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Everything posted by faytth

  1. faytth

    new patch Mouse issues

    I am having the same issues Woodland Warrior. My mouse works fine in game but on any menu it freezes and the only way to move it is to click around the screen... makes me feel like I am playing Diablo II... I have a Razer Death Adder if that makes any difference and my video card nvidia 660 ti... I am also playing with dual monitors, though the game is only on my main. I don't know if any of this info helps but I hope someone has figured out how to fix this...
  2. faytth

    [Video] We don't get mad, we get even.

    This was an amazing thing to be apart of :D Just awesome ;)
  3. Did you get stuck in a loading screen before you were able to log in? This is what has happened to me a few times in the past...
  4. This is funny because to alt+F4 is actually his last reaction... this man has balls and stays in the fight till the end :D
  5. faytth

    Hive Down?

    I just wanna kill some zombies :P
  6. faytth

    1 Tent, 2 Tents...wth?

    Tents are not the only things that will replicate in your inventory. Usually it is car parts. Fuel tank parts, jerry cans, etc. Most of the time if you drop the item on the ground the other items that were in your inventory will come back. Though this is not always the case I have had them replicate a 3rd time on doing this. In the future if you are going to switch servers I reccomend putting items like these in your backpack before aborting. Seems they do not replicate in there. Hope you find this helpful...