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Everything posted by dulix11

  1. dulix11

    Walking while eating

    Simple suggestion, to be able to walk when you open a can of food or drink. I hate thinking I'm safe to eat / drink / bandage myself and then have a zombie appear out of nowhere and start slapping me to pieces, and then I have to wait for my character to finish eating / drinking / bandaging to go anywhere!
  2. dulix11

    Walking while eating

    Correct, but I would rather, for instance, bandage myself and stop bleeding than pausing to run away some more.
  3. dulix11

    Walking while eating

    Eating / drinking / bandaging > Cancelling
  4. dulix11

    2 BS Deaths?

    I've had much more of an issue with desync and rubberbanding than I've had with hackers. It'll also depend on the range, your stance, etc. You would be horribly inaccurate with the M4 if you were standing and firing at a movie target.
  5. This x1000 Melee weapons are a joke right now.
  6. dulix11

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    A DP-28? Would be very very rare, but cool.
  7. dulix11

    Your Opinion

    I did something similar, handcuffed a guy in the middle of Cherno but then realised I didn't have any keys to uncuff him. I just ran away.
  8. dulix11

    Spawn System - Innovation

    That'd be great right? Imagine seeing a guy coming from no where in a parachute. Not to mention you'll be a huge target for anyone in the area who sees an enourmous parachute floating to the ground. And, remind me again why a C-130 is throwing you into the apocalypse with nothing but a flashlight and battery.
  9. dulix11

    Loot Availability discussion: Reality

    If things are going to be rarer there needs to be more work done. I personally think that if you are going to reduce food loot spawns, then the hunting is going to have to work to a reasonable degree. If the hunting works, then the cooking has to work to a reasonable degree. So on and so forth. The same with bullets. Bullets should be very rare, but in order for that to work, it would mean that melee weapons would become the next best thing. But we all know that melee weapons are one of the most clunkiest things to use in the game right now. So... Rarer bullets > Emphasis on melee weapons > Better mechanics for melee weapons..... Once everything is running smoothly I think the loot should be messed around with a little.
  10. How exactly does this all work? I read that you have 5000 "health" which lowers when you are shot or injured. That only regenerates if you have the "healthy" sign and "hydrated", and have full blood. My questions are: How much damage does each weapon do / in each location of the body? I shot a guy in the side of the chest with a B95, but only saw that it does 500 health damage. Implying he didn't click respawn as it appeared with: "You are unconscious", should he have lived? Is there a table with this on it? How do I get each of the "good" statuses? Healthy / energised...All I know is that you spam the middle click on a pond and you get "Hydrated" pretty quick.
  11. dulix11

    Zombies are too hard (defending my opinion)

    Well, what about the melee weapons. You seem to all be focusing on fists. I don't know about you, but a hit from a blunt weapon like a baseball bat / crowbar / wrench / shovel / pitchfork / gardening hoe would hurt pretty damn bad, even if it wasn't in a vital area. Bladed weapons like the axes / machetes and knifes, should all be 1 - 2 hit kills. There needs to be a locational damage system on the zombies. Severe blow to the arms: attacks do next to nothing. Severe blow to legs: they crawl on the ground. Also, I want to see some gore dammit. Blood pools under corpses, dismemberment, blood spraying out from wounds and not the pink clouds of "blood"...this is an apocalypse not Pokemon.
  12. dulix11

    What do you do when you're under siege?

    I was stuck inside the little jail cell at the NEAF in the jail closest to the hangars. All I had was a B95 and two shots in it. Guy fired at me a lot of times with his SKS, missed every time. I just waited in prone until he ran past, I fired at hit him in the side, killed him. I waited there for a little longer incase he had a buddy, but he never came. I usually just wait it out. Most people I get into fights with end up trying to rush me anyway. They're always the first to move.
  13. dulix11

    Russian dictionary?

    Perhaps a Russian - English dictionary so when you are lost and don't know where you are, you can easily find where you are. Or, better yet, have the Russian names on the map. The covers of the damn thing are in Russian, but the towns and cities are in English!
  14. I'm curious to see, so many threads everyday about "rockett staeled my monieezz!!!11!!1!1" How many of you regret buying the SA, and how many of you don't?
  15. dulix11

    Third Person Fix

    Hello, I made a topic about this a while ago, but decided to remake one for all of the newcomers who have joined since the release of the SA. Third person is usually used to exploit the game by using free look to peek around corners and walls. FIX: Make anything that you can interact with, invisible. Loot, zombies, players etc are invisible unless your character has it in his/her FoV. That way, the only way you will be able to see other players / loot / zombies is to be facing them directly. Discuss.
  16. Winchester Model 1895 Lever action rifle. I hope to see some in the SA.
  17. dulix11

    ATTN DEVS: Interrupt Animations

    I CANT SUPPORT THIS ENOUGH Look around - no zombies, no players. Open can of tuna and zombies glitches through the wall. Now you have to sit there and take a few hits before being able to run away.
  18. dulix11

    Whats a good pc?

    http://pcpartpicker.com/p/33eFH This should play pretty much anything you throw at it, and there is still loads of room to change and modify things.
  19. dulix11

    Are you kidding me?

    The problem is, most people have the sense to realize the game isn't finished, and log out on the stable ground. They will fix these issues, eventually. Just because you lost your gun and loot doesn't mean they should change plan and fix the spawning.
  20. dulix11

    Mods help?

    Did you buy a hardcopy or did you buy it from Steam? Make sure you run ArmA II / OA at least once before you run DayZ. ArmA II Operation Arrowhead should be at version 1.62 to play.
  21. dulix11

    Whats a good pc?

    They aren't as focused on games as they are focused on the computers themselves. I think Tomshardware is more for your technical questions rather than "can this run DayZ?"
  22. dulix11

    What is your favorite item and why?

    Powdered Milk. Backpack full of powdered milk = near infinite supply of food.
  23. dulix11

    How am I desyncing when I'm the only one on the server

    I thought rocket explained the desync problem in the devblog? The game is spamming loads of information, for instance when you pick up an item, the game doesn't know if the server got the information, so it spams the shit out of it JUST TO BE SURE. I think that's what the problem is. They will (hopefully) fix it in the next update, the game will only send 1 piece of information, instead of 1000000000000.
  24. dulix11

    DayZ is pixelated

    I see a picture of the Steam overlay, not much to see there. The BiS logo at the start is very pixelated for me, but the game is fine.
  25. dulix11

    Post your PC specs, in game settings and FPS here

    3570k @ 4.0GHz, 8gb ram 1600mhz, GeFroce 650 1gb, ASRock Z77M. Objects: Normal Terrain: Very High Clouds: Low Shadows: High Texture Detail: Normal Resolution: 1600x900 Rendering Resolution: 1400x784 AA and PPE disabled 20 - 30 fps in cities, 30 - 40 outside of them.