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Admiral Skeybar

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About Admiral Skeybar

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    Camping at Petrovka
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  1. Well that makes you a bandit doesn't it? Hehe. I wasn't talking about banditry as such. Bandits are the aspect of the PvP that you'll always have and that will never really go away. It adds to the realism and immersion as well in my opinion. People who choose to be bandits shouldn't be hindered, just not encouraged. The game inadvertently steers a lot of people towards killing without warning or any apparent reason other than "Hey look, another survivor.".
  2. I don't really think people kill for food. They kill because it's easier to get rid of someone they don't trust rather than going through the whole complicated process of learning to trust them. It has to do with always expecting to be stabbed in the back. In real life people generally don't get killed by other people a lot. But imagine a real apocalypse, people wouldn't trust other people and the only thing stopping someone from killing another person who has nothing might simply be the respect one living human being has for another. In the mod this respect doesn't really exist, at least, not anymore. The reason I suggested removing ammo was simply because scarce ammo means that there is no guarantee that someone pointing a gun at you has ammo for it.They could simply be bluffing. Naturally, this would change this game considerably, so I doubt they would implement such a change anytime soon. There are to many players who play this game just as regularly as any AAA title meaning that any game-changing.. hmm well changes will mean people may react very negatively. Imagine playing your favorite game (other than DayZ) and then the developer suddenly changes the balance completely, adds and removes loads of features. I don't think people will be very happy with that. Therefore any major suggestions other than small additions will probably never be made in the mod. One can only hope they make the standalone version more consistent with the idea of realism/survival.
  3. I'd say the scarcity of food and other essential loot mechanics would require a lot of testing and balancing, always keeping realism in mind off course. As for the other mechanics being suggested, great ideas but it will require more hard work on the developers part and I'm betting they have their hands full right now. What I do believe can be changed in the next update, and what will to a point prevent the increase in "deathmatching" is decreasing the amount of ammo spawns. I can be persuaded to go as far as saying that you should completely remove all the AS 50s, L85 AWS's and those types of weapons but the real problem isn't how common they are, it's how common the ammunition is. By making the AS 50 NATO/M107 rounds impossible to find other than when you find the gun, or maybe not necessarily even then, it will make people a lot more cautious when using the weapon. As for the more common ammo such as STANAG, AKM and AK mags, I think they should be made just as rare as the m107 rounds are now. Also, want a living hell? keep the game the way it is now. Haha (<-- sarcastic comment)
  4. Admiral Skeybar

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    The mod now has developed its own type of playerbase with their own expectations. Third person mode has simply become part of the main DAyZ playstyle, just look on YouTube and you can see evidence of this. And I don't see how people can have much of an advantage with third person in mid-combat, in order to aim properly you always have to aim down your sights anyway. That being said, the real problem with third person view is the way so many people use it to gain an advantage, looking over walls and around corners without having to expose yourself. Someone in this thread made the argument this wasn't an issue because you need to expose yourself leaving cover anyway. In most cases, this is far from the truth, often the one being observed doesn't even know he/she is being watched despite looking around every couple of seconds or so if someone is sneaking up on him/her. That's unrealistic and plain unfair in a game where awareness is quite important. For the standalone, I would prefer the game to be first person only. I use third person myself in DayZ simply because I don't like the idea of someone else being able to have an advantage over me. But since I do play on first person-only servers now and then, rare as they are, I do find that it makes the game a more realistic and interesting experience. This is something most people are completely oblivious to as soon as they discover third person view. It also gives you the reassurance there is no one sitting on a rooftop or behind a corner secretly observing you, ready to strike. Thus my opinion on why it should be first person only in the standalone. There are plenty of MMOs out there that are third person only, why can't it be the other way around for a change. I should say though, certain improvements to the Field Of View changing buttons should be made for sure. The system right now is simply to clunky. Good someone finally pointed that out.
  5. Admiral Skeybar

    Some real life DAyZ pictures.

    Picture 1 - "Resting" Picture 2 - "Give me your beans!" Picture 3 - "Checking out a town" Picture 4 - "Beans, drink and a pistol"
  6. Admiral Skeybar

    Day Z Videos

    The Admiral Plays DayZ: Part 3 "Friendly Fire" Here is another video of me playing DayZ in the harsh environment of Chernarus. I was playing with my friend Romnus on a private hive server with 30+ (I said 20+ in the video but it was at least 30) people on it. Even so we only have a few player encounters though they do get violent. Part 1 Part 2
  7. Admiral Skeybar

    DayZ - Days 1 and 2

    Ah yes, good point. Making them a little dirtier might be a good idea. Thanks =) Thanks and will do! In fact, here is Day Four: http://media.moddb.com/images/members/1/372/371507/Day_Four.jpg
  8. Admiral Skeybar

    DayZ - Days 1 and 2

    I used the Gimp: http://www.gimp.org/ It's a free image editing program similar to Photoshop. I also made a new map for Day 3. Since Image embedding doesn't seem to work here, I'll just have to provide another link: http://media.moddb.com/images/members/1/372/371507/Day_Three.jpg.
  9. Admiral Skeybar

    DayZ - Days 1 and 2

    Yes I agree. I would be great to have the option of adding things to your map in-game.
  10. Admiral Skeybar

    DayZ - Days 1 and 2

    Here is my progress in DayZ so far illustrated on a map. Day One: http://media.moddb.c...507/Day_One.png Day Two: http://media.moddb.c...507/Day_Two.jpg Day Three: http://media.moddb.c...7/Day_Three.jpg Day Four: http://media.moddb.com/images/members/1/372/371507/Day_Four.jpg