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Everything posted by rogue246

  1. rogue246

    My Bandit Story

    Leave no witness. Good thinking!
  2. rogue246

    Killing Newbs!

    ahahaa face sniping rocks!
  3. rogue246

    Finally giving in. Looking for a squad.

    LOL. Damn those salon owners!
  4. For me the "endgame" is trying to find that rare loot but hackers ruined that. If I check 2-3 tents I can be stocked up with every "rare" item. Sucks the fun out of the game and gives no reason to continue. The only endgame I can think of now is killing heros.. I think that's why people become bandits. There's nothing else left to do and boredom sets in.
  5. rogue246

    Dayz players in last 24 hours

    It's labor day weekend here in the states so most are probably on vacation. I am :)
  6. Fun fact. The hero skin attracts bandits like a moth to a flame. Happy hunting!
  7. rogue246

    A Strange kind of Sniper...

    I do that sometimes myself. The fun part for me is knowing I can take them both out at anytime, They're survival rests in my hands. If only they knew how lucky they were..
  8. Let me know where the body is and I'll bring back his gun :)
  9. rogue246

    Close your mouth please !

    File this under useless threads..
  10. rogue246

    Bad Advice.

    That sounds odd given your clan tag is "H4X". Not saying you are just thought it was odd.
  11. rogue246

    Please help answer this question!

    It doesn't matter where you get the files. Once you have everything installed you should be good to go.
  12. rogue246

    New at dayz and I have a problem...

    Gaming laptops work great but be prepared to spend a good bit of cash. I use my gaming laptop for dayz and run everything on high (19" display) If your like me and use laptops more then a desktop it's worth the expense.
  13. You do realize sacriel42 is a bandit and your modeling your "survivor" group after them? Sounds interesting!
  14. Simple question, Is there a specific place the helo spawns on a new server?
  15. rogue246


    Your last post is 1 above this one..
  16. rogue246

    Where to find Helicopter?

    And that's the 1 heli per server not crash sites right?
  17. $20 month. I'm guessing you put 20 servers on every machine? No thanks!
  18. The host I'm with has instance Id's already white listed. My server was ready to go in like 2 hours after paying..
  19. Hackers with god mode.
  20. rogue246

    DayZ Stories

    Had a oh shit moment a little while ago. Running through the wilderness pitch black. NVG's on. Came around a bush in the middle of a field and ran face to face with a ghillie suit just standing there. No weapon or anything. Just standing there.. After about 2 seconds his head turns around to look at me and I opened fire. Full clip of M4 to his face. He's dead now but I almost soiled my pants. Totally didn't expect anyone to be there let alone a ghillie man without a weapon.. The freaky thing was when I moused over him no tags showed even though I was playing on a N server.. Beware playing at night!
  21. rogue246

    Death every time I get something nice

    Soon as you get some gear together take off north. Staying in big cities is a good way to get killed.
  22. rogue246

    MASSIVE Ping Spikes

    Get in touch with your provider. They can run tests to see if the lines are bad.
  23. rogue246

    So i was sniped today

    Just calling it like I see it.