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Everything posted by rogue246

  1. rogue246

    Underrated Weapons

    M14 is a beast of a gun. Awesome damage but loud as hell.
  2. rogue246

    Found a missle launcher :O

    Could be fun for a minute or two.
  3. rogue246

    So i was sniped today

    That's what you get for standing around. I woulda sniped you to. Probably look for you now just to hear that little bitch scream of yours :)
  4. They will contain info but you need to know what to look for.
  5. I'd stay away from crates or anything unusual like that. The game doesn't spawn bunches of weapons like that and your asking for trouble by gearing up with it.
  6. rogue246

    You know you play to much DayZ when..

    LOL! I can picture that! ... You run away from all beaches for fear of being sniped ... ... You find yourself wearing a backpack everywhere ...
  7. Good thing to know about zombies is they cannot run inside building so if your being chased duck inside somewhere. Once you get the hang of it they are really easy to get away from.
  8. Check any building with windows for loot. Supermarkets and churches are good spots. I would also recommend doing the basic training part of arma to get acclimated to how the control work. Happy hunting!
  9. rogue246

    What people need to understand is

    I'm with you. I've played beta games with many more bugs and problems. DayZ is in alpha and is very playable as is. Sure it has glitches and weird things going on but It's playable.
  10. rogue246

    Does sniping need a nerf?

    I love the military weapons but this game would probably be much more realistic if they were all removed. The immersion would be better too, I mean come on, Do you think anything would survive a heli crash? Or M16's would be left sitting out somewhere? They would be locked up in a secure facility somewhere.. Give everybody a Lee enfield and revolver then have at it!
  11. rogue246

    Retards using skype

    The OP is correct. Ventrilo/Teamspeak were designed to be used for gaming. They are very lightweight and use almost no resources. Get with the program guys!
  12. rogue246

    M4A1 vs. M16A2

    DMR is probably my fav. gun. Awesome range and ammo can be found everywhere.
  13. rogue246

    Am I a Hero now, or just another grubby Bandit?

    Love the title "Somewhere near the NWAF". You didn't trick me!!! ;)
  14. rogue246

    Am I a Hero now, or just another grubby Bandit?

    Good excuse as any I suppose..
  15. Sooo.. You complain about others duping items and to -fix- it you dupe? What kind of backward logic is that?
  16. If you had more then 1 post I -might- believe you.
  17. I'm with you bro. Who appointed that guy spokesperson for Server Admins? Fucking loser..
  18. rogue246

    Servers overflowing with AS50s

    I found KSVK ammo last night in a tent.. Assuming it's hacked in?
  19. rogue246

    Server Ban for AS50 TWS: Debate

    The game is database driven so every item in game spawns from the database. I'm not a programmer but logically speaking it doesn't sound hard to put in code or remove code for the illegal items?
  20. rogue246

    Signed off on a Old Bike... What do?

    That would be a hacker crate. I wouldn't mess with it.
  21. rogue246

    I found A BIKE! :DDD

    Bikes are pretty cool. So far my favorite "vehicle" to get around on sniping runs.
  22. rogue246

    Hiding player bodies..

    So wait, You were sniping noobs and one got the drop on you but your pissed because they hid your body? I'm glad they hid your ass. That's pretty lame shooting noobs.
  23. rogue246

    Hiding player bodies..

    The other day a player shot at me going down a field. I spun around and head shot him. It was a lucky shot but he fell instead of me. When I checked the gear he had a AS 50 TWS so I left it and made my way to the nearest over watch position with the idea of smoking him again for carrying hacked in weapons. He never came back or I missed him. Too bad, I wanted that kill!
  24. rogue246

    Pro Tips! Post Pro Tips Here!

    Zombies are people too.
  25. rogue246

    Pro Tips! Post Pro Tips Here!

    The visual of that made me break out laughing.