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Everything posted by HaseDesTodes

  1. HaseDesTodes

    Developer Appreciation

    send some beer to: Bohemia Interactive a.s. Stříbrná Lhota 747 Mníšek pod Brdy 252 10 IČ: 27218864 zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku u Městského soudu v Praze, oddíl B, vložka 9791 edit: as mentiond below, this adress is not correct, as the dayz team is located in a different branch and they wont tell the real adress because they are afraid of bandits :)
  2. HaseDesTodes

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    came across any hunter/gorka/cargo pants lately? im full geard exept for pants, and i havn't found any other then jeans/canvas pants
  3. HaseDesTodes

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    well m65 and repeater is much better to loose that smersh vest+pack, tortillia pack, aks74u wich clip, ammo and silencer... but we all know we should not get attached to our gear. (we still do though) EDIT: oh no need to complain, my stuff is still there
  4. HaseDesTodes

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    swe 0-1 is online... if only we could load 0.57.128120 :)
  5. HaseDesTodes

    This post is messed up Don't read.

    i realy like the vote, you don't even have a chance to vote for "no, leave it as it is". because it is as mike says, as a war reporter you have to look different than the soliders around you = different colour next people ask for camo fire fighter uniforms, because they are to easy to spot
  6. you used to be able to stand up, even with broken legs, you just couln't walk. i don't know if that has changed, but its worth a shot also if you make it to a forrest, look at the ground with nothing in you hnads to search for kindling
  7. HaseDesTodes

    Disinfectant 100% deadly?

    get an injection from an injection vial. the medication is used to threat chemical poisioning irl, so it should be the proper threatment ingame haven't had to test it ingame though, so im not sure if it actually works
  8. HaseDesTodes

    Is the new render out as yet?

    not released yet
  9. no message recived means that you either got connection issues, or the server crashed/restarted if you get kicked you will instantly get back to the server browser with a message simmilar to: Confirmation of changes: You were kicked from the server (Admink kick)
  10. HaseDesTodes

    Pistol suppressor for Trumpet and Sporter

    i assume, thats because swat team usually don't intend killing people. i have been told (by people that know the matter), that .22 are more deadly when hitting the body than higher calibers, because the projectiles fragment, and cause severe internal bleedings. those bleedings are harder to treat, than a non-fragmenting projectile, and will therefore more likely cause death
  11. HaseDesTodes

    Pistol suppressor for Trumpet and Sporter

    should have mede clear i wasn't talking about ingame damage, but of real life effects. i assume the dame model will be reworked at some point, hopefully it then reflects real life effects like penetration and fragmentation of projectiles
  12. HaseDesTodes

    Pistol suppressor for Trumpet and Sporter

    i think the reason he want's a supressor for the sporter is, that, even if the sound is silent for players (which might change in future) the shot is unsupressed. and since zombies will be less attraced by silenced shots in the near future, having a silenced rifle would be an advantage. you could of course get a high powered rifle with a silncer (eg. ak101 wiht silencer east), but it's much harder to find both things, the rifle and the supressor. i might be wrong, but since zombies are soft targets (no armor, at least most of them), but wouln't the sporter be better because of the high stopping power? im sure 9mm has a better penetration, but thats not all, when dealing with zombies
  13. HaseDesTodes

    Would this be a good upgrade?

    it's a good cpu upgrade. if you like to increase your overall system performance, also think about getting a ssd
  14. HaseDesTodes

    Pistol silencer not working with zombie?

    neither do silencers work against zombies in the current stable, nor with the advanced zombie ai in the experimental... but it should work some time soon
  15. HaseDesTodes

    Which i5 Should i get?

    bill is right, but not only in terms of dayz you will have better performance for most games, but something to keep in mind is, that the fx-8320 has 8 cores while the i5 only has only 4 cores (without hyperthreading) and this will give a massive boost in video rendering (video editing) this is one of the few things the fx cpus are better at than i3/5 so if you struggle from hours of video rendering, the fx might give you a slight advantage but all in all, i'd buy the i5, because it gives better performance in most cases and has a much lower TDP, what resuilts in better cooling and a lower electricity bill
  16. spinal fracture (one hit kill from healty state by a zombie)
  17. HaseDesTodes

    The clock is ticking

    don't worry. the manufacturer just guarentees it will work as intended untilk this date. they will work for a long time afterwards just the medics aren't allowed to use them when they expire, or they might loose their jobs
  18. HaseDesTodes

    Quick Ram Question for all you comuter buffs ;)

    just giving some limitations that come from your mainboard itself: 1-8gb per module 1600mhz (anything above will be limited to this frequency) best would be if you used only identical modules (same product number) generally i would recommend kingston and corsair, but tbh i think most other producers are just as good.
  19. HaseDesTodes

    Which is better?

    whithout wanting to sound to philosophic, but if you can't notice the difference, is there realy a difference?
  20. HaseDesTodes

    Which is better?

    since weapon attchments (expept for lamps/scopes) don't influence your weapon behaviour (afaik) it's all about the looks so the answer is, it realy depends which look you prefer. for me its a green-painted ak with green handguard and buttstock thats why i'd take the polymer one, but it's just "better" in a matter of personal taste
  21. HaseDesTodes

    "There needs to be some kindling to start a fire"

    yep fireplaces got changed with 0.54 i think if you remove the sticks and rags it will disappear again (unless it hasn't been ignited yet) so taking out the rags/sticks results in that message but at least you now only need 1x stick + paper/rags/bandage to make a fire, rest only makes it last longer
  22. HaseDesTodes

    Thought this was a worthy share.

    the german guy said things like: "Hello, who are you?" "Do you have your papers with you?" "Do you have any drugs with you?" ("suspicious" part) if he likes role playing, he should grab a police uniform first^^
  23. HaseDesTodes

    Exp Update: 0.55.126866

    well, since they already changed it for vests and cloting, it should also be changed for the attachable pouches. i also have noticed, the plate carrier full set only needs four slots if you carry it in your inventory, seems a bit small to me (smersh+backpack uses 9 slots(you might as well say smersh is to big :) )), if we want to keep all things at the same level
  24. HaseDesTodes

    A new sniper rifle and a new LRS

    if you get outplayed by an akm you are not far enough away well it can be annoying when people use the fov glitch, but i hope it will be adressed at some point
  25. HaseDesTodes

    Dayz Standalone map or english?!

    http://dayzdb.com/map http://www.izurvive.com/ and you can combine ingame map parts to a full map: N+S->full W+E->full SW+SE->S NW+NE->N NW+SW->W NE+NE->E