream land if you think hackers won't get around the protection very quickly. I'd give them 24 hours before a hack is released for the standalone. They for better or worse are here to stay. @katniss I like your analogies and they are spot on. @ the crybabies. Simple solution, If you don't like how the game is played then find another game to play or go create your own. Sure this mod has it's problems but honestly? It's a free "mod" not a polished finished product. When you go out to the store and spend your hard earned $$ on a game then you -might- have the option to complain. What you purchased was ArmA2 and that works just fine. It's your choice to install a free mod so don't cry when the free mod doesn't work -exactly- the way you envisioned. In the real world most people are happy to have something for free and most 1/2 smart people understand if it doesn't work perfect. After all it's FREE!
  10. rogue246

    Got to love defcon

    Glad to see this is being worked out. I've had nothing but good experiences with defcon and know they will get your server working properly. I still fail to see why you came here to post instead of working with them. Misunderstanding happen which seems to be the case here. Next time try working with your host before running here to "tell". In my experience things get done much faster and you save face in the end.
  11. ^^ Nothing we can help you with here.
  12. rogue246

    Server keeps shuting down

    In your server.cfg set Persistent= 1
  13. rogue246

    Got to love defcon

    I call BS here. It would be very easy to edit that to make it look biased. Like the poster above I've been with defcon for a few months now and every support request I put in (Most are stupid questions I might add) were all answered very professionally.
  14. rogue246

    HiFormance.com | 40 SLOTS FOR ONLY $25.00!

    I'd love to see a link to that 8 core beast for $100/mo. Please indulge me because your full of shit
  15. rogue246

    Bandits looking for 2 more

    I would be interested in joining up. Getting bored running around doing nothing. I'm 42 and my current loadout is pretty much all high end. I can also contribute items since I have a few of everything. Have mic, TS etc so no worries there. Let me know.
  16. rogue246

    HiFormance.com | 40 SLOTS FOR ONLY $25.00!

    No thanks. Just opened 2 weeks ago and already selling servers way below everyone else.? Do the math Decent spec dedicated server: (At least) $200 Need to sell 8 servers @ $25 to break even = If you want to make any profit you need to seriously overload each machine to make even a couple dollars. I've rented servers with several companies for arma2 and now dayz and from what I understand a very high spec server can only run 4-5 dayz instances properly. The game takes a great deal of resources, Simple math will tell any prospective buyer what they need to know. SO Two things happen here. 1. Customer gets a almost unplayable server because other 9 servers are hogging resources. 2. YOU get tired of working 14 hour days to make $0/mo and shut down. Customers are left with no server and no money. Moral of the story, Word to the wise. If it's too good to be true it usually is. There's a reason everyone else prices servers at $40+, The first rule of business is only undercut if you have the resources to back it up and judging by your website you clearly don't. Domain Name: hiformance.com Registrar: Name.net LLC Protected Domain Services Customer ID: NNR-4147399 Expiration Date: 2013-08-12 18:28:30 Creation Date: 2012-08-12 18:28:30
  17. rogue246

    GPS proper use

    I've been playing for a little while now and recently found a GPS. I have a map and compass but cannot figure out how to properly use the GPS. Can someone give me a brief guide on how to bring it up and it's uses? Thanks!
  18. rogue246

    Can you store a backpack inside a backpack?

    I love these threads with a simple yes or no answer receive a dozen replies. Generally if it's already been answered then move along..
  19. rogue246

    Life time, In game

    I believe steam tracks hours played.
  20. rogue246

    GPS proper use

    Wasn't aware of that. I thought the markers were only viewable on my map. I will make note of that.
  21. rogue246

    GPS proper use

    Sweet Appreciate it! You have my beans!
  22. rogue246

    GPS proper use

    One other question, I see guys on youtube videos making a dot on the map where they want to go. What button do I use to do that? I checked the dayzwiki but it doesn't give any info on that..?
  23. That is just stupid and moronic. Netcode has zero to do with game physics. Ping is a measure of distance. It might -seem- like your moving slower since your ping is higher but in reality outside influences such as ping (proximity to the host) cannot alter the coding of the game. Even putting that out here tells me you have no idea what goes into game design and the basics of networking.
  24. That shit made me laugh. Good games!
  25. rogue246

    I'm seriously done.

    Rule #1 if you don't want hackers messing with you stay off populated servers! THEY TARGET HIGH POP SERVERS!!!